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研究生: 張敬昌
Ching-Chang Chang
論文名稱: 低降伏強度鋼接合板之耐震行為
Seismic Resistant Behavior of Low Yield Point Steel Gusset Plate
指導教授: 陳生金
Sheng-Jin Chen
口試委員: 陳舜田
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 240
中文關鍵詞: 斜撐構架接合板低降伏強度鋼獨立側向位移束制裝置槽型束制裝置耐震設計
外文關鍵詞: Braced frame, Gusset plate, Low yield point steel, Independent lateral deformation restraining devi, Slot-type Restrainer, Seismic resistant design
相關次數: 點閱:364下載:13
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Concentrically braced frames have been used widely in the seismic-resistant design of steel building structures. During earthquake excitation, the braces of the concentrically braced frame are subjected to recursive tensile and compressive forces. The compressive strength of the brace is usually less than its tensile strength because of the buckling of the brace, and this may degenerate the seismic resistance capacity of the braced frame. In this reported research, an alternative design concept that adopts the weak gusset plate–strong brace is examined. The gusset plate is designed to yield prior to the buckling of the brace. Low yield point (LYP) steel is selected for the gusset plate. The LYP steel possesses low yield strength and high elongation capacity. A series of analytical and experimental studies were carried out to examine the LYP steel gusset plates under monotonic and cyclic loads respectively. The LYP steel gusset plates exhibit better hysterisis characteristics than traditional gussets. Slot-Type restrainer is a kind of independent lateral deformation restraining devices invented by the author. It is found that adding slot-type restrainers (STR) to the LYP steel gusset plate greatly enhances the seismic resistance of the gusset plate. The proposed LYP steel gusset plate with an STR is able to provide similar strengths under tensile and compressive loads. The energy dissipation capacity of the gusset plate is also increased substantially. Based on this study, suggestions are made for the design of LYP gusset plates. Besides, the compressive strength and deformation capacity of the gusset plates with STR devices are much higher and more reliable than that of the traditional gussets, the STR can be also applied to the gusset plate of BRB to prevent unexpected connection failure mode.

摘要 viii ABSTRACT x 誌謝 xii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 4 1.3 文獻回顧 6 (A)Whitmore 7 (B)Astaneh-Asl, Goel and Hanson 7 (C)Thornton 9 (D)Bjorhovde and Chakrabarti 9 (E)Cheng et al. 10 (F)Roeder et al. 14 (G)Works on LYP Gusset Plate 18 1.4 研究方法與內容 20 第二章 特殊同心斜撐構架系統 23 2.1 前言 23 2.2 特殊同心斜撐設計之規範需求 23 2.3 特殊同心斜撐設計之強度規劃 31 2.4 低降伏鋼弱接合板之設計考量 35 2.4.1 低降伏鋼基本性質 35 2.4.2 低降伏鋼弱接合板之耐震設計考量 37 第三章 接合板有限元素分析 39 3.1 分析使用軟體 39 3.2 有限元素分析模型 41 3.2.1 基本幾何模型 41 3.2.2 初始變位設定 49 3.2.3 節點載重(變形)設定 50 3.2.4 等值應力應變評估指標 51 3.2.5 分析模型標稱強度 55 3.3 分析結果 57 3.3.1 A572 Gr.50與LYP 100接合板之分析比較 57 3.3.2 不同加勁形式接合板之分析比較 63 3.3.3 槽型束制裝置分析結果 65 3.3.4 不同尺寸與斜撐接合角度之接合板分析結果 66 3.4 分析結論 67 第四章 反復載重試驗 71 4.1 概論 71 4.2 試體設計 71 4.2.1 試體尺寸規劃 71 4.2.2 試體設計強度 74 4.3 試驗裝置 79 4.4 輔助量測裝置與資料收集系統 80 4.4.1 輔助量測裝置 80 4.4.2 資料擷取系統 80 4.4.3 載重位移歷時 81 4.5 接合板試驗結果 82 4.5.1 試體E8t 82 4.5.2 試體E6t 83 4.5.3 試體E4t 84 4.5.4 試體E2t 85 4.5.5 試體E0t 85 4.5.6 試體E8tS1 86 4.5.7 試體E8tSTR_LYP 87 4.5.8 試體E8tSTR_DP 88 4.5.9 試體E8tSTR 88 4.5.10 試體E6tSTR 89 4.5.11 試體E4tSTR 90 4.5.12 試體E2tSTR 91 4.6 試驗結果討論 92 4.6.1 破壞模式 92 4.6.2 未加勁接合板試驗結果比較 95 4.6.3 E8t加勁、設置槽型束制(STR)前後比較 99 4.6.4 設置槽型束制(STR)前後比較 103 第五章 低降伏鋼接合板設計建議 105 5.1 彈性設計階段 105 5.2 耐震設計階段 107 5.3 槽形束制裝置之設計建議 111 第六章 結論與建議 114 6.1 結論 114 6.2 建議 119 參考文獻 120 作者簡歷 209

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