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研究生: 劉佳豪
Jia-Hao Liu
論文名稱: 兩階段串聯式 CNN 模型用於三維電子顯微鏡下粒線體切割技術
Two-Stage Cascaded CNN Model for 3D Mitochondria EM Segmentation
指導教授: 花凱龍
Kai-Lung Hua
Jing-Ming Guo
口試委員: 康立威
Li-Wei Kang
Jian-Jiun Ding
Wen-Chung Kao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 三維粒線體切割電鏡影像分析3D CNN
外文關鍵詞: Mitochondria Segmentation, Image Analysis in Electron Microscopy, 3D CNN
相關次數: 點閱:327下載:0
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粒線體是細胞當中相當重要的胞器,為細胞提供能量的來源。許多醫學研究中發現粒線體的數量、結構以及形態的變化與許多的疾病息息相關,例如癌症、阿茲罕默症與帕金森氏症等等。隨著電子顯微鏡(Electron Microscopy, EM)與連接組學影像日趨發展,粒線體的形態在 EM 影像下能更清楚的被觀察到,進而輔助研究人員或醫療人員在臨床上做出正確的分析與診斷;然而,要從 3D 的 EM 影像中手動地切割出粒線體輪廓並不是一件簡單的任務。本論文針對 EM 影像提出一個兩階段串聯式 CNN 網路架構以重建3D 粒線體的切割結果。現有的 3D 粒線體切割研究分為自上而下(Top-down)與自下而上(Bottom-up)兩種方式。Top-down 的切割方式考慮每張二維影像在切割上的整體佈局,且先偵測後切割,所以切割後的粒線體邊緣較整齊漂亮,但缺點是缺乏連續二維影像間的連通資訊,導致部分二維切面上產生大面積的粒線體漏檢,或是在結構上形似粒線體的亞細胞過檢的案例。Bottom-up 切割方式因考量到連續影像在三維上的連通特性,所以不太會有大面積的粒線體漏檢,或是結構上形似粒線體的亞細胞過檢的情況,但其缺點為切割上會有小面積的過檢而產生斑駁或部分粒線體切割不夠完整的情形。雖然小面積的斑駁情況在切割效能計算上影響不大,但在粒線體的數量分析上會造成嚴重的誤判。
為了解決上述兩種切割方式的缺點並結合兩者之優點,所提出的串聯架構在第一階段先利用物件偵測模型將二維切面上的粒線體位置偵測出來,以作為第二階段的切割線索;而第二階段的輸入為原影像並接第一階段多層融合的偵測結果再利用 3D Res-UNet 訓練一次,讓切割模型學習影像間的連通特性,以避免大面積上的漏檢或過檢的情況發生。實驗結果顯示,本論文中所提出的兩階段串聯架構能有效地將 Top-down 與 Bottom-up的優缺點互補,達到截長補短的效果;不僅提升整體的切割效能,更重要的是改善了因切割斑駁而造成臨床上粒線體在數量分析上不夠精準的問題,達到雙贏結果。

Mitochondria are the organelles that generate energy for the cells. Many studies have suggested that mitochondrial dysfunction or impairment may be related to cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Therefore, morphologically detailed alterations in mitochondria and 3D reconstruction of mitochondria are highly demanded for research analysis and clinical diagnosis. Nevertheless, manual segmentation of mitochondria over 3D electron microscopy volumes is definitely not a trivial task. In this study, a two-stage cascaded CNN architecture is proposed to achieve automated 3D mitochondria segmentation, which combines the merits of top-down approaches and bottom-up approaches. For top-down approaches, the segmentation is conducted in consideration of the information of objects’ localization so that the delineations of objects’ contours can be more precise. However, the combinations of 2D segmentation results by the top-down approaches are inadequate to perform decent 3D segmentation without the information of connectivity among frames. On the other hand, the bottom-up approaches are to find coherent groups of pixels and take the information of 3D connectivity into account in segmentation to avoid the drawbacks of the 2D top-down approaches. Yet, many small areas that share similar pixel properties with mitochondria become false positives easily due to the insufficient information of objects’ localization. In the proposed method, the detection of mitochondria is carried out with multi-slice fusion in the first stage, becoming the segmentation cues.
Subsequently, the second stage is to perform 3D CNN segmentation that learns the pixel properties and the information of 3D connectivity under the supervision of the cues from the detection stage. Experimental results show that the proposed structure alleviates the problems in both top-down and bottom-up approaches, which not only accomplishes better performance in segmentation but also facilitates the clinical analysis significantly.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖索引 VI 表索引 1 第一章 緒論 2 1.1 研究背景與動機 2 1.2 論文架構 4 第二章 基於卷積神經網路物件偵測和切割文獻探討 5 2.1 類神經網路 8 2.1.1 前向傳播(Forward Propagation) 8 2.1.2 反向傳播(Backward Propagation) 11 2.1.3 卷積神經網路 16 2.1.4 卷積神經網路架構發展 21 2.2 物件偵測之相關文獻 24 2.2.1 一階段物件偵測 25 2.2.2 二階段物件偵測 30 2.3 切割之相關文獻 31 2.3.1 Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN) 32 2.3.2 U-Net 33 2.3.3 Mask R-CNN 34 2.3.4 3D Res-UNet 37 2.4 粒線體切割之相關演算法 38 2.4.1 Electron Microscopy簡介 39 2.4.2 Top-down approaches 40 2.4.3 Bottom-up approaches 43 2.4.4 2D與3D之效能比較 48 第三章 兩階段架構式粒線體切割技術 49 3.1 資料集 49 3.2 二維切割方法 54 3.3 三維切割方法 58 3.4 融合二維和三維優勢之訓練策略 60 3.4.1 策略一 61 3.4.2 策略二 66 3.4.3 策略三 69 第四章 實驗數據與結果 77 4.1 訓練環境 77 4.2 資料庫與資料前處理 77 4.3 評估標準介紹 78 4.4 結果分析與比較 80 4.4.1 研究方法結果之分析 81 4.4.2 Ablation Analysis 90 第五章 結論與未來展望 93 參考文獻 94

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