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研究生: 何城坤
Seng-Kuan Ho
論文名稱: 跟隨機器人-基於人臉識別模塊
The people-following robot - based on face recognition modules
指導教授: 李敏凡
Min-Fan Lee
口試委員: 李敏凡
Min-Fan Ricky Lee
Kuen-Tsair Lay
Cheng-Hao Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 模糊控制人機交互電腦視覺人臉識別深度學習
外文關鍵詞: Fuzzy Control, Human - machine interaction, Computer vision, Face Recognition, Deep Learning
相關次數: 點閱:869下載:3
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在本文介紹了一個基於人臉識別模塊的跟踪機器人。其中包括三個模塊分別說明:近年來,隨著科學技術的飛速發展,圖像技術正變得越來越成熟,用於圖像處理,圖像控制;計算機視覺是近年來許多人的研究課題。本文主要使用微軟Kinect V2相機開發的產品進行人機交互。在不使用任何其他傳感器的情況下,使用手勢來控制移動機器人執行命令,以使移動機器人跟隨人的動作。結果表明,移動機器人可以有效地接收姿勢動作來執行命令,並且可以準確地追踪人。
在一般的人臉識別中,經常遇到一些外界因素,比如那種情況人臉不是面向相機,角度過大,識別精度低,系統無法識別。本文分為三部分:1,採用多特徵點算法採集樣本,隨機改變模塊的對比度和亮度,增加樣本的多樣性。 2.卷積神經網絡訓練模型可以讓系統記住我的臉部特徵數據。 3.驗證模型。實驗結果表明,使用多特徵點算法可以提高人臉在不同角度的識別率,而在使用較小數據集的情況下,該方法可以成功識別人臉。

This article describes a following robot based on face recognition modules. This includes three modules that are illustrated in recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology. Image technology is becoming more and more mature, for image processing, image control; computer vision is the research subject of many people in recent years. This article is main using the product developed by Microsoft Kinect V2 camera for human-machine interaction. Without using any other sensors, the user use gestures to control the mobile robot to execute the command, so that the mobile robot is follow the people action. The result indicates that the mobile robot can effectively receive the gesture action to execution the command, and can accurately follow people.
In addition to the rise of deep learning in recent years, the application of deep learning has been increasing. This paper uses deep learning to strengthen the judgment of the characters. The method used is divide into four parts: (a) Use the Haar-like feature algorithm to find out the face that has been judge. (b) Collect face samples from the screen. (c) The collected samples were classifier and trained using the Adaptive boosting cascading classifier. (d) Verification of training model. The experimental results prove that the system can correctly determine the personnel in real time and have a good effect.
In general face recognition, some external factors are often encountered, such as the case that the face is not facing the camera, the angle is too large, the recognition accuracy is low, and the system cannot identify. This paper is divided into three parts: 1. Use multi-feature point algorithm to collect samples and randomly change the contrast and brightness of the module to increase sample diversity. 2. Convolutional Neural Network training model can let the system remember my face features data. 3. Validation model. The experimental results show that using multi-feature point algorithm can improve the recognition of face in different angles, and in the case of using smaller data sets, this method can identify human faces.

ABSTRACT I 中文摘要 III Acknowledgments IV Table of Contents V List of Figures VII List of Tables XI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 System based on Kinect V2 gesture recognition and tracking of mobile robot 1 1.2 Personnel determination based on learning method 3 1.3 Learning face recognition based on convolutional neural network 5 Chapter 2 Methodology 7 2.1 System based on Kinect V2 gesture recognition and tracking of mobile robot 7 2.2 Personnel determination based on learning method 20 2.3 Learning face recognition based on convolutional neural network 27 Chapter 3 Result 34 3.1 System based on Kinect V2 gesture recognition and tracking of mobile robot 34 3.2 Personnel determination based on learning method 48 3.3 Learning face recognition based on convolutional neural network 53 Chapter 4 Discussion 61 4.1 System based on Kinect V2 gesture recognition and tracking of mobile robot 61 4.2 Personnel determination based on learning method 63 4.3 Learning face recognition based on convolutional neural network 64 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 67 5.1 Conclusion 67 5.2 Future work 69 Reference 71

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