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研究生: 游千慧
論文名稱: 金融科技對銀行員職能轉型之探討-以K銀行消金分行存匯人員為例
Bank staff transformation against impact of Fintech - K bank as case study
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-yi Luor
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 金融科技職能轉型人格特質轉換意願
外文關鍵詞: Fintech, Job transformation, Personality, Willingness of transformation
相關次數: 點閱:418下載:6
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1. 對銀行業務已有基礎,業務拓展容易;
2. 對分行客戶已有了解,較易深耕客戶增加產品面;
3. 自動化程度提升及作業集中影響,將調整存匯人員及業務人員比例。

In order to explore consumer finance business such as Mortgage, Credit loan as well as Investment finance in banking business, to increase sales force is inevitable by transferring in house clerk to sales person. The reasons are: (1) In house clerk is aware of banking operation which will be easier for them to develop business in further. (2) In house clerk is ware of customer needs which will be easier for them to promote right product (3) Along with maturity of coming Fintech, the demand of in house clerk will be reduced significantly and it’s time to help them to transfer to different functions
The reality is when Fintech is getting matured, the headcount of in house clerk will be eliminated at same time, in order to reduce such impact, the government has been expedited the transformation of banks. As a case study, take “In house clerks” as example for further investigation, we will investigate for how to help in house clerk to find a new position and re-build their value to fit future requirement, meantime, we will discuss for how to resolve the resistance and move forward. For detail study purpose, below factors are included as fundamental of investigation, Experience, Capability, Personality, Professional background, Performance and Sense of Self-Awareness.
To proceed the investigation, by Observation and Visiting, we found most of participants (In house clerk) in this survey are willing to take further assignment. Therefore, it is required to support them by providing necessary training and educations which sales function related. And meantime, help them to pass the training course via friendly mechanism.As the result of investigation, we expect this case study would help the employee in banking business to find their way of future without impact too much by the trend of Fintech.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章、 緒論 8 1.1 研究背景 8 1.2 研究動機 12 1.3 研究目的 13 第二章、 文獻探討 14 2.1 傳統銀行分行功能 14 2.2 金融業轉型 15 2.3 行員職能轉換 16 2.4 人格特質 19 2.5.1人格特質之定義 19 2.5.2 五大人格特質 20 第三章、 研究方法 25 3.1 研究架構 25 3.2 研究方法 25 3.3 研究說明 28 第四章、 研究分析 31 4.1 訪談分析 31 4.2 職能轉換因素 40 4.2.1職能轉換敘述分析 41 4.2.2職能轉換因素差異檢定 43 4.3 人格特質因素 48 4.3.1人格特質敘述分析 53 4.3.2人格特質差異檢定 54 第五章、 研究結論 58 參考文獻 60 圖目錄 圖4-1、長條圖:A和B群工作職務轉換因素程度 43 圖4-2、A和B群人格特質長條圖 54  表目錄 表1-1、台灣銀行分支機構歷年變化 9 表1-3、存匯人員與業務人員工作內容及屬性比較表 12 表2-1、未來金融科技人才需求之專業人才職類 17 表2-2、五大人格特質構面及次構面表 23 表4-1、訪談者背景資料 32 表4-2、訪談內容彙整 33 表4-3、A群轉職因素 40 表4-4、B群轉職因素 40 表4-5、A和B群:工作職務轉換考慮因素程度佔比 41 表4-6、A和B群:工作職務轉換考慮因素程度平均值及及標準差 42 表4-7、A和B群工作職務轉換考慮因素程度差異檢定 45 表4-8、人格特質訪談內容彙整 49 表4-9、A和B群人格特質平均值 53 表4-10、A和B群人格特質平均值及標準差 53 表4-11、A和B群人格特質差異檢定 55

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