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研究生: 王思傑
Si-Jie Wang
論文名稱: 使用電流殘差訊號與機器學習之洗滌風扇狀態監診
Condition Monitoring of Scrubber Fan using Current Residual Signal with ML Algorithms
指導教授: 藍振洋
Chen-Yang Lan
Meng-Kun Liu
口試委員: 陳韋任
Wei-Jen Chen
Chen-Yang Lan
Meng-Kun Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 感應馬達故障診斷故障頻率模型式診斷殘差模擬機器學習
外文關鍵詞: induction motor, fault diagnosis, fault frequency, model-based diagnosis, residual simulation, machine learning
相關次數: 點閱:425下載:0
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  • 三相感應馬達在各種工業製造程序和設施中扮演重要角色,作為驅動器,能有效地將電能轉換為機械能。由於其堅固強大的結構,它們可以在各種常壓、高壓和危險環境中安裝和運轉。儘管如此,感應馬達仍然容易因操作條件的重負荷、工業環境的應力和老化而出現故障和失效。這些故障和失效可能導致嚴重的安全問題、昂貴的停機和維修以及能源浪費。因此,保持感應馬達正常運行狀態至關重要,以確保其安全且高效的運作。狀態監診技術在預測性維護中為關鍵之技術,是了解感應馬達運行狀態的主要方法。

    The three-phase induction motor play a crucial role as prime mover in various industrial manufacturing processes and facilities. It converts electrical energy into mechanical energy efficiently. Due to its robust and sturdy structure, it can be installed and operated in a wide range of environments, from general to high-voltage and hazardous ones. However, despite these advantages, induction motors are susceptible to failures and malfunctions caused by heavy operating, environmental stresses and aging. These failures and malfunctions can lead to serious safety issues, costly downtime and maintenance, as well as energy waste. Therefore, ensuring the normal operation of induction motor is paramount for safe and efficient operation. Fault diagnosis techniques play the key role in monitoring the condition of these motors in predictive maintenance.
    Signal-based fault diagnosis methods, such as Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA), offer cost-effective and low-demand advantages. By utilizing a simple Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm on the current signal, different fault frequency indicators can be observed, which have been standardized in the ISO-20958 document. However, accurately identifying the positions and severity of these fault frequencies in the current spectrum poses a challenge due to their smaller amplitudes and energies compared to other current harmonics.
    This study aims to address these challenges by applying a model-based fault residual signal to replace MCSA. The model-based approach utilizes the principle of sinusoidal waveform overlapping to eliminate current harmonics and other frequency components unrelated to faults in the spectrum. The method employs the measured voltage signal and the state-space model of the induction motor to generate an estimated current signal. The estimated current signal shares the same frequency components from the voltage signal as the original current, but the latter contains additional frequency components if with faults, namely the fault frequencies. By subtracting the estimated current signal from the original current, a destructive sinusoidal waveform overlap occurs, eliminating all identical frequency components while preserving the fault frequency spikes in the spectrum. The output of this subtraction process, known as the residual signal, is observed to be more sensitive to faults compared to the original current signal. The residual signal is valuable data in training machine learning classifiers for fault diagnosis. Extracting fault frequencies from the residual spectrum generates features for training the machine learning classifiers. Fault frequencies carry physical significance related to specific faults, thereby providing valuable information for the classifier's learning during the training process.
    The method was applied on a scrubber fan in an industrial facility, where the fan is driven by an induction motor through a belt. The experimental result has demonstrated that the model-based residual signal exhibits higher sensitivity and robustness compared to MCSA. The combination of the model-based residual signal and machine learning classifiers enhances the accuracy of fault diagnosis decision-making.

    摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 前言 1.2 文獻回顧 1.2.1 馬達故障診斷 1.2.2 訊號處理 1.2.3 模型式分析 1.2.4 機器學習 1.2.5 特徵抓取 1.3 模型式故障診斷優點 1.4 論文架構概述 第二章 研究方法 2.1 感應馬達模型 2.1.1 系統鑑別 2.1.2 座標軸轉換 2.1.3 數學模型 2.1.4 黑盒狀態空間模型 2.2 子空間識別演算法 2.2.1 狀態空間模型 2.2.2 數據集 2.2.3 狀態和擴展可觀察性矩陣 2.2.4 系統矩陣估計 2.2.5 隨機量估計 2.2.6 初始狀態估計 2.2.7 持續刺激輸入訊號 2.2.8 標準誤差估計 2.3 快速傅立葉轉換 2.4 馬達異常電流頻譜特徵 2.4.1 皮帶 2.4.2 軸承 2.5 殘差 2.5.1 殘差 2.5.2 殘差頻譜 2.6 機器學習 2.6.1 支持向量機(Support Vector Machine) 2.6.2 分類器 第三章 殘差模擬 3.1 模擬流程 3.2 暫態穩態系統鑑別之殘差模擬 3.2.1 輸入訊號以及原系統 3.2.2 系統鑑別 3.2.3 異常狀態 3.3 穩態系統鑑別之殘差模擬 3.3.1 系統鑑別 3.3.2 異常狀態 3.4 模擬實際感測器量測狀況 第四章 實驗規劃 4.1 實驗設備 4.2 損壞類型 4.2.1 皮帶破壞 4.2.2 皮帶輪偏心 4.2.3 皮帶張力不足 4.2.4 軸承破壞 4.3 故障診斷分析流程 4.4 資料前處理 4.4.1 電壓電流訊號校正 4.4.2 相線電壓電流轉換 第五章 電壓電流殘差分析 5.1 電流分析(MCSA) 5.2 殘差頻譜分析 5.2.1 基線建立 5.2.2 殘差頻譜分析 5.3 機器學習 5.4 不同負載模型比較 第六章 結論 6.1 結果討論 6.2 研究貢獻 6.3 未來展望 參考文獻 附錄 A 感應馬達數學模型 附錄 B 子空間識別數值實現

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