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研究生: 邱心鴻
Hsin-Hung Chiu
論文名稱: 專利書目耦合之時間特性研究
A Study on Timing Characteristics of Patent Bibliographic Coupling
指導教授: 管中徽
Chung-Huei Kuan
口試委員: 劉顯仲
John S. Liu
Mei H.C. Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 專利引用書目耦合書目耦合強度
外文關鍵詞: Patent citation, Bibliographic coupling, Bibliographic coupling strength
相關次數: 點閱:610下載:27
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  • 本研究的目的,係觀察專利引用分析上「書目耦合」(Bibliographic coupling, BC)的研究。通常使用一固定的「書目耦合強度」(Bibliographic coupling strength, BCS),作為判斷「書目耦合對」(Bibliographic coupling pair, BC pair)的 BCS門檻。在本研究中發現BC pair的時間差會影響到BCS的大小,為此,本研究透過分析BC pair的時間特性,試圖找到一個更適合的方法作為判斷BCS的標準。本研究採用在二氧化碳的捕獲、存取、回收、復原、運輸和再生之相關技術領域的美國專利,共34,813筆。並由這些專利,形成直接引用(Direct citation, DC)關係共155,076對與BC關係1,609,549對。接著,對上述資料進行專利書目耦合之時間特性的研究,分析在什麼情況下,容易形成BC pair,同時BCS有什麼影響。
    本研究使用一對BC pair裡,較早公告的專利之公告日,減去該技術領域所有專利中,最早的專利公告日,所計算出的時間差。從中得知,時間差越大,能累積的專利數量越多。這使BC pair能共同引用的專利數量越多,有機會使得BCS越高。但過去的研究中,使用一固定常數當作BCS門檻值時,會使時間差較小的BC pair,因可以引用的專利不多,使BCS先天較小,在接下來的分析中往往會將其排除。本研究提供判斷BCS的方法,有別於在過去的分析中,使用固定的門檻值判斷BC pair的BCS。本研究採用多項式趨勢線,作為判斷BCS的數學模型,依照不同時間差的BC pair,給予不一樣的BCS門檻值。避免BC pair因時間特性關係造成BCS太小,而被排除於分析外。

    The research aims to observe the bibliographic coupling (BC) of patent citations. Usually, we use a fixed bibliographic coupling strength (BCS) as the threshold when analyzing bibliographic coupling pair (BC pair). In this research, we find out that the time differences between BC pairs would affect the strength of BCS. This study selects the United States patents in the field of carbon dioxide capture, storage, recovery, delivery, regeneration and collects, with a total number of 34,813 patents. With these patents, we acquire 155,076 pairs of DC and 1,609,549 pairs of BC. After that, we do BC time characteristic research on the forgoing data, in order to analyze in what condition would a BC pair be formed and what effect would it do to the BCS.
    In this research, using the time difference obtained by subtracting the earliest published patent’s publishing date with the earlier published patent’s publishing date in BC pairs, we analyze it with the annually publishing amount of patents. We have observed that the larger the time span of publishing date in the BC pair is, the more the patent accumulates. This way, the more the patents that can be co-referenced by the BC pair, the more the chance the BCS being higher. However, in previous researches, when using a constant as the threshold of the BCS, it would cause the BC pairs with smaller time differences to have an inborn smaller BCS, because of the lack of patents able to be referenced, and causing those patent precluded from the following analysis. The research provides a determination of BCS standard, which is different from the past researches using a constant threshold to determine the BCS of BC pairs. The research uses polynomial trend lines to provide different thresholds for BC pairs with different time differences. Thus, doing so may avoid the BC pairs precluded from the analysis because of the time characteristic.

    中文摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第1章 概論 1.1 研究背景 1.2 研究方法 1.3 研究架構與預期貢獻 第2章 文獻探討 2.1 文獻與專利之引用 2.2 引用與時間上的關係 2.3 美國專利之資訊揭露義務 第3章 分析方法 3.1 資料來源與資料處理過程 3.2 數據概況 3.3 分析方法 第4章 分析結果 4.1 BEFORE BIRTH (BB)分析結果 4.2 SPAN分析結果 4.3 AFTER BIRTH (AB)分析結果 4.4 分析結果討論 第5章 結論 5.1 研究總結 5.2 未來方向 參考文獻

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