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研究生: 謝喬安
Qiao-An Xie
論文名稱: 美國單臂操作步行輔具設計專利之探討
The Study of U.S. Design Patent on Walking Aids Manipulated by One Arm
指導教授: 耿筠
Yun Ken
口試委員: 白乃遠
Nai-Yuan Pai
Chi-yang Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 設計專利醫療器材單臂操作步行輔具專利分析設計風格
外文關鍵詞: design patent, medical equipment, walking aids manipulated by one arm, patent analysis, design style
相關次數: 點閱:190下載:0
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  • 近年高齡人口快速成長,導致老年失能及功能障礙盛行率急遽上升,以及因先天疾病或意外傷害等造成肢體殘疾,促使全球提升對醫療照護、輔具資源的重視度,然市面上的行動輔具都著重於技術研發與產品功能,忽略了外觀美感,因此,加重了老年人對行動輔具排斥的現象。



    分析結果經彙整為以下所列五點:(1)單臂操作步行輔具產業的投入呈上升趨勢,美國為最主要的領導國,其次為日本與台灣;(2)創新能量強的國際廠商為Drive Medical Design & Manufacturing、Honda Motor、Medline Industries及Go Steady;(3)單臂操作步行輔具的主體外部造型設計風格,以現代簡約為最受歡迎;(4)單臂操作步行輔具的手部相關部件造型,主要設計風格為流線型及現代簡約;(5)單臂操作步行輔具的末梢部件,以能增加摩擦力的繁雜刻紋造型為最多。


    In recent years, the rapid growth of elderly population has led to a sharp increase in the prevalence of dysfunction and elderly disability, and physical disabilities caused by congenital diseases or accidental injuries prompt the increased importance of medical care and assistive resources in the world. However, mobile assistive devices on the market just focus on technological research and development and product functions, and ignore the appearance and beauty, which aggravates the phenomenon of the elderly's rejection of mobile assistive devices.

    In view of the fact that walking aids manipulated by one arm are more commonly used by the elderly, and can fully exert the function of "the third leg" to prevent the elderly from falling down, so this study is based on the theme of walking aids manipulated by one arm to proceed the patent trend analysis and analysis of design style, which knows the overall development trend of this product and the preference of appearance design style, and assists Taiwanese manufacturers to make some references for product creation.

    This study retrieves the related design patents of walking aids manipulated by one arm with USPTO, and analyzes the overall trend and design style through the patent information searching from its database. For the part of overall development trend, in order to realize the degree of competition of this product’s appearance design development and how much emphasis on the exterior design each country puts, this study makes use of the application trend analysis over the years, major countries analysis and patentee analysis, etc. For the part of design style analysis, this study aims at the exterior design of the main body and the form of the relevant components respectively to summarize design style, for the sake of exploring the mainstream of this product’s exterior design style.

    The analysis results are summarized into the following five points: (1) The investment in the industry of walking aids manipulated by one arm is on the rise. The United States is the main leader, followed by Japan and Taiwan; (2) International manufacturers with massive energy of innovation are Drive Medical Design & Manufacturing, Honda Motor, Medline Industries and Go Steady; (3) For the main exterior design style of walking aids manipulated by one arm, modern simplicity is the most popular; (4) For the hand-related component of walking aids manipulated by one arm, the main design style are streamlined and modern simplicity; (5) For the distal component of walking aids manipulated by one arm, the style that carves complicatedly to increase friction is the most.

    Keywords: design patent, medical equipment, walking aids manipulated by one arm, patent analysis and design style

    摘要I AbstractII 誌謝IV 目錄V 表目錄VII 圖目錄IX 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景1 第一項 人口老化現象1 第二項 全球身心障礙狀況2 第三項 輔具範疇3 第四項 輔具市場發展概況4 第五項 小結7 第二節 研究動機7 第一項 跌倒為導致老年人意外事故傷亡的第二大主因8 第二項 輔具也能有時尚9 第三節 研究目的10 第四節 章節概要10 第二章 文獻探討12 第一節 單臂操作步行輔具相關文獻12 第二節 專利分析相關文獻14 第一項 專利分析的應用14 第二項 整體趨勢分析相關文獻15 第三項 設計風格分析相關文獻16 第三章 資料分析20 第一節 資料分析流程20 第一項 檢索範圍確定21 第二項 資料庫選擇21 第三項 關鍵字選擇22 第四項 美國設計分類(USPC)選擇23 第五項 檢索時間界定24 第六項 擬定檢索式25 第七項 遺漏率評估27 第四章 分析結果29 第一節 前言29 第二節 整體趨勢分析29 第一項 歷年專利件數趨勢分析29 第二項 主要申請國別分析30 第三項 主要專利權人分析32 第四項 主要分類號分析33 第三節 設計風格分析34 第一項 整體歸納分析34 第二項 主體外部造型設計占比分析35 第三項 主體外部造型設計風格分析35 第四項 相關零部件造型設計占比分析49 第五項 相關零部件造型設計風格分析50 第五章 結論與建議61 第一節 專利分析結論61 第一項 單臂操作步行輔具整體趨勢61 第二項 單臂操作步行輔具造型設計風格61 第二節 研究限制63 第三節 未來研究建議64 參考文獻65


    3.葉雪美,解析同一設計概念的外觀設計保護(下)-中國、台灣及美、日、歐盟相似外觀設計制度的比較,北美智權報,第28期,2009年9 月。


    6.United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs,World Population Ageing 2019 (2019).
    7.World Health Organization,WHO global disability action plan 2014-2021(2015).

    1.肖天驕,老年人移動輔助器具選用-步行輔助器具選擇與適配,SlidePlayer (2017),網址:https://slidesplayer.com/slide/11330191/ (最後瀏覽日:2020年5月20日)。
    2.經濟部標準檢驗局國家標準檢索系統,身心障礙者輔具-分類與術語,(2016),網址:https://www.cnsonline.com.tw/ (最後瀏覽日:2020年5月20日)。
    3.U.S. FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION,CFR-Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=890.3825 (last visited:Apr.16,2020).
    4.Seven-Classification of Design Patents,United States Patent and Trademark Office,https://www.uspto.gov/patent/laws-and-regulations/examination-policy/seven-classification-design-patents (last visited:Apr.16,2020).

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