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研究生: 高文良
Wun-liang Gao
論文名稱: T頭鋼筋錨定於梁柱接頭之行為研究
Anchorage Behavior of Headed Bar in Beam-Column Joints
指導教授: 邱建國
Chien-Kuo Chiu
口試委員: 歐昱辰
Yu-Chen Ou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 梁柱接頭T頭鋼筋錨定長度
外文關鍵詞: anchorage length
相關次數: 點閱:397下載:26
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本研究共進行七組實尺寸鋼筋混凝土梁柱接頭試驗(四組內柱,三組外柱),利用T頭鋼筋錨定於梁柱交會區內以取代一般傳統彎鉤,而降低梁柱交會區配筋擁擠現象。研究目的除了解梁柱交會區內錨定長度需求與梁彎矩強度關係外,亦探討接頭內配置型式及不同受力型式等不同條件下是否滿足所需耐震性能。依本研究成果可知,梁柱接頭內配置以對接形式,其強度、韌性與變形能力不亞於搭接形式,且T頭鋼筋採對接形式於錨定長度足夠情況下,垂直載重下之破壞模式為鋼筋降伏及梁端混凝土壓碎;依外柱接頭試驗結果,當T頭鋼筋淨間距2.2db、梁柱交會區在低剪力比及強柱弱梁情況下,T頭鋼筋錨定於梁柱接頭之耐震使用長度建議用規範ACI 318-08規定錨定長度之1.23倍以上。

In this study, headed bars are adopted to replace traditional standard hooks for avoiding reinforcement crowding in the beam-column joints. Seven full size experiments (four of them are interior beam-column connections and three of them are exterior beam-column connections) were conduct to investigate the influence of headed bars on beam-column joints. Not only to understand the anchorage behavior of headed bars in beam-column joints, but to comprehend the effect on flexure moment of beams. The issue on whether the performance of beam-column joints with different arrangements of head bars satisfy the seismic requirement is also discussed.
For interior beam-column joints with two types of arrangement, i.e., butt and splices, the strength and ductility of the beam-column joints are found to be satisfactory. Additionally, for butt arrangement with enough anchorage length, the yielding of reinforcement and crush of concrete at beam end are obvious during incremental loading vertically. For the exterior beam-column joints, this study recommends the seismic resistant anchorage length of headed bars should be the ACI 318-08 provision multiplied by 1.23 times on condition that the clear spacing of headed bars is 2.2db, the beam-column joint belongs to the low shear ratio and strong column-weak beam pattern.

目錄 目錄I 表索引III 圖索引IV 第一章 緒論1 1.1 前言1 1.2 研究動機1 1.3 研究目的2 第二章 文獻回顧3 2.1 T頭鋼筋種類與特性3 2.2 非機械式錨錠相關設計之規範5 2.2.1 直鋼筋之伸展長度5 2.2.2 彎鉤鋼筋之伸展長度7 2.3 機械式錨定相關設計之規範9 2.3.1 ACI 318-08規範對於機械式錨定之規定9 2.3.2 ACI 352R-02規範之規定10 2.4 T頭鋼筋於梁柱接頭錨定行為之過去相關研究11 2.4.1 試體彎矩強度12 2.4.2 T頭鋼筋錨定長度與彎矩強度12 第三章 試體設計14 3.1 試體規劃14 3.1.1試體設計參數14 3.1.2試體斷面與配筋設計15 3.2 試驗裝置16 3.3 試驗程序18 3.4 試驗量測19 3.5 實際材料強度25 第四章 實驗過程26 第五章 試驗結果與討論56 5.1 彎矩強度與變形56 5.2 裂縫觀察與梁鋼筋應變量測60 5.3 T頭鋼筋配置形式之探討96 5.4 T頭鋼筋錨定行為之探討103 5.5受力之形式之探討105 5.6 T頭端板前增加鋼筋夾層106 第六章 結論與建議108 6.1 結論108 6.2 建議109 參考文獻110 附錄A111 附錄B120 附錄C141 附錄D154

[1]ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary, ”American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, 2008.
[3]「結構混凝土設計規範與解說」,內政部營建署 (2002)。
[4]ACI-ASCE Committee 352, “Recommendations for Design of Beam-Column Joints in Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Structures,” ACI Journal, Proceedings, 2002.
[6]ACI Innovation Task Group 1 and Collaborators, “Acceptance Criteria for Moment Frames Based on Structural Testing (T1.1-01),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, 2001.