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研究生: 羅濟緯
Chi-Wei Lo
論文名稱: 儲能系統熱模流場管理計算和電池組數值分析之研究
Thermal mode flow field management calculation of energy storage system and research on numerical analysis of battery packs
指導教授: 郭俞麟
Yu-Lin Kuo
口試委員: 郭鴻飛
Hung-Fei Kuo
Hsiu-Yang Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞: 電池儲能系統再生能源散熱儲能櫃鋰電池有限元素分析電化學通風科技設計構想
外文關鍵詞: BESS, energy storage cabinet, design conception of ventilation
相關次數: 點閱:594下載:0
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In today’s society with rapid technological progress, energy and economy are an important source of the development foundation of various countries. The transition from traditional energy to a low-carbon economy has become a crucial part, especially based on wind energy and solar energy, which are common in renewable energy, the usage increased significantly. However, because renewable energy is limited by factors such as latitude, duration of illumination, and whether the climate is good, it cannot generate stable electricity. In the distribution network for several years. It improves operational efficiency and reduces the expenditure cost of upgrading the distribution network. The introduction of the battery energy storage system in this study can improve the power quality and other issues. Since the battery will generate waste heat during operation, the temperature of the battery will increase. Without proper heat dissipation, batteries are prone to overheating, resulting in damage or shortened life. Therefore, forced convection is used in the system, and computer simulation is required to calculate the effect of different heat dissipation methods on the temperature of internal components. The numerical simulation will be carried out by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) through Comsol’s electrochemical analysis and battery simulation and heat transfer modules. The results will provide the internal velocity field, temperature field and convective heat transfer coefficient as a reference to check the quality of different heat dissipation methods.

CONTENTS ChineseAbstract...................................i Abstract........................................iii Acknowledgements..................................v Supplementarymovies................................vi Contents........................................vii Nomenclatures....................................x ListofTables.....................................xix ListofFigures.....................................xix 1INTRODUCTION1 1.1Motivation....................................1 1.2Literaturereview................................3 1.3Objectives....................................11 1.4Synopsis.....................................13 2MATHEMATICALFORMULAEANDNUMERICALMETHOD14 2.1RelatedEquations...............................16 2.1.1Conjugateheattransfer........................16 2.1.2AbrieftalkaboutLESGoverningequationsandthepredictioncorrectionDFIBmethods.......................18 2.1.3Liftanddragcalculation........................19 2.2Numericalmethods...............................20 2.2.1ThermalEffect.............................20 2.3Boundaryandinitialcondition.........................21 2.3.1Study1.................................22 2.3.2Study2.................................22 2.3.3Study3.................................23 2.4Computationaldomainandcomputingresource...............24 2.4.1Study1.................................24 2.4.2Study2.................................25 2.4.3Study3.................................26 2.5Numericalmodels................................26 2.5.1Study1.................................27 2.5.2Study2.................................28 2.5.3Study3.................................29 2.6Gridcomparisonacross3studies........................30 3RESULTSANDDISCUSSION32 3.1Describetheinterfacefeaturesofthebatterypackapplicationdesign....33 3.2BrieflydiscussBESSmodelinternaldesignevaluationandideas......34 3.3Brieflydiscusstheinternaldesignspecificationsandparametersofthebatterypack.....................................38 4CONCLUSIONSANDFUTUREWORKS43 4.1Conclusions...................................43 4.2Futureworks..................................46 BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................49 APPENDIX......................................94 AUseasimplifiedsemicircleasaheatsourceinafixedchannelinCOMSOL98 CURRICULUMVITAE...............................99

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