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研究生: 陳文欽
Wen-chin Chen
論文名稱: 從代工到自有品牌之分析–以A碩電腦伺服器事業部為例
Analysis of Industrial firms' Transformation Process from OEM/ODM to OBM - A Case Study of A Server Department
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Ruey-Huei Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 自有品牌開發SWOT法波特五力分析模型資源基礎理論價值鍊分析左右開弓領導力理論
外文關鍵詞: own brand development, SWOT method, Porter's five forces analysis model, Resource-based theory, Value chain analysis, and Leadership Challenge, Ambidexterity Strategy
相關次數: 點閱:553下載:9
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  • 「雲端」,這個是目前熱門的新興產業,知道雲端的背後需要是什麼呢?答案就是伺服器這個硬體主機。也就會聯想到伺服器廠商前景是美好的。未來端看台灣資訊相關產業如何搭乘此潮流,掀開另一頁創新的科技傳奇。



    個案公司為我國電腦大廠之一,如原先宏碁與明基業務型態做了轉變一樣,宏碁由原先做代工與品牌兼顧,在2001 年時將代工廠與品牌業務分離,個案公司也是在2008年將代工廠與品牌業務分離,個案公司僅做品牌業務;其中當從代工伺服器產品廠商到開發自有品牌伺服器,對於原來幫代工的國際大廠客戶之客戶權益產生了影響。個案公司開始了解到同時做代工與自有品牌的確有相當大的問題與衝突,並且直接反應於獲利上。當分家後,自有品牌經營便是成為了公司重要的經營方向。因此本研究希望將個案公司主機板產品從代工到自有品牌的成功案例,是否可以借鏡用在本個案的伺服器產品。並用SWOT法、波特五力分析模型、資源基礎理論、價值鍊分析、左右開弓和領導力理論等相關議題去探討代工到自有品牌有哪些競爭優勢,也希望藉由本個案探討可提供給企業,從代工到自有品牌發展策略上,一個思考的方向。

    "Cloud", this is the hottest new industries, needs to know what is behind the cloud is it? The answer is that this hardware host server. Server vendors also will think the prospects are good. Taiwan's future depends on how you take this information relevant industry trends, technological innovation has opened another page in the legend.

    This article discussed the case company from OEM / ODM to OBM products now have. Experienced middle west China's multinational operations, organizational change and international OEM business issues and the separation of the company's events. Therefore, from the case depth is available, how to break the siege from these events, and let OBM product can become an international first-class brand, in respect of quality management, technical and human resources, and so on to analyze discussed.

    Technology intervene after human life has been closely linked with it, inseparable, enjoying the convenience brought by technology, they start to have increased its technological expectations, hopes to purchase products and services with a high degree of quality, Therefore, the quality is also one of the important themes of modern business management, an overview perspective, cost, productivity and quality of the three corporate profitability for all contributors. On today's highly competitive environment, the customer may not be because the company's "high-productivity" or "low cost" and decided to buy its product offerings, customers care more about the "quality" issue. Quality determines the competitiveness of an enterprise, also is the most important factor in whether a successful long-term business operations.

    Taiwan's computer industry has always been known for is good quality OEM manufacturing, but because of competition in the industry and OEM customer pressure, there are more low gross dilemma. The company also has its own brand, in the past more than you want to take into account two major markets its own brand and OEM, but we all know that it is difficult to have both fish and bear's paw, causing both sides met last bottleneck. Therefore, most companies are using the brand and OEM segmentation strategy to adjust the organization.
    Case Company is one of Taiwan's computer manufacturers, such as Acer and BenQ original business patterns change in order to do the same, the original Acer do both OEM and brand, in 2001 when the foundry business and brand separation,the company is also the case in 2008 and the brand foundry business separation, the case company to do business only brand; wherein when a server product from OEM manufacturers to develop its own brand servers for the original OEM international companies to help customers who are equity spawns affected. Cases began to understand while doing OEM and own brand does have considerable problems and conflicts, and a direct response on the profit. After the separation, its own brand management is becoming an important business direction of the company. So I hope this will be the case study company motherboard products from OEM to own brand of success stories, if you can learn to use in the case of server products. With SWOT method, Porter's five forces analysis model, Resource-based theory, Value chain analysis, Ambidexterity Strategy and Leadership Challenge to explore issues related to OEM to own brand What competitive advantages, and hope through this case study is available to businesses From OEM to own brand development strategy, a direction of thinking.

    摘 要 I ABSTRACT III 誌 謝 V 目 錄 VI 表 目 錄 VIII 圖 目 錄 IX 壹、個案本文 1 前言 1 一、雲端運算興起 2 二、伺服器產業基本介紹 3 三、個案公司的創立與發展 6 (一)公司創立 6 (二)伺服器部門的成立 6 四、伺服器代工紮根(1995-2001) 8 五、專業品質驗證 9 六、西進設廠佈局(2001-2002) 11 七、伺服器的下一步(2002) 12 八、伺服器西進中國 16 九、重大危機 17 十、切割分家後的變革 18 十一、全新氣象(2008) 19 十二、自有品牌伺服器的成功案例 20 (一)、 群益證卷-打破進口品牌壟斷的進入障礙 20 (二)、 台灣網路資訊中心-推動中文網域 打造全面網路平台 21 (三)、 2012年臺北國際花卉博覽會-科技走入花博 22 十三、品牌伺服器的未來展望 25 貳、個案討論 27 一、個案總覽 27 二、教學目標與適用課程 28 三、學員課前討論問題 32 四、個案背景 33 五、個案分析 35 (一)、課程教學目標一:領導力(Leadership Challenge) 36 (二)、課程教學目標二:資源基礎理論的探討 39 (三)、課程教學目標三:價值鍊分析的探討 48 (四)、課程教學目標四:左右開弓策略 55 五、課程結論 57 六、教學建議(TEACHING SUGGESTIONS) 58 參、參考文獻 59 一、 英文部分 59 二、 中文部分 59 三、 網站部分 60

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