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研究生: 古昊中
Hao-Chung Ku
論文名稱: 具目標導向擬人化學習之物聯網廣域監控
Goal-driven Anthropomorphic Learning for IoT-enabled Wide-area Monitoring
指導教授: 陸敬互
Ching-Hu Lu
口試委員: 廖峻鋒
Chun-Feng Liao
Sheng-Luen Chung
Shang-Pin Ma
Shun-Feng Su
Ching-Hu Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 擬人化學習自我調整學習特徵濾除關鍵影格偵測區塊鏈智慧合約邊緣運算物聯網
外文關鍵詞: anthropomorphic learning, self-regulated learning, feature filtering, key frame detection, blockchain, smart contract, edge computing, Internet of Things
相關次數: 點閱:813下載:0
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  • 隨著物聯網時代的興起,大量具邊緣運算能力的攝影機 (本研究稱為邊緣攝影機)於廣域監控已逐漸廣泛提供串流影像之即時處理,並具有擬人化的自我評估與決策的應用。因此,機器學習與自動化功能結合邊緣運算之相關研究議題也更受重視。然而,邊緣攝影機在既有的擬人化廣域監控上,在輸入串流影像的隱私即時處理上未能依照不同使用者所顧慮的特徵提供客製化之影像濾除來給予隱私保護,同時也無法避免原始影像資訊遭受破壞。其次,當串流影像即時偵測產生概念漂移時,偵測模型通常未能偵測具有重要以及代表性之關鍵影像,導致既有暫存之影像代表性不足且占用儲存資源。最後,在根據偵測結果提供服務時,系統未考量多位使用者間如何協商來自動分配資源,以確保每位使用者的服務品質得以持續維持。因此,針對上述問題,本研究在自我調整學習的框架上提出對應的技術與解決方案。首先,在上述未依不同使用者客製化顧慮特徵濾除問題上,本研究提出「基於生成對抗模型之客製化影像顧慮特徵濾除」,其藉由生成對抗網路將使用者所顧慮之特徵進行訓練,並根據不同任務之需求,動態地配置對應之特徵濾除模型,以降低顧慮特徵資訊遭受其他辨識系統偵測之風險。其次,針對上述未能偵測概念飄移之關鍵影像問題,本研究提出「基於關鍵影格之模型即時調適」,針對模型偵測串流影像概念飄移之結果,藉由影像相似度保留關鍵影像,使邊緣攝影機所需之影像暫存空間得以減少,並且增加調適之效率。最後,針對上述未考量多位使用者服務品質確保問題,本研究提出「基於智慧合約之可磋商服務品質確保」,其結合區塊鏈的智慧合約提供自動磋商程序,並且根據磋商結果,於服務期間在邊緣攝影機進行自主資源管理。實驗結果顯示,「基於生成對抗模型之客製化影像顧慮特徵濾除」在本研究濾除膚色與性別特徵的情境下,生成影像在顧慮特徵的對抗成效能可以平均提升24.26%,藉此可以避免顧慮特徵遭受辨識,導致與學習目標衝突。而「基於關鍵影格之模型即時調適」可在損失小於2%辨識準確率情況下,加速52%模型整體調適時間,以及節省54.7%邊緣攝影機所需之暫存空間。最後,「基於智慧合約之可磋商服務品質確保」,本研究設計了示範應用,透過智慧合約與使用者進行服務磋商,並擔任服務提供期間的品質監控與監督角色,有效降低服務提供者的執行與維護負擔,在兼顧雙方效益下確保服務品質。

    With the rise of the Internet of Things, a large number of IoT-enabled cameras (one with the ability to leverage edge intelligence, hereafter referred to edge camera) have widely provided real-time processing of streaming images. Now, they have anthropomorphic self-evaluation and decision support in wide-area monitoring, so machine learning and system automation incorporating edge computing have attracted increasing attention. However, in previous studies on anthropomorphic wide-area monitoring, the edge cameras cannot effectively filter out the concerned features in streaming images based on different user requirements to provide privacy protection. Next, when any concept drift occurs, the detection models cannot efficiently detect important and representative images to save storage space. Finally, when providing services based on the detection results, the systems did not consider how to negotiate and maintain quality of service (QoS) for multiple users via autonomous adjustment. To address above issues, our study proposes corresponding technologies and solutions based on the self-regulated learning framework. To address these three problem, our study first proposes GAN (generative adversarial network)-based customized concerned feature filtering to screen out user’s concerned features via dynamically deployed models according to different user requirements. Next, our study proposes key-frame-oriented model adaptation by detecting the similarity among images, so the demand of image storage on an edge camera can be effectively reduced meanwhile improving adaptation efficiency. Finally, our study proposes smart-contract-based negotiable QoS insurance to incorporate smart contract on a blockchain to provide negotiation procedures, which then triggers autonomous resource management on the edge camera based on the negotiation results. The experimental results show that the customized concerned feature filtering for skin color and gender features can improve the adversarial effect of concerned features by 24.26% on average, thus avoiding the recognition results deviating from the learning goal. The key-frame-oriented model adaptation can accelerate the overall adjustment time by 52% and save the required storage space by 54.7% at the cost of only compromising precision 2% at most. Finally, a real-life scenario has been implemented to demonstrate smart-contract-based negotiable QoS insurance. The smart contract serves as an agent to negotiate with users, and it also plays the role of QoS monitoring and insurance during service provisioning, thus effectively greatly reducing human interventions for service providers and and customers.

    中文摘要 i Abstract iii 致謝 v 第一章 簡介 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 文獻探討 6 1.2.1 問題一:未依使用者客製化顧慮濾除之處理方針 7 1.2.2 問題二:未能有效偵測概念飄移之關鍵影格 10 1.2.3 問題三:制式化資源分配無法確保服務品質 11 1.3 本研究貢獻與文章架構 14 第二章 整體系統架構簡介 16 2.1 系統應用情境 16 2.2 系統架構流程 18 第三章 基於生成對抗模型之客製化影像顧慮特徵濾除 20 3.1 決定學習目標 20 3.2 特徵對抗模型訓練 20 3.2.1 模型訓練設計 20 3.2.2 模型訓練損失之評估 22 3.3 建立目標匹配模型 23 3.3.1 設定顧慮議題 23 3.3.2 查詢知識庫 24 3.3.3 建立本體論關係網路 25 3.3.4 計算議題與標籤關聯性 26 第四章 基於關鍵影格之模型即時調適 28 4.1 辨識模型訓練 28 4.2 專家模型之選擇 30 4.3 偵測關鍵影像 31 4.4 後設認知學習策略 32 4.4.1 學什麼 33 4.4.2 何時學 34 4.4.3 如何學 34 第五章 基於智慧合約之可磋商服務品質確保 37 5.1 磋商階段 39 5.2 系統監控階段 40 第六章 實驗結果與討論 42 6.1 基於生成對抗模型之客製化影像顧慮特徵濾除 42 6.1.1 特徵對抗模型實驗 42 6.1.2 特徵對抗模型實驗討論 46 6.1.3 目標比對模型實驗 48 6.1.4 目標比對模型實驗討論 51 6.2 基於關鍵影格之模型即時調適 51 6.2.1 關鍵影格偵測實驗 52 6.2.2 關鍵影格偵測實驗討論 57 6.2.3 模型訓練控制實驗 58 6.2.4 模型訓練控制實驗討論 61 6.3 基於智慧合約之可磋商服務品質確保 62 第七章 結論與未來規劃 65 參考文獻 67 口試委員之建議與回覆 71

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