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研究生: 許郁欣
Yu-Hsin Hsu
論文名稱: OH9台灣黑狗兄運動襪品牌之路
The Brand Road of Taiwan OH9 Sports Socks
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 商業生態系統品牌信任全通路行銷模式全方位數位行銷
外文關鍵詞: Business Ecosystem, Brand Trust, Omni Channel Marketing, Digital Marketing
相關次數: 點閱:335下載:0
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In the early 1990s, the development of the hosiery industry in China and other Southeast Asian countries was immature. Taiwan exported nearly 200 million US dollars of socks a year which was the country exported the largest amount to the United States. Shetou Township enjoyed the reputation of "The Kingdom of Socks", "Family is the factory" was the epitome of Shetou. The variety of socks produced in Shetou brought huge foreign exchange to Taiwan at the time. However, with the government's policy to actively promote high-tech industry, focusing on supporting products with high added value, and the external environmental impact caused by the opening of the market, the low production cost advantage of traditional industries in Taiwan has gradually disappeared. Taiwan hosiery industry is gradually losing ground in the international market.

These external environmental impact has hit the hosiery industry in Shetou very hard. Mr. lee, who was the original manufacturer of socks for the big brands, was also deeply affected. All orders were lost overnight. However, at this time Mr. lee's "Brand Dream" sprouted quietly in his heart. He knew that only by building a high-quality own brand can get rid of the low-price competition of traditional industries. He started thinking about long-term transformation, and also developed a niche market for high-priced sports socks. He used competitive advantages to reverse disadvantages, and successfully created brand value.

The case is adapted Harvard Case Study research method to discuss the following issues: Business Ecosystem, Brand Trust, Omni Channel Marketing, Digital Marketing. Through the discussion, we can learn that how OH9 develops from OEM to own brand under the external environmental impact, and also develops a complete business ecosystem centered on sports socks with other hosiery industries in Shetou; builds consumer trust by improving product quality and establishing a good brand image and customer-oriented service concept; use Omni channel marketing to promote the brand, and take advantage of digital tools and platforms for digital marketing.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 壹、個案本文 1 一、序場-來自襪子故鄉「社頭鄉」的台灣黑狗兄 1 二、台灣每10雙襪子,有8雙來自這裡!-社頭鄉織襪產業發展概況 3 三、從代工到自創品牌-OH9的創新之路 5 堅守代工路線或是走向自創品牌? 5 「做品牌」是一場馬拉松 而不是短跑衝刺 6 破除代工思維 思索長遠轉型 7 四、小頭家OH9品牌夢-鞏固品牌資產,創造品牌價值 8 社頭一個黑狗兄 伊是OH9的頭家 8 25年只做一件事 只為給您全方位足部保護 9 專注品牌行銷 部分製襪流程外包以降低成本 10 五、舊產業,新行銷-OH9的全通路行銷策略 12 善用實體店鋪優勢 贏回消費者 12 積極拓展虛擬通路 強攻電商業績 13 拓展潛力客戶 參展、活動擺攤以開拓市場 14 多管道曝光 提升企業形象、建立品牌信任 15 六、精準掌握網路集客術-OH9的數位行銷戰術 18 掌握社群經營關鍵心法 培養忠實粉絲 18 讓產品自己說話 比名人代言更具威力的口碑行銷 20 迎接「滑時代」 鎖定客群數位廣告投放更精準 21 宅經濟正夯 電商平台商城經營商機無限 23 七、看見未來-OH9的展望與策略 24 由「襪子」打頭陣 開發延伸商品商機 24 MIT品牌強襲 立足台灣進軍國際市場 25 八、附錄 26 貳、個案討論 27 一、個案總覽 27 代工轉型品牌之路 27 織襪舊產業玩出新行銷 28 OH9的下一步 28 OH9的成功關鍵 29 二、教學目標與適用課程 30 三、學生課前討論問題 34 四、個案人物背景 35 五、個案分析 36 教學目標一:商業生態系統 37 教學目標二:品牌信任 41 教學目標三:全通路行銷模式 44 教學目標四:全方位數位行銷 48 六、課程結論 53 七、教學建議 54 八、板書規劃 61 參、參考文獻 62 一、英文參考文獻 62 二、中文參考文獻 63 三、網站部分 64

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