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研究生: 王仁緯
Jen-Wei Wang
論文名稱: 物聯網邊緣攝影機之多重模型壓縮與商業化技術
Multi-Stage Model Compression and Commercialization for IoT-enabled Edge Cameras
指導教授: 陸敬互
Ching-Hu Lu
口試委員: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
Sheng-Luen Chung
Shih-Shinh Huang
Chun-Feng Liao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 邊緣運算物聯網深度學習模型多重階段模型壓縮C2M物聯網即服務區塊鏈客製化商業模式
外文關鍵詞: edge computing, Internet of Things, deep learning model, multi-stage model compression, C2M IoT as a service, blockchain, business model
相關次數: 點閱:262下載:1
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  • 物聯網時代的來臨,數以萬計的聯網攝影裝置將會產生極大量的資料,使得透過邊緣運算來降低雲端運算瓶頸的需求逐漸增加。其中,隨著深度學習模型與辨識技術之精進,透過結合邊緣計算的大量攝影機(本研究稱為邊緣攝影機)運行大範圍的視訊監控已漸漸廣泛應用在各個智慧生活層面。然而,目前的邊緣攝影機無法順利地使用深度學習模型,且其在C2M (customer-to-machine) 物聯網即服務 (IoT-as-a-Service) 尚未存在對應之客製與共享化商業模式。在模型縮小化的議題上,本研究首先設計了「多階段模型壓縮技術(Multi-stage Model Compression)」,其結合了兩種參數壓縮與架構壓縮的主流壓縮方法,建構出多重壓縮組合機制,使不同壓縮技術能夠截長補短,讓深度學習模型在盡可能兼具準確度的情形下減少其模型大小。另外在模型商業化的議題上,本研究設計了「基於區塊鏈之模型商業化服務」,其透過區塊鏈與智慧合約,針對客戶的不同需求,採動態任務驅動 (dynamic task-driven) 的方式將深度模型佈署至所選定的邊緣攝影機中,除了可重複共用的深度模型外,目標是可依據不同的客戶所感興趣的內容進行個別的事件驅動通知,以達成跨使用者間共享模型之客製化商業模式。在系統的驗證上,目前透過此多階段模型壓縮技術可以使深度學習模型在準確度僅減少5個百分點的情形下,將模型大小減少為原先的五十五分之一,其效能也優於既有的文獻效能。另外,透過基於區塊鏈之模型商業化服務,我們設計了一廣域監控之目標協尋雛形系統來驗證可行性,使用者可透過網頁介面填寫任務請求,系統便解析任務內容來匹配並找出系統儲存庫中適合的深度學習模型,接著透過以太坊 (Ethereum) 的加密貨幣向客戶收取費用後,系統將進一步自動產生以太坊智慧合約並在合乎任務需求的邊緣攝影機上進行動態任務模型佈署。若其他客戶提出相似目標的協尋服務請求時,系統可以判別既有任務模型是否可以共享。即使模型共享,但系統仍可依據不同的任務協尋目標即時提供對應的事件與情境資訊通知。

    For the upcoming IoT era, a plethora of data will be generated from IoT-enabled devices. If all of data completely rely on traditional cloud servers to process, the cloud servers and the bandwidth will eventually be overwhelmed. To reduce computing bottlenecks on cloud servers, the demand for edge computing is quickly increasing. With the advances in deep neural network (DNN), wide-area monitoring through a large number of edge cameras has been extensively used in various smart-living scenarios. However, most existing edge cameras cannot successfully run a DNN model due to their inadequate memory sizes for a DNN model. Even if a DNN model can be run, there is no corresponding solution of customizable and sharable business model to leverage DNN models as C2M IoT-as-a-Service (customer-to-machine Internet of Things as a Service). To address above two issues, this study first proposes multi-stage model compression, which combines both parameter and structure compression. The proposed method has multiple-compression stages to minimize model size while maintaining as much accuracy as possible. To commercialize the compressed DNN models, our study further proposed BC (blockchain)-enabled model commercialization which features dynamic task-driven and sharable model deployment on edge cameras. The whole system was built upon a blockchain using smart contracts to meet the needs of various customers for wide-area monitoring applications. Even with sharable DNN models, each customer can obtain custmizable event-driven notifications. In the evaluation, through the multi-stage model compression, the size of a DNN model can be reduced by 55 times at the cost of only 5% decrease in the accuracy, which outperforms the state-of-the-art literature. In addition, through the blockchain-based model commercialization, its prototype for wide area video-surveillance was implemented to verify feasibility. Through a friendly web-enabled interface, a user can fill in requests, which will be parsed to match an appropriate DNN model in the model repository. After charging the customer through the cryptocurrency of Ethereum, the system will automatically generate an Ethereum smart contract and dynamically deploy The associated DNN models for the task on their corresponding edge cameras. Other customers applying for a similar request can share the deployed models. Even with the sharable the models, the system can provide customizable event-driven notifications for each customer.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 IV 圖目錄 VII 表格目錄 IX 第一章 簡介 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 文獻探討 4 1.2.1 「模型多重壓縮」4 1.2.2 「C2M模型商業化」 7 1.3 本研究貢獻與文章架構 9 第二章 系統設計理念與架構簡介 10 第三章 多重階段模型壓技術 13 3.1 關鍵模組概觀 13 3.2 第一階段壓縮模組-二值化 15 3.3 第二階段壓縮模組-知識蒸餾 17 3.4 第三階段壓縮模組-邊緣剪枝 20 3.5 多重階段模型壓縮實際運作 23 第四章 基於區塊鏈之模型商業化服務 25 4.1 關鍵模組概述 25 4.2 智慧合約發行者 28 4.3 智慧合約分析者 30 4.4 智慧合約驗證者 31 4.5 霧端攝影機代理人 34 第五章 實驗結果與討論 37 5.1 多階段模型壓縮之相關實驗結果 37 5.1.1 實驗數據介紹 37 5.1.2 深度學習模型介紹 38 5.1.3 不同階段模型壓縮參數實驗 39 5.1.4 多階段模型壓縮整體驗證 46 5.2 基於區塊鏈之模型商業化服務之綜合展示成果 51 第六章 結論與未來研究方向 57 參考文獻 59 發表著作與作品列表 63 口試委員之建議與回覆 64

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