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研究生: 張良鵬
Liang-Peng Chang
論文名稱: 具隱私保護及身分鑑別之金鑰協議協定
Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol with Privacy Preservation
指導教授: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
口試委員: 雷欽隆
Chin-Laung Lei
Wen-Guey Tzeng
Wei-Hua He
Wei-Ning Yang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 具身分鑑別之金鑰協議隱私保護使用者匿名橢圓曲線自我驗證多伺服系統
外文關鍵詞: authenticated key agreement, privacy preservation, user anonymity, elliptic curve, self-certified, multiple servers
相關次數: 點閱:268下載:12
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  • 近年來,由於網路應用之快速發展,安全(security)與隱私保護(privacy preservation)的問題已成為在開放式網路中通訊時必須同時考量且日益重要的一個議題。一個具身分鑑別之金鑰協議協定(authenticated key agreement protocol)可以確保通訊個體在開放式網路中通訊時的安全性,然而,具身分鑑別之金鑰協議協定在設計時並未考量隱私保護的問題。如果一個合法使用者在協定執行時洩漏了身分,那麼敵人可以據以追蹤該使用者並發動某些攻擊。為達到隱私保護之目的,在協定中提供使用者匿名(user anonymity)的保護機制是一個有效的解決方案。
    本論文提出二個具隱私保護及身分鑑別之金鑰協議協定:第一個協定適用於資源有限的行動裝置,同時能提供隱私保護及身分鑑別之二層次群體金鑰協議協定;第二個協定是適用於多伺服系統,同時具隱私保護及身分鑑別之金鑰協議協定。在我們提出的第一個協定中,一個群體管理者可以在公開的網路上輕易的建立一個安全的協定,讓參與金鑰協議的群體成員在不洩漏自已身分的前提下分享一把具身分鑑別之密鑰,用來達到後續的安全通訊。在我們提出的第二個協定中,一個合法的使用者可以在不洩漏自已身分的前提下安全的存取多台伺服器,而且每次使用者在登入伺服器時,他們會互相鑑別對方的身分,並且產生一把共同密鑰。我們提出的二個金鑰協議協定皆使用自我驗證公開金鑰系統和橢圓曲線密碼系統,不只能滿足完美前推安全(perfect forward secrecy)、已知金鑰安全(known key security)、內隱金鑰驗證(implicit key authentication)及外顯金鑰驗證(explicit key authentication)等安全需求外,同時也能達到實務上的效率要求。與之前其他研究者所提出的方法比較,我們的方法需要較少的通訊成本與運算量,因此具有較高的效率,非常適合使用在資源有限的行動裝置上。

    In recent years, since the popularity of network applications, the security and privacy preservation for communication on the open network has become an increasing concern. An authenticated key agreement protocol (AKAP) ensures that entities communicate with each other securely through open channels. However, an authenticated key agreement protocol is designed without consideration of privacy preservation. If a valid user's identity is disclosed during the protocol execution, an adversary can trace the user and launch some attacks. To protect privacy, providing the user anonymity is an effective solution.
    In this dissertation, we present two authenticated key agreement protocols with privacy preservation: (1) Two level extended multi-party AKAP with privacy preservation for resource-limited mobile devices, and (2) Enhanced AKAP with privacy preservation for multiple servers. In the first proposed protocol, a group manager can easily setup a secure protocol in a public network to let the intended group members share an authenticated session key without disclosing their identities in the subsequent communication. In the second proposed protocol, a valid user can access multiple servers securely without disclosing his identity, but the user and server will authenticate each other and generate a common session key in each login process. By using self-certified public keys and based on the elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECC), the proposed protocols not only satisfy the security requirements of perfect forward secrecy, known key security (resistance to known key attacks), implicit key authentication, and key confirmation (explicit key authentication), but also achieve performance efficiency in practices. The proposed protocols can gain much efficiency in saving both the communicational cost and the computational effort as compared to previous works implemented by modular exponentiation, so they are quite suitable to be used for resource-limited mobile devices.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT (in Chinese) i ABSTRACT (in English) iii TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES ix Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Motivation and Objective 6 1.3 Organization of Dissertation 9 Chapter 2 Preliminaries 10 2.1 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Protocol 10 2.2 Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem 12 2.3 Self-certified Public Key Cryptosystem 14 Chapter 3 Basic Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol (AKAP) 20 3.1 Type 1 : Simple AKAP 21 3.2 Type 2 : Multi-party AKAP 24 3.3 Type 3 : AKAP for Multiple Servers 27 Chapter 4 Extended AKAP with Privacy Preservation 37 4.1 Proposed Protocol 38 4.1.1 System Setup Phase 38 4.1.2 User Registration Phase 38 4.1.3 Key Agreement Phase 42 4.2 Security and Performance Analysis 47 Chapter 5 Enhanced AKAP with Privacy Preservation for Multiple Servers 54 5.1 Proposed Protocol 54 5.1.1 System Setup Phase 55 5.1.2 User Registration Phase 56 5.1.3 Server Registration Phase 58 5.1.4 Login Phase 60 5.1.5 Mutual Authentication And Key Agreement Phase 61 5.2 Security and Performance Analysis 65 Chapter 6 Discussions 70 Chapter 7 Concluding Remarks 73 Bibliography 75 Biography 83

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