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研究生: 黃政廷
Cheng-Ting Huang
論文名稱: 建築外覆系統設計製造的元件基礎資訊整合
Element-base information integration for design and fabrication of building envelope
指導教授: 施宣光
Shen-Guan Shih
Jui-Tang Wang
口試委員: 許志霖
Chih-Lin Hsu
Chih-Yun Chiang
Sheng-Kai Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 建築資訊管理元件基礎元件基礎專案資料庫
外文關鍵詞: BIM, Element- Base, knowledge-base model library, Project Datebase
相關次數: 點閱:370下載:11
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以帷幕設計為例,在設計過程中透過帷幕廠商所上傳到元件知識庫的參數化模型單元運用到設計案例中,透過參數的設定製造商能夠將帷幕單元基本幾何資訊的設計限制及非幾何資訊中性能、物理資訊及成本資訊附加於參數化模型中,幫助設計師能在早期設計中就能在合理的狀況下進行帷幕設計,以減少後續顧問協調及製造商調整的溝通成本和設計變更。並以專案資料庫(Project Database)的概念,將設計過程模型以元件為單位作為一筆資料上傳到資料庫中,以利後續設計上的幾何及非幾何資料紀錄、共用及存取,提供另一種想法不同於目前普遍以專業團隊模型作為交付的模型整合過程。

The technology of BIM building information management is currently an important part of architectural design and engineering. Through BIM, auxiliary designers and engineers can more clearly grasp the project information, and effectively control the element information through data sorting, so as to quickly and efficiently. Accurately obtain the basic geometry, cost and performance information of the project, but how to have an effective transmission mechanism and cooperation mode between the manufacturers and the design teams for the design information and the basic performance of the components is a challenge. The unit is the component (Element- Base) as the medium of design communication, compares the current exchange of information with different discipline model files as a unit (File-base) to improve the efficiency of model information exchange. This research focuses on the collaboration of building information and knowledge-base model library.
Taking curtain wall design as an example, in the design process, the parametric model components uploaded to the knowledge-base model library that supplied by the curtain wall fabricator is applied to the design case. Through the parameter setting, the fabricator can apply the design constraints and non-geometry information of the geometry information of the curtain unit. The medium performance, physical information and cost information are added to the parametric model, which helps designers to carry out curtain design under reasonable conditions in the early design phase, so as to reduce the communication cost and design change of subsequent consultant coordination and manufacturer adjustment. Based on the concept of Project Database, the design process model is uploaded to the database as a set of data in units of components, so as to facilitate the recording, sharing and access of geometric and non-geometric data in subsequent designs, providing another method. The idea is different from the current model integration process that is commonly delivered with a model of difference discipline teams.
This study explores how to effectively use databases to establish and strengthen the life history of building components and collaborative work plan management through the parametric elements of the component knowledge base and the advanced application of SQL syntax and the operation of actual cases on a unit basis.

論文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII CHAPTER 1 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究流程 2 1.4 預期結果 4 CHAPTER 2 文獻探討 5 2.1 建築資訊模型(BIM) 5 2.1.1 ISO 19650的概念 6 2.1.2 共用資訊環境(Common Data Environment) 11 2.1.3 聯合模型(federated model) 14 2.2 元件知識庫 16 2.2.1 參數化設計 17 2.2.2 建築知識管理與知識基礎(Knowledge-Based) 18 2.3 單元式外覆系統的數位化 19 2.4以元件為基礎(Element-based)的專案資料庫管理模式 20 2.5 商用BIM資訊共享平台 21 2.5.1 BIM 360 22 2.5.2 IPCS專案整合雲服務 23 CHAPTER 3 元件基礎取代檔案基礎的資訊共用環境 25 3.1 研究系統使用案例分析 25 3.1.1 系統中的使用者 26 3.1.2 系統中的資料庫 27 3.1.3 系統規劃 27 3.2 元件為基礎(Element-base)的系統應用策略分析 28 3.2.1 研究系統使用者使用流程圖 28 3.2.2 設計應用流程 30 3.2.3 元件為基礎的專案資料庫規劃 30 3.2.4 元件基礎(Element-base)及檔案基礎的共用資訊環境比較 32 3.3 元件基礎(Element-base)的共用資訊環境的應用流程 34 3.3.1 知識基礎(Knowledge-Based)的參數化元件設計 34 3.3.2 元件知識庫(Model Library) 39參數化元件上傳 39瀏覽及下載參數化元件 40建模軟體中運用 42 3.3.3 專案資料庫(Project Database) 44 產生(Generate)設計模型 44輸出及上傳(Check_in)每個帷幕單元的幾何及非幾何資訊 45查詢(Search)元件資訊及復原(Download)專案 48 3.4 小結 51 CHAPTER 4 以元件為基礎不同階段的資訊共用環境 52 4.1 整合不同設計階段的元件基礎系統策略分析 52 4.1.1 不同設計階段的元件基礎資訊模型 52 4.1.2 整合不同設計階段的元件基礎資料庫規劃 54 4.1.3 整合不同設計階段的元件基礎流程規劃 55 4.2 利用SQL指令實現整合不同階段的元件基礎資訊共用環境 57 4.2.1 透過SQL指令完成專案資料庫操作 57 上傳專案資訊 58 上傳元件資訊 60 查詢元件資訊 62 設計變更 64 4.2.2 整合不同設計階段的元件資訊 65 4.2.3 透過SQL指令取得不同階段、條件元件資訊 68 4.2.4 創建客製化需求資料表 69 4.2.5取得元件歷史紀錄 70 4.3 不同建模軟體間使用專案資料庫 71 4.4 專案資料庫中資料的安全性 72 4.5 元件基礎與ISO 19650的資訊共用環境(CDE)比較 73 CHAPTER 5 研究分析討論與後續發展建議 75 5.1研究結果分析 75 5.1.1 商用BIM資訊共享平台分析 75 5.1.2 研究系統分析 76 5.2 後續發展建議 78 文獻參考 79 附錄: 82

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