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研究生: 李夢熊
Meng-Hsiung Lee
論文名稱: 伺服器電子產品研發電路圖之訊息設計研究
A Study of Information Design on Electronic Schematic Design in a Server Department
指導教授: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
口試委員: 林希偉
Shi-Woei Lin
Yi-Kuei Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 訊息設計電路圖版面編排
外文關鍵詞: information design, electrical schematic, layout
相關次數: 點閱:359下載:0
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A good electrical schematic should communicate its purpose and design to re-duce user confusion and misunderstanding. With the advancement of technology, the function of electronic products has become more diverse than ever. This has lead to increasing complexity of the electrical schematic in product development and de-sign. The quality of an electrical schematic will affect the efficiency and accuracy of an operator’s work when producing the product. Therefore, how well an electrical schematic is designed is of the highest importance and it is where we need to place our focus.
To enhance the clarity of an electrical schematic and better communicate with our users, there must be simple guidelines in place as we draw our schematic. In this research paper, we adopted an electrical schematic designed by a Server R & D de-partment as our case study. To start with, we will carry out a literature review, and then conduct interview with associated managers, circuit designers, and new mem-bers of the team to discuss the existing problems, and further understand users’ needs. Based on the findings from the literature review and interviews, modifica-tions will be made. After that, a second round of interviews will be conducted to find out if all the important issues have been resolved. Recommendations for future elec-trical schematic design framework will be concluded according to the findings and results from this research paper.

摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究問題 第三節 研究範圍與限制 第四節 論文架構 第五節 名詞釋義 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 伺服器生產流程 第二節 電路圖設計步驟 第三節 訊息處理 第四節 訊息設計 第五節 平面設計 第三章 研究方法 第一節 訪談 第二節 實施步驟 第四章 現行電路圖調查 第一節 現行電路圖架構分析 第二節 現行工程電路圖視覺要素分析 第三節 使用者訪談(1) 第四節 小結 第五章 版面改良設計與使用者測試 第一節 工程線路圖版面改良設計 第二節 使用者訪談(2) 第三節 設計規範確立 第四節 小結 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議 第三節 後續研究方向 參考文獻

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