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研究生: 陳忠峰
Chung-Feng Chen
論文名稱: 高效率與輕量化背光模組
High Efficiency and Low Weight Backlight Module
指導教授: 陳政寰
Cheng-huan Chen
San-liang Lee
口試委員: 張嘉男
Neng-Chung Hu
Cheng-Kuang Liu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 次波長光學元件奈米光柵偏極轉換背光反射式導光板
外文關鍵詞: subwavelength optical element, nano grating, polarization conversion, backlight, reflective light guide
相關次數: 點閱:413下載:0
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  • 摘要
    在本論文中,提出並驗證了兩項創新的背光系統,其結果顯示能有效改善傳統背光模組的兩項常見課題 - 效率與重量。

    本論文的第二部分,在提出並驗證一種新的反射式導光板(lightguide)結構,為側光型背光模組提出輕量化的解決之道。結合了傳統的光學膜;諸如擴散片(diffuser)、稜鏡膜(prismatic film)及反射式偏光膜(reflective polarizer)將光分散,在製作的原型樣本結果顯示其能有效將光線均勻化,並驗證了其可行性與應用在平面顯示器的背光模組的潛力。因此利用此反射式中空導光板去取代傳統使用的實心固體的偏光板,就能達成輕量化背光模組目的。

    The display technology is never overemphasized the image performance enhancement for satisfying human’s visual demands. The TFT-LCD panel does not illuminate itself but simply utilize the filtered light from a backlight source, therefore the performance improvement with backlight is one of the major direction to enhance the quality of the TFT-LCD.
    In this dissertation, two novel backlight systems were proposed and demonstrated to improve two frequently concerned subjects on conventional backlight system, namely efficiency and weight.
    In the first part, a subwavelength nanostructure is designed and evaluated which can perform the function of a polarization beam splitter for the application of planar polarization conversion system in liquid crystal based disply. A binary SOE (Subwavelength Optical Element) grating with varied duty cycle has been proposed and analyzed. According to effective medium theory, such binary SOE grating structure behaves like a gradient-index material which can bend the incoming light beam. If a proper profile and material of the SOE is chosen, the polarization state of the incoming light parallel and perpendicular to the grating groove will experience different gradient of the effective indices, which could be utilized as a mechanism for splitting two orthogonal polarization states. Thus a high efficiency backlight module can be achieved by utilizing the splitted orthogonal polarized light with the polarization conversion system.
    In the second part, a novel light guide fully composed of reflective plate has been proposed and demonstrated as a light weight solution for planar illuminator with the light source located at the side edge. Accompanying with the conventional optical films such as diffuser, prismatic film and reflective polarizer to spread light distribution, the uniformity of the prototype has shown the feasibility and potential for applying to backlight module of flat panel displays. Thus a light weight backlight module was achieved by utilizing the reflective hollow lightguide to replace the conventional solid ones.

    Table of Contents Abstract(Chinese)………………………………………………………………i Abstract(English)………………………………………………………………iii Acknowledgment...................................................v Table of Contents………………………………………………………………vi Figure Captions…………………………………………………………………ix List of Tables………………………………………………………………….xv Chapter 1 Introduction of LCD Backlights 1.1LCD Introduction………….…………………………………1 1.2LCD Principle...…………….………………………………2 1.3TFT-LCD Manufacturing………………………………………4 1.4LCD Backlight Configuration 1.4.1Edge-lit Configuration………………………………………7 1.4.2Direct-lit Configuration……………………………………8 1.4.3Channel-lit Configuration...........................9 1.5Liquid Crystal Projector............................10 1.6Motivation..........................................12 Chapter 2 Principles of LCD Backlights 2.1Snell’s Law........................................15 2.2Total Internal Reflection...........................18 2.3Brewster’s Angle...................................19 2.4Effective Medium Theory.............................22 2.5Lambertian 2.5.1.Lambert’s Cosine Law...............................25 2.5.2.Lambertian Source.......................................................26 2.6Photometry 2.6.1.Light...............................................28 2.6.2.Luminous Flux.........................................................29 2.6.3.Luminous Intensity..................................29 2.6.4.Luminance...........................................29 2.6.5.Brightness..........................................30 2.6.6.Illuminance.........................................31 Chapter 3 Key Technology of LCD Backlights 3.1Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp.......................32 3.2Light guide 3.2.1Printed Ink-dot Pattern.............................35 3.2.2Injection Molding Pattern...........................37 3.3Prismatic Film......................................38 3.4Reflective Polarizer....................................................42 3.5Diffuser Film.......................................44 3.6SOE Structure for PBS in Liquid Crystal Projectors..47 Chapter 4 Nano Structure Polarization Conversion System for Projectors 4.1Introduction........................................50 4.2Principle of SOE on PBS Application 4.2.1SOE (Subwavelength Optical Element).................51 4.2.2SOE for PBS (Polarization Beam Splitter)............56 4.3Design 4.3.1First Order Design..................................60 4.3.2Novel PCS Structure.................................66 4.4Simulation..........................................67 4.5Result and Discussion...................................................70 Chapter 5 Reflective Lightguide for Planar Illuminators 5.1Introduction........................................73 5.2Principles of Light Guide with Reflective Plate.....76 5.3Design 5.3.1First Order Design..................................81 5.3.2Optical Design......................................86 5.4Simulation..........................................87 5.5Result and Discussion 5.5.1Prototype and Performance Characterization..........94 5.5.2Discussion.........................................101 Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 6.1Conclusion.........................................104 6.2Future Work........................................105 References..................................................108 Appendix – Publication List........................................................116 Vita........................................................117


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