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研究生: 張淯然
Yu-Jan Chang
論文名稱: 行動裝置輔助聽力學習效果之後設分析
The Effects of Mobile-assisted Language Learning on Listening Comprehension: A Meta-analysis
指導教授: 曾文鐽
Wen-Ta Tseng
口試委員: 林至誠
Chih-Cheng Lin
Mei-Hsing Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 後設分析聽力理解行動輔助語言學習(MALL)行動學習
外文關鍵詞: Meta-analysis, Listening comprehension, MALL, Mobile learning
相關次數: 點閱:626下載:0
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  • 透過提供更新的觀點,本研究對行動輔助語言學習(MALL)對聽力理解的影響進行重新審視。MALL近年來因移動設備的廣泛普及和對靈活學習機會的需求不斷增加而受到歡迎。本研究旨在對先前研究進行後設分析,探究MALL對語言學習者的聽力理解能力的效果。

    本研究收集了Scopus、Web of Science、ERIC等主要學術數據庫上的初級研究文獻(primary studies)。除了期刊文章外,還將包括會議論文集、未出版的碩士論文作為初級研究文獻。搜尋範圍限定在2009年至2022年間的研究,將考慮符合以下納入標準的研究:(1)使用MALL作為教學工具來提高聽力理解能力;(2)包括控制組和實驗組來衡量MALL的效果;(3)提供足夠的數據計算效應值大小。

    符合納入標準的研究將使用隨機效應模型進行編碼和分析。效應值大小將使用Hedge's g進行計算。將根據使用的MALL類型、參與者的英語精熟程度和干預持續時間等因素進行調節變量分析。



    By providing an updated perspective, this study critically re-examined the influence of mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) on listening comprehension. The research drew attention to the pressing need for a broader collection of primary studies to enhance understanding of this relationship, thereby bridging a significant gap in the existing literature. Applying rigorous inclusion/exclusion criteria and a multi-source search strategy, the study integrated a robust array of primary studies for meta-analysis. Several influential moderators, often overlooked in prior research, were considered to yield a nuanced perspective. The results suggested a definitive positive effect of MALL on listening comprehension. However, the adjusted effect size from the limit meta-analysis signaled the presence of marginal publication bias. Consequently, this potential bias should be considered in interpretation of the findings, underlining the importance of unbiased reporting in future research. This comprehensive exploration offers novel insights and practical implications for educators and policymakers in optimizing the use of MALL for listening comprehension.

    Chinese abstract iii Abstract iv Acknowledgements v Table of Contents vi List of Tables vii List of Figures viii Introduction 1 The rise of MALL 1 How MALL can enhance listening skill 2 The need of a new meta-analysis 3 The importance of this current meta-analysis 3 Literature review 5 MALL vs. traditional learning 5 The Importance of Listening Comprehension 6 Methods to Improve listening comprehension 7 Advantages of MALL for Listening Comprehension 9 Disadvantages of MALL for Listening Comprehension 10 What is a Meta-Analysis? 11 The Methodology of the MALL Meta-Analysis 12 Previous meta-analyses 13 Gaps in previous meta-analysis 14 Methodology 16 Data collection 16 Inclusion/exclusion criteria 18 Moderators 18 Coding Scheme 20 Publication bias analysis 31 Results 32 Publication bias 32 Overall effect size 33 Moderator effect sizes 35 Discussion 41 Overall discussion 41 Discussion for moderators 43 Conclusion 53 Pedagogical implications 53 Suggestion and limitations 54 Conclusive overview 55 Reference 56

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