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研究生: 王韻婷
Yun-Ting Wang
論文名稱: 添加藻類萃取之保養化粧品專利技術研究
A Study of Patent Analysis on Algae Extract Cosmetics
指導教授: 蔡鴻文
口試委員: 王丞浩
Chen-Hao Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 專利佈局藻類
外文關鍵詞: Alga
相關次數: 點閱:1117下載:3
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  • 藻類是地球上最初的生命起源,由於海洋佔地球面積廣大,是形成光合作用產生氧氣的主要來源,並且是食物鏈最底層之主要生產者,是環境中很重要的一環。新興生物科技的崛起因而發現藻類的多重功效,因為藻類的蛋白質含量高達28%以上,營養價值高,藻類更具有抗氧化成分以及多醣體,人類食用藻類的歷史可追朔到第一次世界大戰後,德國為解決糧食短缺的問題,開始研究綠藻的食用性,除了食用還有肥料飼料之用途、藥用性、工業用、再生能源,除了食用還有肥料飼料之用途、藥用性、工業用、再生能源,例如:廢水處理、生質柴油、藻類發電等等。

    Algae are the origin of life on Earth. As we have seen, oceans cover more than 70% of the earth. Therefore, algae are the main sources of oxygen that are produced by photosynthesis. They are at the bottom of the food chain and the main producers in the environment.
    In recent years, because the emerging of biotechnology, algae's several functions have been discovered. Algae's nutritional value is very high because they contain antioxidants, polysaccharides, and more than 28% of protein. The history of algae consumption can be traced back to World War I. In order to solve the food shortage problem, Germany began to study the consumption of green algae.
    In addition to edibility, there are many other uses, for example: fertilizers feed, medicinal properties, industrial, renewable energy sources, waste water treatment, biodiesel, electric power and so on. The algae extracts can also be applied to cosmetics. Their extractions and separations of the ingredients have many effects, such as whitening, moisturizing, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory. They can increase elasticity of skin and reduce skin oil, melanin and spots. According to the consumer market tendencies, consumers tend to buy cosmetic products that are made from natural ingredients. For this reason, algae cosmetic products have become an attractive topic for research. Moreover, the patent portfolio related to cosmetic company is different from the patent portfolio of the electronic industries. It is a very valuable research target, because of its particular phenomenon.
    In this paper, patent portfolio was executed by complete patent search procedure. We analyzed patent application trends, competitive companies, patent family and crucial patents. By the analysis, we can provide related patent and information to companies as a reference.

    目錄 摘要I ABSTRACTII 誌謝辭III 目錄IV 圖目錄VIII 表目錄IX 第一章 緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2技術領域簡介2 1.2.1藻類的種類與應用2 1.2.2人體皮膚與保養化粧品4 1.2.3保養化粧品及市場之專利概況5 1.2.4藻類保養化粧品與未來應用潛力6 1.3研究方法與流程7 1.4專利檢索原則8 1.4.1使用適當的關鍵字8 1.4.2選擇適當的檢索欄位9 第二章 技術範圍界定與專利技術概況分析11 2.1前言11 2.2檢索策略與範圍界定11 2.3藻類保養化粧品專利巨觀分析11 2.4檢索條件16 2.4.1美國17 2.4.2臺灣18 2.4.3大陸18 2.4.4日本18 2.5藻類保養化粧品專利微觀分析19 2.5.1美國20 2.5.2臺灣24 2.5.3大陸26 2.5.4日本30 2.6專利整體技術分類32 第三章 專利家族佈局之策略探討39 3.1前言39 3.2前幾大廠商技術功效矩陣39 3.3藻類保養化粧品專利家族數量分析40 3.3.1美國藻類保養化粧品專利家族國別42 3.3.2臺灣藻類保養化粧品專利家族國別44 3.3.3大陸藻類保養化粧品專利家族國別46 3.3.4日本藻類保養化粧品專利家族國別48 第四章 重要及潛力專利微觀分析51 4.1保養化粧品大廠之專利布局策略探討51 4.2重要專利討論58 4.2.1家族申請策略58 4.2.2重要家族微觀探討63 4.3具有發展潛力之專利68 第五章 結論與建議73 5.1結論73 5.2建議及未來研究74 5.2.1建議之專利家族申請策略74 5.2.2未來研究76 參考資料77 附錄79

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