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研究生: 柯亭佑
Ting - Yu Ke
論文名稱: 錳改質鐵礦載氧體用於丁酮燃化與脫硝製程整合之研究
Research of Manganese-Modified Iron Ore for MEK Gasification and Denitrification Process
指導教授: 郭俞麟
Yu - Lin Kuo
口試委員: 顧洋
Young Ku
Yao-Hsuan Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 化學迴路燃燒程序鐵礦有機溶劑載氧體脫硝反應
外文關鍵詞: Chemical Looping Combustion, Iron ore, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Oxygen Carrier, Dentration
相關次數: 點閱:365下載:0
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實驗結果表明,經過錳改質過後之鐵礦載氧體有效強化鐵礦氧化過程中之劣勢,並且運行半套流體化床時,載氧體皆能有效增進丁酮之熱裂解效率,在各個氧化相態可以提升碳轉化率6 - 43.1%不等,此外後之鐵礦載氧體在後續之脫硝性能方面,各個還原相態中,展現優於前之效果,並在實際模擬鍋爐尾氣的條件下可達到最佳之脫硝效果,整體系統之脫硝時間可以達到最長900秒的時間,本實驗最後也進行多次迴圈之連續脫硝實驗,並達到良好之脫硝效果,可供後續實場之運行參考。

Chemical looping process, a novel technology with low cost and high efficiency, can take into environmental friendliness and circular economy. In recent years, as economy and industry of Taiwan have turned into high-tech development, problems of organic wastewater and power supply in the semiconductor industry are getting more serious. Moreover, power generation of Taiwan is increasingly dependent on combustion-based thermal power generation, which has caused serious problems of nitrogen oxide pollution, and therefore has imposed a serious problem on environment of Taiwan.
The purpose of this research is to explore the high-temperature decomposition of the organic waste solvent methyl ethyl ketone used from the high-tech industry by chemical looping process, and the metal oxide is used as a catalyst to improve the efficiency of reaction. After doing decomposition process, oxygen carriers will carry on following process of denitration. In this paper, the material composition of iron ore oxygen carrier and iron ore oxygen carrier modified by doped manganese oxide and synthesis gas of MEK are firstly carried out through XRD, XRF, TGA and laboratory-scale. Denitration were conducted using iron ore and modified iron-ore in a semi-fluidized bed reactor and the results evaluated accordingly.
The experimental results show that the modified iron ore oxygen carrier can effectively strengthen the disadvantages of the iron ore in an oxidation process, and when running half of the fluidized bed, the oxygen carrier can effectively improve the thermal decomposition efficiency from 6% to 43.1%. In addition, in the subsequent denitrification performance of the iron ore carrier after modification, in each reduction phase state, it exhibits a better effect than the raw iron-ore, and can achieve the best desorption under the conditions of actual boiler exhaust gas condition, which can offer 900s non-NOx gas condition in reactor. A multi-round continuous denitration experiment was also carried out, and a good denitration effect was achieved, which can be used as a reference for subsequent real-field operation.

第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 4 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1化學迴路燃燒程序 5 2.2 載氧體性質 8 2.2.1 氧化還原能力 8 2.2.2 載氧能力 11 2.2.3 抗團聚能力 12 2.2.4 機械強度 13 2.2.5 成本 14 2.2.6 環境友善 15 2.3 載氧體的選擇 15 2.3.1 鐵系載氧體 16 2.3.2 錳系載氧體 20 2.3.3銅系載氧體 23 2.3.4鎳系載氧體 24 2.3.5鈷系載氧體 26 2.3.6 鐵錳型載氧體 27 2.4天然礦石載氧體 28 2.4.1 鈦鐵礦 28 2.4.2 赤鐵礦 29 2.4.3錳礦 30 2.5 燃料種類與選擇 31 2.5.1 丁酮的熱裂解 31 2.6 氮氧化物生成途徑 33 2.6.1 熱式氮氧化物 34 2.6.2 燃料氮氧化物 36 2.6.3瞬間式氮氧化物 37 2.7 氮氧化物去除技術 38 2.7.1 燃燒前處理 39 2.7.1 A燃料除氮 39 2.7.1 B 燃料添加劑 39 2.7.1 C 燃料更換 40 2.7.2 燃燒中處理 40 2.7.2A 分段燃燒法 40 2.7.2B 煙道器循環法 41 2.7.2C 低氮氧化物燃燒器 41 2.7.3 燃燒後處理 41 2.7.3A 選擇性非觸媒還原法 42 2.7.3B 選擇性觸媒還原法 42 2.7 反應器種類 44 2.7.1固定床反應器 45 2.7.2流體化床反應器 46 2.7.3移動床反應器 48 第三章 實驗設備與儀器 49 3.1 實驗藥品 50 3.2 材料製備 52 3.2.1 鐵礦載氧體製備 52 3.2.2 鐵錳複合載氧體製備 52 3.3 實驗設備與分析儀器 54 3.3.1 X光繞射儀 54 3.3.2 X射線螢光光譜儀 55 3.3.3 熱重分析儀 56 3.3.4 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 57 3.3.5 實驗級半套式流體化床反應器 58 第四章 結果與討論 59 4.1 鐵礦載氧體 59 4.1.1 鐵礦與錳改質鐵礦之成分分析 59 4.1.2 鐵礦與錳改質鐵礦氧化與還原特性分析 63 4.1.3 鐵礦與鐵礦熱穩定性質分析 67 4.1.4 鐵礦與錳改質鐵礦多圈反應性質分析 68 4.2 鐵礦與錳改質鐵礦運用於化學迴路程序中之合成氣影響 72 4.2.1 丁酮於不同還原氣氛之下之碳轉化率探討 74 4.2.2 丁酮於流體化床中之多圈反應 82 4.3 鐵礦與錳改質鐵礦載氧體運用於化學迴路中之脫硝性評估 88 4.3.1 載氧體於不同濃度之丁酮還原態分析 88 4.3.2 錳改質鐵礦載氧體於不同氧氣濃度與不同氮氧化物濃度之反應探討 94 4.3.3 錳改質鐵礦載氧體多圈脫硝反應 105 4.3.4 反應機制探討 107 第五章 結論與未來展望 109 5.1 載氧體性質分析 109 5.2 載氧體對於丁酮裂解合成氣之影響 109 5.3 鐵礦與錳改質鐵礦載氧體運用於化學迴路中之脫硝性評估 110 5.4 未來展望 111 參考文獻 112

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