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研究生: 黃品傑
Pin-Chieh Huang
論文名稱: 符合IEC61850標準的小型太陽能發電廠資料聚合伺服器的設計與評估
Design and Evaluation of an IEC 61850-compliant Data Aggregation Server for Small-scale Solar Power Plants
指導教授: 劉一宇
Yi-Yu Liu
口試委員: 吳坤熹
Kun-Hsi Wu
Shao-Yun Fang
Jen-Wei Hsieh
Yung-Chih Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 36
中文關鍵詞: 智慧電網再生能源
外文關鍵詞: Smart Grid, Renewable Energy, IEC 61850, Modbus, MMS
相關次數: 點閱:429下載:2
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  • 隨著調度技術的進步,分散式能源電廠與中央監控控制數據採集系統之間的通訊越來越重要。為了能夠匯集過於分散且沒有標準協定的小型太陽能發電廠之數據,我們提出了一種IEC 61850與多種協定結合之服務器,可以透過HTTP POST,HTTPS API查詢和TCP socket等不同協議來匯聚數據。另外透過我們的雙向控制器,可以直接控制太陽能發電廠的逆變器,配合Modbus使用IEC 61850之控制功能INV2、WP41和WP42。在實驗結果中,我們比較了MMS和TCP socket不同的通訊協定並配合不同公司產品的響應時間。通過遵循我們提出的架構,控制中心可以很容易地預測發電並且快速調度電網的供電和需求。

    With the advancement of dispatching technology, the communication between distributed energy resource power plants and central supervisory control system plays an important role in the electric power system. In order to solve the dispersive data from small-scale solar power plants without using standard protocols, we develop an IEC 61850 server which aggregates the solar power stations data by different protocols such as HTTP POST, HTTPS API query, and TCP socket. Additionally, the server is capable of directly controlling solar power plant inverters with our bi-direction controller by using Modbus with the IEC 61850 control functions, INV2, WP41 and WP42. We also compare the response time of MMS and TCP socket with commercial products. With our proposed ICT communication architecture, central supervisory control system can easily predict the power generation and dispatch the power grid based on the electricity supply and demand.

    ABSTRACT - v List of Tables - viii List of Figures - ix CHAPTER 1. Introduction - 1 CHAPTER 2. Motivation & Contribution - 4 CHAPTER 3. IEC 61850 Protocol - 6 3.1 IEC 61850 Data Structure - 6 3.2 The Model of PV Aggregation - 7 3.3 IEC 61850 Communication - 10 CHAPTER 4. Bidirectional Controller System - 12 4.1 Server Data Collection- 12 4.1.1 TCP Socket for Data Collection - 13 4.2 Server Control Site -14 4.2.1 IEC61850 Control Function - 14 4.2.2 Control Flow - 16 CHAPTER 5. Experimental Results - 19 5.1 Stress Test - 19 5.2 Data Collection - 22 CHAPTER 6. Conclusion - 25 Bibliography - 26

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