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研究生: 蘇志倫
Jhih-lun Su
論文名稱: 無線通訊雙頻天線的設計和應用
Design and Application of Dual Band Antenna for Wireless Communication
指導教授: 張勝良
Sheng-lyang Jang
口試委員: 趙良君
Lyang-jiun Jau
Jeng-guang Liou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 功率放大器F型天線微帶天線天線
外文關鍵詞: power amplifier, F shape antenna, Microstrip line antenna, antenna
相關次數: 點閱:554下載:4
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  • 本論文主要有兩各部份,第一部份是使用模擬軟體IE3D來探討有關平板天線的各項特性,並且利用板材FR4設計製作一個雙頻F型天線,且利用全波暗室實際測量天線場型。這些天線藉由印刷基版的技術使天線有輕薄短小易整合的優點,製作上也相當方便。我們共模擬4種天線,分別是基本平板天線、堆疊高增益天線、小型平面倒F天線以及雙頻F型天線。第二部份是利用雙頻F型天線和功率放大器測試板連接的實驗,來實際看天線的應用面並觀測收發系統功率的變化。功率放大器與天線間使用共軛匹配電路以達最大輸出功率,讓電波信號藉由天線發射出去,可達到最佳的結果。

    This thesis is mainly composed of two topics. The first part is to use simulation software IE3D to research into every characteristic about patch antenna, and use FR4 to design a dual band F shape antenna. We utilize the anechoic chamber to measure the pattern of antenna actually. We simulate four kinds of patch antennas which are basic rectangular patch antenna, stackinging high gain antenna, small PIFA and dual band F-shape antenna. The second part is the experiment where we utilize a dual band F-shape antenna to connect power amplifier test board with the antenna and we can observe the change of the receiving and transmitting system power actually. We use the conjugate matching circuit in order to reach the maximum output power between power amplifier and antenna to let the electric wave signal is transmitted out with the antenna; it can reach the best result.

    Contents Abstract (Chinese)..........................................................................................................i Abstract (English)..........................................................................................................ii Acknowledgement (Chinese)...................................................................................iii Contents………………………………………………………………………….…...iv List of Figures...............................................................................................................vi List of Tables................................................................................................................ix Chapter 1 Introduction...................................................................................................1 1.1 Background......................................................................................................1 1.2 Introduction of 2.4GHz WLAN Communication System...............................2 1.2.1 Bluetooth............................................................................................2 1.2.2 IEEE 802.11.......................................................................................3 1.3 Thesis Outline…………..................................................................................4 Chapter 2 Antenna Theory.............................................................................................5 2.1 Overview of Antennas.....................................................................................5 2.2 Microstrip Antenna Theory..............................................................................6 2.2.1 Microstrip Antenna Feed Method.......................................................11 2.2.2 Microstrip Antenna Bandwidth...........................................................13 2.3 Monopole Antenna Theory............................................................................15 2.3.1 Dipole Antenna...................................................................................15 2.3.2 Image Theory......................................................................................16 2.3.3 Evolution of Monopole Antenna........................................................19 2.4 Design of F-shape Antenna............................................................................21 2.4.1 Inverted L Antenna (ILA) and Inverted F Antenna (IFA)..................21 2.4.2 Planar Inverted F Antenna (PIFA)......................................................23 Chapter 3 Design and Fabrication of Antennas...........................................................28 3.1 Design of Patch Antenna...............................................................................28 3.1.1 Fabrication of Patch Antenna..............................................................30 3.1.2 Measurement of Patch Antenna..........................................................31 3.2 Design of Stacking High Gain Antenna.........................................................37 3.2.1 Simulation and Analysis of Stacking High Gain Antenna..................38 3.3 Design of Small PIFA....................................................................................42 3.3.1 Simulation and Analysis of Small PIFA.............................................43 3.4 Design of Dual Band F-Shape Antenna.........................................................47 3.4.1 F-Shape Monopole Antenna...............................................................44 3.4.1-1 Fabrication of F-shape Monopole Antenna.............................49 3.4.1-2 Results of F-shape Monopole Antenna...................................50 3.4.2 Dual Band Small F-shape Monopole Antenna...................................51 3.4.2-1 Results of Small F-shape Monopole Antenna (SFA)..............55 3.5 Conclusions of Antennas...............................................................................59 Chapter 4 Application of Antennas..............................................................................62 4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................62 4.2 RF Power Amplifier.......................................................................................62 4.2.1 Class A and Linear Amplifiers...........................................................63 4.2.2 Conjugate Match and Load Line Match.............................................64 4.2.3 Gain Match and Power Match............................................................66 4.3 Specifications of Power Amplifier and Measuring System...........................68 4.4 Measurement of Power Amplifier and Antenna............................................72 Chapter 5 Conclusion...................................................................................................82 Reference…………………………………………………………………………….84


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