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研究生: 張惟傑
Wei-Chieh Chang
論文名稱: BIM建築資訊與COBie表單於建築物設施管理階段之後續應用-以大龍峒公營住宅為例
Utilizing BIM and COBie in the facility management of building-The case of Da Long Dong Public Housing
指導教授: 杜功仁
Kung-Jen Tu
口試委員: 施宣光
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 154
中文關鍵詞: 施工營運建築資訊交換標準(COBie)設施管理所需資料建築資訊模型設施管理系統
外文關鍵詞: Facility Management System (FMS), COBie, Information Requirement, Building Information Model (BIM)
相關次數: 點閱:567下載:14
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  • 近年來,我國政府在公共工程中,開始要求營造廠建置並交付BIM模型。可惜因為設施管理團隊常常不清楚需要設施管理系統中的那些功能來進行設施管理,而無法定出所需的設施管理資訊有哪些?同時,也缺乏操作BIM的能力,進而導致目前仍缺乏一套方法讓公部門有效的將BIM模型應用在公有建築物之設施管理。因此,需要探討設施管理系統各功能模組所需輸入的資料,以及研擬一套將建築資料由BIM模型移轉至設施管理系統的程序,以利將BIM應用於設施管理階段。為了協助公部門能順利運用BIM於公共工程之設施管理,本研究針對一套設施管理系統進行操作。同時,本研究認為透過COBie的導入,可以使建築資料順利由BIM模型移轉至設施管理系統。因此,本研究之主要目的有4點:1.彙整設施管理系統需輸入之資料與傳統輸入程序、2.探討COBie標準表單資料與設施管理系統所需輸入資料之差異、3.研擬透過COBie將BIM資料移轉至設施管理系統之流程、4.模擬大龍峒公營住宅BIM資料移轉至設施管理系統之案例模擬操作。本研究透過文獻回顧、半結構式專家訪談、模擬操作等方式進行,探討透過COBie移轉BIM模型中建築資訊至設施管理系統的流程,並以設施管理系統—Archibus和大龍峒公營住宅案例進行案例模擬建築資訊移轉流程。





    In recent year, the construction team has to build BIM and hand over it in as-built phase in public constructions. However, there is a lack of the method for utilizing BIM in facility management of public buildings effectively, because the facility management team not only can not clearly realize what kinds of the function in facility management system are required in facility management phase, but also do not have ability to utilize BIM . This situation leads no one to know what kinds of information are needed in facility management. Therefore, compiling the information requirements of facility management system and making a process to translate building information from BIM to facility management system is required to utilize BIM in facility management. In order to help government using BIM in facility management of public constructions, this research operates a facility management system and believes that COBie can make utilizing BIM in facility management more smoothly. Thus, there are 4 purposes in this research: 1. To compile the information requirements of facility management system and the traditional process to translate information in the facility management system; 2. To discuss the different between the information which COBie supplied and facility management system required; 3. To make a process to translate building information from BIM to facility management system; 4. To Simulate building information which is translated from BIM to facility management system by a case of Da Long Dong Public Housing. This research achieves these purposes by literature review, semi-structured interviews and simulated experiment. To make conclusions, the main proposes and results as followings:

    1. To compile the information requirements of facility management system and the traditional process to translate information in the facility management system(traditional process):
    This research uses Archibus as representative of facility management systems, and focuses on Space Planning & Management, Asset Management, Preventive Maintenance and Lease Administrator function modules of Archibus. According to the information which is these function modules required, this research has summed up: 1. “Space Planning & Management” has 224 information requirements which can be classified as “Location of Site and Building”, “Space Name or Code”, “Characteristic of Space”, “Space Occupancy” and “Others”; 2. “Asset Management” has 205 information requirements which can be classified as “Asset Name or Code”, “Asset Specification”, “Location of Asset” and “Others”; 3. “Preventive Maintenance” has 155 information requirements which can be classified as “Employees and Craftspersons”, “Trades”, “Vendors”, “Resources” and “Define Preventive Maintenance Procedures, Steps, and Plans”; 4. “Lease Administrator” has 64 information requirements which can be classified as “Rental Space Name or Code” and “Leasing contract”. In addition, to compare with the process of translating BIM into facility management system, this research has compiled traditional process in 4 steps.

    2. To discuss the different between the information which COBie supplied and facility management system required:
    In this research, comparing the different between “as-built COBie” and Archibus information requirements is finished in this research and the outcome as the followings: Both of them require “Space” and “Equipment/Furniture/Socket” information. The information of “Geography”, “Finance”, “Employees and Craftspersons”, “Spare”, “Tool”, “Problems and Solutions”, “Maintenance processes and procedures”, “Time” and “Leasing contract” are required by Archibus, but “as-built COBie” do not supply it. As-built COBie can fill 34.8% of Space Planning & Management, 33.7% of Asset Management, 11.0% of Preventive Management and 12.5% of Lease Administrator function module information requirements in Archibus.

    3. To make a process to translate building information from BIM to facility management system by COBie(B+C transfering process):
    This research makes a process to translate building information from BIM to facility management system in 5 steps – “B+C transfering process”: 1. Checking BIM model as requirement; 2. Transferring BIM into COBie worksheet; 3. Transferring information from COBie worksheet into sheets of facility management system; 4. Transferring sheets of facility management system into the facility management database; 5. Filling the facility management database manually by facility management system. “B+C transfering process” is based on the study from common methods of information translation and the characteristics of facility management staffs.

    4. To simulate building information which is translated from BIM to facility management system by a case of Da Long Dong Public Housing:
    This research uses Da Long Dong Public Housing which has 110 residential units and Archibus (a kind of facility management systems) as a case and transfers its building information from BIM into Archibus database by “B+C transfering process” and makes 4 function modules of Archibus working smoothly. Finally, 3 aspects are used to assess the effect about using “B+C transfering process” to transfer building information into facility management system, including: “the percentage about how many information is filled by “B+C transfering process” in Archibus database”, “the workload of translating building information into Archibus” and “semi-structured interviews”. About the assessment from “the percentage about how many information is filled by “B+C transfering process” in Archibus database”, 13.0% of Space Planning & Management, 41.0% of Asset Management, 3.9% of Preventive Management and 12.5% of Lease Administrator information which is required by Archibus can be filled by “B+C transfering process”. Overall, delivering building information by “B+C transfering process” can save 40.9% of the workload which “traditional process” needs in the assessment from “the workload of translating building information into Archibus” aspect. In the “semi-structured interviews”, professionals demonstrate 3 opinions which relate to facility management as fallowing: 1. The construction team can provide the information which is in BIM by COBie when facility management team does not know what kind of information is required by facility management system; 2. “B+C transfering process” reduces the workload in the phase of facility management, but increases it in the phase of design and construction; 3. Both “B+C transfering process” and “traditional process” take a lot of time in making sure that the information is workable.

    目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.1.1 政府推動BIM發展 – 希望未來能以BIM輔助公有建築物營運管理 1.1.2 缺乏一套方法讓公部門有效的將BIM模型應用在公有建築物之設施管理 1.1.3 BIM所夾帶之資料不足以進行設施管理 1.1.4 營造、業主、設施管理團隊對於設施管理系統應具備的功能,需求與看法不一 1.1.5 研究方向 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究方法與流程 1.4 操作案例與研究範圍選定 1.4.1 以臺北市大龍峒公營住宅為操作案例 1.4.2 研究範圍 1.5 名詞解釋 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1 常見之設施管理系統及其所需輸入資料 2.1.1 國外常見之設施管理系統 2.1.2 國內常見之設施管理系統 2.1.3 設施管理之資料需求 2.2 BIM應用於設施管理之發展 2.2.1 BIM應用於設施管理之效益 2.2.2 配合設施管理需要,BIM應具備的項目 2.2.3 BIM應用於設施管理之挑戰 2.3 BIM資料移轉之發展 2.3.1 BIM資料移轉方式 2.3.2 資料移轉所面臨之挑戰 2.4 國內外BIM與COBie之推動與發展 2.4.1 英國BIM與COBie之推動與發展 – 政府主導標準與規範的制定 2.4.2 美國的BIM與COBie之推動與發展 – 政府避免介入標準與規範的訂定 2.4.3 國內BIM與COBie之推動與發展 2.5 BIM於設施管理之應用 2.5.1 台積電積極導入BIM於設施管理 2.5.2 新北市政府工務局嘗試透過BIM將設施資料完整提供給外包廠商 2.5.3 臺北市興隆公營住宅導入BIM並建置維修系統 2.5.4 紐西蘭的聯合理工學院以BIM為核心,開發應用程式進行設施管理 2.5.5 BIM應用於設施管理之相關研究 2.6 COBie於設施管理之應用 2.6.1 德克薩斯A&M健康科學中心以COBie作為資料庫儲存格式,降低檢索設施資料的時間 2.6.2 芝加哥大學行政大樓以COBie為基礎,建立一個轉換工具將BIM資料移轉至企業資產管理系統 2.6.3 COBie應用於設施管理之相關研究 2.7 小結 第三章 COBie標準 3.1 什麼是COBie? 3.1.1 目的 – 協助業主蒐集與整合建築資訊供設施管理使用 3.1.2 緣起 – 美國陸軍工兵軍團用以管理美國陸軍設施 3.2 為何需要COBie? 3.2.1 透過標準化表單填寫,維持全生命週期之建築資訊傳遞 3.2.2 透過對欄位標題的定義,傳遞設施管理真正所需的資料 3.2.3 透過對填寫方式的規範,避免產生資料解讀錯誤 3.2.4 讓各專業團隊在相同的表單集上填寫,減低設施管理團隊資料彙整工作量 3.3 COBie的組織架構與表單 3.3.1 COBie的基本通用架構及其發展 3.3.2 COBie表單說明 3.3.3 COBie版本 3.4 COBie的運作與應用 3.4.1 COBie填寫規範 3.4.2 COBie的執行與成果 3.4.3 COBie之應用 3.4.4 COBie在應用上的挑戰 3.5 小結 第四章 初始使用設施管理系統時所需輸入之建築資訊 與傳統輸入程序 4.1 Archibus簡介 4.2 Archibus功能模組建置次序及傳統資料輸入程序 4.2.1 Archibus功能模組建置次序 4.2.2 Archibus傳統資料輸入程序 4.3 「空間管理」功能模組 4.3.1 「空間管理」功能模組功能介紹 4.3.2 取得「空間管理」功能模組所需輸入的資料之操作流程 4.3.3 「空間管理」功能模組之所需輸入建築資訊 4.4 「資產管理」功能模組 4.4.1 「資產管理」功能模組功能介紹 4.4.2 「資產管理」功能模組之所需輸入建築資訊 4.5 「預防性維護」功能模組 4.5.1 「預防性維護」功能模組功能介紹 4.5.2 「預防性維護」功能模組所需輸入的資料之操作流程 4.5.3 「預防性維護」功能模組之所需輸入建築資訊 4.6 「租賃管理」功能模組 4.6.1 「租賃管理」功能模組功能介紹 4.6.2 「租賃管理」功能模組之所需輸入建築資訊 4.7 Archibus所需輸入的資料與竣工階段之COBie表單資料供應之比較 4.7.1 操作說明 4.7.2 「空間管理」功能模組之供需資料比較 4.7.3 「資產管理」功能模組之供需資料比較 4.7.4 「預防性維護」功能模組之供需資料比較 4.7.5 「租賃管理」功能模組之供需資料比較 4.8 小結 4.8.1 Archibus系統所需輸入的資料 4.8.2 Archibus所需輸入資料與竣工階段之COBie表單資料供應之比較結果 第五章 透過COBie移轉BIM建築資訊至設施管理系統之作業程序 (B+C移轉程序) 5.1 步驟一:確認BIM模型可以使用「B+C移轉程序」 5.1.1 透過BIM中的元件屬性,確認模型建置分工狀況,以追溯其建置責任 5.1.2 應注意BIM編輯軟體與COBie參數之設置或對位,確認資料是填寫在對應的欄位上 5.1.3 確認建模分類與模型分割是設施管理系統所需要的狀態 5.1.4 確認BIM中所有元件是採邏輯性的命名 5.1.5 確認BIM的細緻程度(LOD)符合設施管理系統需要 5.2 步驟二:自BIM模型轉出COBie表單檔案 5.3 步驟三:將COBie表單資料移入設施管理系統表單 5.4 步驟四:設施管理系統表單匯入設施管理資料庫 5.5 步驟五:在設施管理系統手動補充輸入各功能模組之其他所需資料 5.6 討論一:常見之建築資訊移轉流程探討 5.6.1 透過「Revit明細表輸出」的資料移轉流程 5.6.2 透過「新增自訂之資料欄位」的資料移轉流程 5.6.3 透過「COBie Extension」的資料移轉流程 5.6.4 透過「通用檔案格式」的資料移轉流程 5.6.5 透過「全球唯一碼(GUID)」的資料移轉流程 5.7 討論二:「B+C移轉程序」應具備之特性 5.7.1 針對設施管理人員,「B+C移轉程序」應考量的條件 5.7.2 考量設施管理人員之條件,本研究對「B+C移轉程序」所做的決定 5.8 小結 第六章 運用COBie移轉建築資訊至設施管理系統之案例模擬 6.1 大龍峒公營住宅個案簡介與BIM模型建置 6.1.1 大龍峒公營住宅個案簡介 6.1.2 大龍峒公營住宅BIM模型建置說明 6.2 大龍峒建築資訊移轉至Archibus之流程 6.2.1 步驟一:確認大龍峒BIM模型可以使用「B+C移轉程序」 6.2.2 步驟二:大龍峒BIM轉出COBie表單 6.2.3 步驟三:COBie表單資料移入Archibus表單 6.2.4 步驟四:將Archibus表單資料匯入Archibus資料庫 6.2.5 步驟五:在Archibus系統手動補充輸入 6.3 「B+C移轉程序」建築資訊移轉成果之效益評估與問題探討 6.3.1 BIM資料可成功滿足Archibus所需輸入欄位的百分率為3.9%〜41.0% 6.3.2 「B+C移轉程序」可節省41.8%傳統程序在輸入資料至設施管理資料庫的工作量 6.3.3 專家訪談 6.3.4 建築資訊移轉之問題探討 6.4 小結 第七章 結論與建議 7.1 結論 7.1.1 彙整設施管理系統所需輸入之資料 7.1.2 探討COBie標準表單資料與設施管理系統所需輸入資料之差異 7.1.3 研擬透過COBie將BIM資料移轉至設施管理系統之流程(B+C移轉程序) 7.1.4 模擬大龍峒公營住宅BIM資料移轉至設施管理系統之案例模擬操作 7.2 研究限制 7.3 後續研究建議 參考文獻 附錄A-國外常見之設施管理系統 附錄B – 透過COBie移轉BIM建築資訊至Archibus系統之範例操作

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