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研究生: Bharath
論文名稱: 應用於微型換流器之主動箝位順向/返馳式直流-直流轉換器分析與設計
Analysis and Design of Active Clamp Forward/Flyback DC-DC Converter for Micro Inverters
指導教授: 羅有綱
Yu-Kang Lo
Huang-Jen Chiu
口試委員: Yi-Hua Liu
Yi-Hua Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 順向/返馳式轉換器主動箝位電路零電壓切換輸出電壓提升
外文關鍵詞: forward/flyback, active-clamp circuit, zero voltage- switching (ZVS), output voltage.
相關次數: 點閱:377下載:27
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本文將分析與討論電路之動作原理及設計,並實作一台輸入直流電壓24 V、
輸出直流電壓400 V/150 W之高升壓比隔離型主動箝位順向/返馳式轉換器,以驗

The thesis presents an isolated high step-up forward/flyback active-clamp
converter with output voltage lift. In order to obtain high step-up voltage gain, the
output voltage lift is adopted. The characteristics of the output voltage lift are similar
to the forward converter operates charging mode. The flyback converter operates
discharging mode.The active-clamp circuit is employed to recycle the
leakage-inductance energy of the forward/flyback transformer and to suppress the
voltage stress on the switch. By utilizing the active-clamp circuit, both primary and
auxiliary switches can achieve zero voltage- switching (ZVS), thus improving the
efficiency of the proposed converter. Lossless switching of the main switch
independent of the line and load conditions no increase in conduction losses, simple
power and control circuitry, and capability of operating in either voltage or current
mode control.
The converter operates at boundary mode between current continuous and
discontinuous mode to achieve ZVS. Variable frequency with fixed off time is used for
reducing core losses of the transformer, achieving high efficiency. Meanwhile, power
distribution between forward and flyback is analyzed as well. Finally, a prototype
circuit with 24-V input voltage, 400-V output voltage, and 150-W output power is
implemented to verify the performance.

Abstract………………………………………………………………… ........................ i 摘要 .............................................................................................................................. ii Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................... iii List of tables and figures .......................................................................................... …vi List of principal symbols ............................................................................................... ix List of acronyms ............................................................................................................. x Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................................................1 1.1 General background ...............................................................................................1 1.2 Description of renewable energy ...........................................................................2 1.3 Forward/Flyback topologies ..................................................................................3 1.4 Block diagram of solar micro-inverters ...............................................................5 1.5 Active clamp forward DC-DC converter ...............................................................7 1.6 Thesis outline.........................................................................................................9 Chapter 2 A ZVS Forward/Flyback DC-DC Converter Topology ......................... 11 2.1 Active clamp forward/flyback converter ............................................................. 11 2.2 Control diagram of forward-flyback converter .................................................... 12 2.3 Features of ZVS forward/flyback converter ......................................................13 iv 2.4 Control strategy.................................................................................................... 16 Chapter 3 Operating Principles and Circuit Analysis............................................18 3.1 Operating principles and circuit analysis............................................................18 3.2 Analysis of steady state operation ......................................................................27 3.3 Analysis and operation of ZVS...........................................................................30 Chapter 4 Circuit Design and Experimental Verifications ....................................35 4.1 Circuit design......................................................................................................35 4.2 Design of control circuit .....................................................................................38 4.3 Simulation of the proposed converter .................................................................41 4.4 Experimental results............................................................................................44 4.5 System verifications............................................................................................59 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work .................................................................61 Reference ....................................................................................................................63

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