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研究生: 王幸子
Sing-Zih Wang
論文名稱: 單一通道與雙通道回收之閉鎖式供應鏈管理
Closed-Loop Supply Chain Models with Single and Dual Channel to Collect Used Products
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 洪大為
Ta-Wei Hung
Ruey-Huei Yeh
Cheng-Kang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 閉鎖式供應鏈回收雙通道再製Stackelberg gameNash game
外文關鍵詞: Closed-loop supply chain, Stackelberg game, Nash game, Recycling, Dual channel, Remanufacturer
相關次數: 點閱:447下載:2
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本論文建置三個雙銷售通道、單一回收通道及三個雙銷售雙回收通道的閉鎖式供應鏈,探討在不同的模型下會如何影響供應鏈的成員的決策。透過數學模型的建置,尋找供應鏈成員們的最大化利潤及決策變數的關係。本篇論文與文獻中最大的不同在於:在供應鏈中,我們採用的模型是雙銷售通道在單一回收通道與雙銷售通道在雙回收通道。我們假設在不同的階層採用Stackelberg Game方法,在相同階層採用Nash Game方法。最後給予結論以及未來可能的研究方向。

In this paper, we have three dual-channel closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) models with a single channel to collect used products and three dual-channel closed-loop supply chain models with dual channel and dual channels to collect used products. We develop the mathematical model to find the maximal profit of all the members who closed-loop supply chain and how to affect the channel decisions. Different of literature:In the supply chain, we have two situations in the dual selling channel. One is a single channel to collect used products and the other is the dual channel to collect used products. We consider using Stackelberg game model in different echelons, and using Nash game in same echelons. Finally, we give conclusion and future research.

摘 要 I Abstract II Table of contents III List of Figures IV List of Table V Chapter 1、Introduction 1 Chapter 2、Literature Review 3 Chapter 3、Model Assumptions and Notation 5 3.1 Assumptions 9 3.2 Notation 10 Chapter 4、Dual-channel Closed-Loop Supply Chain Models with a single channel to collect used products 12 4.1 Model M-Dual-channel CLSC model with manufacturer collects used products 12 4.2 Model R-Dual-channel CLSC model with retailer collects used products 16 4.3 Model 3P-Dual-channel CLSC model with third-party collects used products 22 Chapter 5、Dual-channel Closed-Loop Supply Chain Models with dual channel to collect used products 28 5.1 Model M&R-Dual-channel CLSC model with manufacturer and retailer collect used products 28 5.2 Model R&3P-Dual-channel CLSC model with retailer and third-party collect used products 35 5.3 Model M&3P-Dual-channel CLSC model with manufacturer and third-party collect used products 42 5.4 Comparison of closed-loop supply chain 48 Chapter 6、Conclusion and Further Research 63 Refernce 65

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