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研究生: Danish Mehmood
Danish Mehmood
論文名稱: 最小曼哈頓距離應用於多準則決策之被動式電力濾波器最佳化問題
Minimum Manhattan Distance Approach to Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Passive Power Filters Optimization Problems
指導教授: 楊念哲
Nien-Che Yang
口試委員: 張建國
Chien-kuo Chang
Wei-Tzer Huang
Ting-Yen Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 諧波被動式電力濾波器最佳化設計人工蜂群演算法蜂群演算法柏拉圖最佳化最小曼哈頓距離
外文關鍵詞: Harmonics, Passive Power Filters, Optimal Design, Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, Pareto Front, Bee Swarm Optimization Algorithm, Minimum Manhattan Distance (MMD)
相關次數: 點閱:510下載:0
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  • 本論文擬研提被動式電力濾波器之最佳化設計,用於減少電力系統諧波汙染及改善功率因數。由於被動式電力濾波器設計問題為複雜的多目標優化問題,本文將藉由人工蜂群演算法與蜂群演算法,結合柏拉圖最佳化,提出兩種被動式電力濾波器之最佳化設計方案。在設計多目標最佳化問題中,考慮了單通濾波器、二階阻尼濾波器、三階阻尼濾波器與C-Type阻尼濾波器的特性。在多準則決策中,本文利用最小曼哈頓距離從柏拉圖最佳化的解集合中挑選出最終解決方案。一系列案例研究亦將被用於驗證所研提方法之有效性與優越性。

    Passive power filters (PPFs) are most effective in mitigating harmonics pollutions from the power system but the design of PPFs involves many objectives which makes them a complex multiple objectives optimization problem. This thesis is about to propose two new methods to achieve an optimal design of PPFs based on the famous artificial bee colony (ABC) and bee swarm optimization (BSO) algorithms with the help of an external archive and Pareto optimality. Single tuned, second-order damped, third-order damped, and C-Type damped order filter are four different types of PPFs and their characteristics are considered for the design optimization problem.
    In this multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem, a minimum Manhattan distance (MMD) approach is used to select the final solution among the Pareto-optimal set. A series of case studies have examined to prove the efficiency and better performance of the proposed method over previous famous algorithms.

    摘要 I Abstract II Acknowledgment III Contents IV Figures VI Tables VII 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Literature Reviews 1 1.3 Aim and Contributions 4 2. Power Filters 6 2.1 Classification of Power Filters 6 2.2 Passive Power Filters 7 2.3 Types of PPFs 8 2.3.1 Single-tuned Filters 9 2.3.2 Second-order Damped Filters 9 2.3.3 Third-order Damped Filters 9 2.3.4 C-type Damped Filters 10 3. Passive Power Filter Design 11 3.1 Objective Function 12 3.1.1 Minimizing Total Harmonic Distortion of Current 12 3.1.2 Minimizing Total Harmonic Distortion of Voltage 13 3.1.3 Minimizing Initial Investment Cost 13 3.1.4 Maximizing Fundamental Reactive Power Compensation 13 3.2 Constraints 14 3.2.1 Total Harmonic Distortion 14 3.2.2 Individual Harmonic Distortion 14 3.2.3 Total Fundamental Reactive Power Compensation 15 4. Selection Strategy of Filter Topologies for PPF set 16 4.1 Selection Mechanism for PPFs Location 16 4.2 Selection Mechanism for Topology Combination of PPFs 16 4.3 Selection Mechanism for PPFs Parameters 19 4.4 Multi-Criteria Decision Making 19 5. Proposed Algorithm 21 5.1 Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 21 5.2 Bee Swarm Optimization Algorithm 24 5.3 Multi-objective ABC and Multi-objective BSO 28 5.3.1 Multi-Objective Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 28 5.3.2 Multi-objective Bee Swarm Optimization Algorithm (MOBSO) 35 6. Simulation Results 39 6.1 Accuracy of the Proposed Methods 41 6.2 Performance of the Proposed Methods 43 6.3 MMD Results by merging all algorithms 46 6.4 Best Type of PPF by Each Algorithm 48 7. Conclusion 51 7.1 Conclusion 51 7.2 Future Work 51 References 52 Appendix 58

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