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研究生: 黃聖淵
Sheng-Yun Huang
論文名稱: 台北粉土質黏土之正規化不排水剪力強度及勁度參數研究
A Study of the Parameters of Normalized Undrained Shear Strength and Stiffness of Taipei Silty Clay
指導教授: 歐章煜
Chang-Yu, Ou
口試委員: 謝百鈎
Pio-Go, Hsieh
Kuo-Hsin, Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 198
中文關鍵詞: 台北粉土質黏土不排水三軸試驗不排水剪力強度不排水勁度參數正規化
外文關鍵詞: Taipei silty clay, Undrained triaxial test, Undrained shear strength, Undrained stiffness parameters, Normalized
相關次數: 點閱:499下載:42
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For diminishing the influence of swelling during saturation in the triaxial test, the difference between cell pressure and back pressure should be equal to the residual effective stress of soil sample. According to the literatures, the stiffness of soil reduced if the swelling during saturation occurred. In order to ascertain more realistic soil parameters, the K0 consolidated undrained triaxial compression and extension (CK0U_AC, CK0U_AE) test with three unloading-reloading steps were performed. One set of test consist of three different vertical consolidation stress (σ'vc). In this study, the normalized undrained shear strength and stiffness parameters of normally consolidated Taipei silty clay were investigated such as Su/σ'vc, Eui/σ'vc, Eu50/σ'vc, Eur/σ'vc, Eui/Su, Eu50/Su and Eur/Su. The experimental results of CK0U_AC and CK0U_AE showed the value of Eui/σ'vc was close to each other with range from 527 to 572. The value of Eur/σ'vc of CK0U_AC and CK0U_AE was also similar when the stress level was almost the same. Thus, the Eur seemed that has the normalized beha-vior to σ'vc. The average of Eui/Su and Eur/Su on the CK0U_AC test were 1816 and 281 respectively.

中文摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機與目的 1.2 研究內容 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1 殘餘有效應力(Residual effective stress) 2.2 飽和膨脹對土壤行為的影響 2.3 土壤正規化行為 2.3.1 土壤正規化行為 2.3.2 台北粉土質黏土之正規化行為相關研究 2.4 試驗數據之修正方式 第三章 試驗計畫、設備與試驗方法 3.1 試驗計畫 3.2 土樣來源 3.3 全自動三軸儀器設備 3.3.1 軸向加壓系統 3.3.2 壓力控制系統 3.3.3 局部位移之監測 3.3.4 三軸監測裝置 3.3.5 試體準備之相關配件 3.3.6 試驗監測儀器之校正 3.4 試驗方法與內容 3.4.1 試驗之參考規範 3.4.2 三軸K0壓密不排水受剪試驗(CK0U Test) 3.5 試驗結果之計算與修飾 3.5.1 試驗結果之計算 3.5.2 受剪試驗結果之修飾 第四章 試驗結果及探討 4.1 試驗土體基本資料 4.2 土壤破壞及土壤相關參數之選定 4.3 三軸試驗之飽和階段 4.4 三軸試驗之K0壓密階段 4.5 三軸不排水受剪階段之數據修飾 4.5.1 離群數據之剔除 4.5.2 移動平均法(Moving average) 4.5.3 最初應變段修正 4.6 三軸試驗之不排水受剪階段 4.6.1 CK0U_AC(UR) 4.6.2 CK0U_AE(RU) 4.6.3 D.D. motor與LVDT所得數據之綜合討論 4.7 正規化不排水土壤強度及勁度參數之比較 4.7.1 土壤強度之正規化比較 4.7.2 不排水土壤勁度之正規化比較 4.7.3 正規化土壤強度及勁度之綜合討論 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 結論 5.2 建議 參考文獻

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