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研究生: Quoc-Phong Pham
Quoc-Phong Pham
論文名稱: Study on Diamond Dressing for Non-Uniformity of Pad Surface Topography in CMP Process
Study on Diamond Dressing for Non-Uniformity of Pad Surface Topography in CMP Process
指導教授: 陳炤彰
Chao-Chang Chen
口試委員: 林榮慶
Zone-Ching Lin
Chao-Chang Chen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 162
中文關鍵詞: 鑽石修整拋光墊移除率運動模型力量模型化學機械平坦化拋光
外文關鍵詞: Diamond dressing, Pad cutting rate, Kinematic model, Force model, Chemical Mechanical Polishing, CMP
相關次數: 點閱:432下載:18
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  • 化學機械平坦化/拋光(CMP)製程已被廣泛用於製造積體電路(IC)。為了使製造IC的成本降低,晶圓的尺寸越來越大,CMP製程就需要使用夠大的拋光墊。較大的拋光墊尺寸會導致在CMP製程中,拋光墊表面形貌均勻性的控制問題。因此,需要開發鑽石修整器技術以保持拋光墊的形貌。本研究,鑽石顆粒、拋光墊表面形貌的變化和在修整時的鑽石顆粒的運動學及鑽石的反作用力的相關因素。探討鑽石修整的運動模型來預測拋光墊移除率(PCR)及拋光墊表面粗糙度,也開發了鑽石顆粒的反作用力模型。在運動模型中找到了修整器與拋光墊的轉速比。模擬拋光墊移除率(PCR)的非均勻度,拋光墊與修整器之間的切削軌跡分布、鑽石顆粒在拋光墊上的相對速度和接觸時間為重要的因素。交叉的切削模型也被開發來評估拋光墊表面粗糙度的分布。實驗結果顯示,修整的痕跡、拋光墊移除率(PCR)及表面粗糙度與模擬的趨勢一致,拋光墊最終的表面皆為凹狀。除此之外,反作用力模型研究基於幾何參數及鑽石顆粒刮削拋光墊表面時的運動情況。最後藉由滑痕的方向來估計鑽石顆粒表面反作用力分布。 本研究結果可以應用於CMP製成的拋光墊鑽石修整,此外也可延伸到設計鑽石修整器,並研究在半導體產業上最佳的鑽石修整製程

    Chemical Mechanical Planarization/Polishing (CMP) process has been widely applied on fabricating integrated circuits (IC). To achieve the tight specification in IC manufacture, the CMP process needs a polishing pad in control a uniformity of pad surface topography. Therefore, a diamond dressing technique needs to be developed to remain the polishing pad topography. This dissertation aims to investigate related factors between diamond grit and pad surface for the changing in the topography of pad surface including kinematic of diamond grit and reaction forces on diamond grit. A kinematic model of diamond dressing has been developed to predict the pad cutting rate (PCR) profile and pad surface roughness. In the kinematic model, the rotational speed ratio between the dresser and the pad has been found. The cutting locus distribution, relative velocity of grits on a pad surface and contact time between pad element and dresser have been described by simulations as significant factors for non-uniformity of PCR. The model of overlap cutting has also been developed to evaluate the distribution of pad surface roughness. Experimental results show that the dressing marks, PCR, and pad roughness follow the same trend as obtained by simulation. The final pad surface is caused as a concave under experimental current set-up of conditions. Besides that, the reaction force model from pad to diamond grit has been investigated based on geometric parameters and motions of diamond grit while scratching the pad surface. Finally, distribution of reaction forces on diamond grit can be estimated under effects of scratching direction of diamond grit and then compared with experimental data. Results of this study can be applied on diamond dressing of pads used in CMP and furthermore can be extended to design diamond dresser and investigate an optimal diamond dressing process for semiconductor fabrication

    Table of contents 摘要 iii Abstract iv Acknowledgement v Table of contents vi List of Figures ix List of Tables xiv Nomenclature xv Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Research objectives and scope 2 1.3 Framework and contribution of the chapters 2 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Role of diamond dressing in CMP process 6 2.2 Major components in diamond dressing process 7 2.2.1 Polishing pad 7 2.2.2 Diamond dresser 9 2.2.3 Dresser arm 12 2.3 Critical issues input of diamond dressing process 12 2.3.1 Relative velocity 12 2.3.2 Contact area 14 2.3.3 Contact pressure 15 2.4 Major process outputs in diamond dressing 17 2.4.1 Pad cutting rate 17 2.4.2 Pad surface roughness 19 2.5 Summary of literature review 21 Chapter 3 KINEMATIC MODELING OF DIAMOND DRESSING 25 3.1 Introduction of kinematic model 25 3.2 Geometric model for diamond dressing 26 3.3 Motion of a dresser on pad surface 28 3.4 Speed ratio between diamond dresser and polishing pad 31 3.5 Cutting locus of diamond grit on pad surface 35 3.6 Velocity of diamond grit on pad surface 35 3.7 Distribution of contact time between pad and dresser surface 41 3.7.1 Sliding angle distribution 41 3.7.2 Contact time distribution 44 3.8 Simulation of pad cutting rate 45 3.9 Experimental results and discussions of pad cutting rate 48 3.10 Summary of Chapter 3 55 Chapter 4 OVERLAP CUTTING AND PAD ROUGHNESS IN DIAMOND DRESSING 56 4.1 Introduction model of PCR and overlap cutting 56 4.2 Distribution of cutting length and pad cutting rate 57 4.3 Relation of overlap cutting and surface roughness 60 4.4 Simulation of pad cutting rate and overlap point 65 4.5 Experimental results and discussion of overlap cutting 74 4.6 Summary of Chapter 4 85 Chapter 5 MODEL OF REACTION FORCES ON DIAMOND GRIT IN DIAMOND DRESSING 86 5.1 Introduction of reaction forces in diamond dressing 86 5.2 Theoretical analysis 88 5.2.1 Pyramid geometry of diamond grit 88 5.2.2 Analysis of contact area 90 5.2.3 Reaction forces in diamond dressing 93 5.2.4 Simulation reaction force vs. machined depth 96 5.3 Experiment of reaction forces on K-Pad 98 5.3.1 Material preparation 98 5.3.2 Experimental set up of diamond dressing on K-Pad 99 5.4 Experimental results and analysis of reaction forces 101 5.4.1 Machined depth on the pad 107 5.4.2 Comparison between theoretical prediction and experiment results 111 5.5 Summary of Chapter 5 113 Chapter 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 114 6.1 Conclusion 114 6.2 Recommendation 115 References 116 Appendix A Configuration and parameters of tools 131 Appendix B Equations of indented depth distribution 132 Appendix C Matlab programing for PCR 134 Appendix D Experimental data of PCR 140 Biography of Author 146

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