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研究生: 馬凱文
Kevin - Gausultan Hadith Mangunkusumo
論文名稱: 鉛酸電池能效管理系統
A Battery Management System for Lead-Acid Batteries
指導教授: 連國龍
Kuo-Lung Lian
口試委員: 陳南鳴
Nan-Ming Chen
Ching-Shan Leu
Yi-Shen Zeng
Bang-Rong Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: lead-acidtwo-stepmultistagechargingdischargingopen circuit voltagecoulometric countingneural networkquantum neural networkfixed resistor
外文關鍵詞: lead-acid, two-step, multistage, charging, discharging, open circuit voltage, coulometric counting, neural network, quantum neural network, fixed resistor
相關次數: 點閱:586下載:12
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  • 以電池作為攜帶式電源的電動車和攜帶式設備。此外,在提供穩定的電源系統下,特別是對於含有再生能源的系統,電池扮演儲能設備的主要角色。因此設計一個良好的電池管理系統(Battery Management System,BMS)以保持最佳的電池性能是一項重要的課題。
    充放電策略、電量估測(State of Charge, SOC)以及電池電壓平衡器將用來管理八個串聯的鉛酸蓄電池。小型電池儲能系統將用來測試本論文提出的BMS。對於充電策略,將說明二階和多階充電的方法,關於SOC估測,將對於直接開路電壓法(Direct Open Circuit Voltage,Direct OCV)、庫侖法(Coulometric)、開路電壓預測以及類神經網絡(Neural Network,NN)法進行說明與比較,另外,為了改善類神經網絡的性能,提出基於量子神經網絡(Quantum Neural Network, QNN)的SOC估測法。最後,電池電壓平衡器使用定電阻架構來減少各電池之間的電壓差。

    Electric vehicles and portable devices use batteries as a portable power source. Moreover, a battery as a storage device plays an important role in providing stable power, especially for operating with renewable energy sources. Therefore, it is very important to design an appropriate battery management system (BMS) for maintaining optimum battery performance.
    Charging-discharging strategy, State-of-Charge (SoC) estimation, and battery Voltage Balancer are implemented to manage 8 units of lead-acid batteries in series. A scale-down experimental battery system is tested by the proposed BMS. For charging strategies, both two-step and multi-stage charging methods are described. Regarding the state-of-charge estimation, direct open circuit voltage (OCV), coulometric, OCV prediction, and neural network (NN) estimation methods are delineated and compared. To improve the performance of NN, a new estimation method based on Quantum Neural Network (QNN) is proposed for battery SoC estimation. Finally, battery voltage balancer using fixed-resistor method is employed to reduce the voltage difference between each cell of the battery.
    Experimental results show that, multistage charging has faster charging process, which is 58 seconds less charging time compared with two-step charging. The NN estimation provides good SoC estimation with maximum average error no more than 1.03%. The proposed QNN method has further improved the NN performance, and yields more accurate results.

    ABSTRACT ii 摘要 iii ACKNOELEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES ix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Motivation and Objectives 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 Lead Acid Batteries 4 2.2 DC – DC Converter 5 2.2.1 Buck Converter 6 2.2.2 Boost Converter 7 2.3 Charging and Discharging 8 2.3.1 Constant Current Charging 9 2.3.2 Constant Voltage Charging 10 2.4 State of Charge Estimation 11 2.4.1 Open Circuit Voltage 12 2.4.2 Coulometric Coulomb Counting 12 2.4.3 Kalman Filter 13 2.4.4 Quantum Neural Network 13 2.5 Voltage Balancer 14 CHAPTER 3 BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DESIGN 16 3.1 Overall System Design 16 3.2 Digital Signal Processing Control System 17 3.3 Data Acquisition and Human Interface 18 CHAPTER 4 CHARGING AND DISCHARGING 22 4.1 Bidirectional Converter Design 22 4.1.1 Continuous-Conduction Mode (CCM) 24 4.1.2 Duty Ratio Calculation 25 4.1.3 Inductor Selection 26 4.2 Output Capacitor Selection 27 4.2.1 Diode Selection 28 4.3 Digital Signal Processing Strategy 28 4.3.1 Experiment Testing 30 4.4 Constant Voltage Discharging Result 32 4.5 Two-step Charging 33 4.6 Multi-stage Charging 35 CHAPTER 5 STATE OF CHARGE ESTIMATION 37 5.1 Open Circuit Voltage Prediction 37 5.2 Coulometric Counting Method 39 5.3 Conventional Neural Network 40 5.4 Quantum Neural Network 46 CHAPTER 6 VOLTAGE BALANCER 54 6.1 Fixed Resistor 54 6.2 Fixed Resistor Analysis 55 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 58 7.1 Conclusions 58 7.2 Future Work 59 REFERENCES 59

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