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研究生: 王瑜君
Yu-chun Wang
論文名稱: 觀光目的地意象對知覺價值及旅客滿意度之影響–以臺北市中山雙連創意街區為例
The Effects of Tourism Destination Image on Perceived Value and Tourists Satisfaction – Evidence from the Creative Clusters of Zhongshan Shuanglian Region in Taipei
指導教授: 宋同正
Tung-jung Sung
口試委員: 苑守慈
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 創意街區觀光目的地意象知覺價值滿意度服務設計
外文關鍵詞: creative clusters, tourism destination image, perceived value, satisfaction, service design
相關次數: 點閱:531下載:36
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本研究藉由服務設計方法探討觀光目的地意象對知覺價值及旅客滿意度的影響,共 區分成三階段:1) 創意街區觀光目的地意象調查、2) 服務設計概念構想發展及 3) 新服 務設計評估。首先,本研究採用結構式問卷調查 102 名街區旅客之創意街區觀光目的地 意象。接著,本研究依據顧客旅程圖發展出三個創意街區觀光服務設計概念構想,並邀 請 5 位專家一同執行啟發式評估,以找出較適切之新服務設計提案。然後,本研究透過 結構式問卷調查 106 名旅客對新服務設計之觀光目的地意象、知覺價值和滿意度。
針對新服務設計方案,本研究主要發現有:1) 街區觀光的「觀光目的地意象」包含 「街區環境氣氛」及「街區環境品質」兩個組成因子;2) 街區觀光的「知覺價值」包含 「情感反應」及「貨幣價值」兩個組成因子;3)「觀光目的地意象」對「知覺價值」之 「情感反應」有正向影響及 4)「觀光目的地意象」和「知覺價值」對「旅客滿意度」皆 會有正向影響;其中,又以「知覺價值」對「旅客滿意度」影響較為顯著。換言之,為 能滿足及符合旅客的期待和滿意度,除了致力於提供良好的觀光目的地意象外,創意街 區觀光服務更應強化旅客知覺價值。根據上述發現,為創造更好的街區觀光服務體驗, 最後,本研究提出三項強化觀光目的地意象的服務設計相關建議方案。

Tourism has become one of the most promising industries in 21st century. On one hand, the Taiwan government is now actively promoting the urban tourism. Consequently, more and more creative clusters based on cultural and creative industries are rising in Taiwan and Taipei City in particular. On the other hand, for the service providers, creating a unique tourism destination image to fulfill tourists’ expectations has become a critical and urgent issue. Therefore, this study aims to explore how tourism destination image affects tourists’ perceived value and satisfaction in the creative cluster.
This study utilizes the service design method to explore the effects of the tourism destination image on the perceived value and tourism satisfaction. It is divided into three phases: 1) investigate the tourism destination image of district tourism; 2) develop service design concept, and 3) estimate new service design. First, the study used a structured questionnaire to investigate the tourism destination image of 102 tourists who travelled in Zhongshan-Shuanglian Region. Afterwards, by using customer journey map, the study proposed 3 service design concepts. Meanwhile, 5 experts were invited to perform heuristic evaluation in order to find the appropriate service design proposal for the district tourism. Then, the study conducted a structured survey with 106 tourists in Zhongshan-Shuanglian Region to discover how tourism destination image affects perceived value and tourist satisfaction in new service design.
As to the new service design concept, the main findings from this study are as follows: 1) The tourism destination image of district tourism consists of environmental atmosphere and environmental quality; 2) The perceived value of district tourism includes emotional reactions and currency value; 3) Tourism destination image positively influences emotional reactions of perceived value, and 4) Both tourism destination image and perceived value positively influence tourists satisfaction, among which the impact of perceived value is more significant. Finally, this study suggests 3 service design alternatives on how to enhance tourism destination image.

第一章 緒論...................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景與動機........................................................................1 1.2 研究目的..................................................................................4 1.3 研究範圍..................................................................................5 1.4 重要名詞解釋............................................................................6 1.5 研究概念性架構與流程...............................................................8 第二章 文獻回顧............................................................................11 2.1 城市觀光創意街區....................................................................11 2.1.1 觀光產業..............................................................................11 2.1.2 城市觀光..............................................................................13 2.1.3 臺北市創意街區.....................................................................15 2.2 觀光目的地意象 .......................................................................18 2.2.1 觀光目的地意象定義與內涵.....................................................18 2.2.2 觀光目的地意象衡量 ..............................................................19 2.3 知覺價值 .................................................................................23 2.3.1 知覺價值定義與內涵 ..............................................................23 2.3.2 觀光服務之知覺價值衡量 ........................................................24 2.4 旅客滿意度...............................................................................26 2.4.1 旅客滿意度之定義與內涵 ........................................................26 2.4.2 旅客滿意度衡量......................................................................27 2.5 服務設計 ..................................................................................28 2.5.1 服務設計定義 .........................................................................28 2.5.2 服務設計概念工具....................................................................31 2.6 研究假設 ...................................................................................34 第三章 研究設計...............................................................................36 3.1 研究方法 ...................................................................................36 3.1.1 跟述法 ................................................................................... 37 3.1.2 問卷調查法...............................................................................37 3.1.3 啟發式評估法 .......................................................................... 38 3.2 研究對象 ....................................................................................38 3.3 研究工具 ....................................................................................40 第四章 街區觀光服務之探索與定義階段.................................................42 4.1 場域選定 .....................................................................................42 4.2 街區觀光服務之前期研究結果分析 ..................................................43 4.2.1 受測者基本資料.........................................................................43 4.2.2 受測者旅遊特性分析 .................................................................44 4.2.3 前期研究之敘述性統計分析.........................................................45 4.3 前期研究問卷信度與效度之檢定......................................................47 4.4 前期研究之小結............................................................................49 第五章 設計發展階段.......................................................................... 50 5.1 新服務設計概念 ...........................................................................50 5.1.1 街區觀光服務現況之顧客旅程......................................................50 5.1.2 新服務設計概念說明 ..................................................................52 5.2 啟發式評估...................................................................................59 5.3 設計發展階段之小結......................................................................65 第六章 服務設計評估階段成果..............................................................66 6.1 新服務設計模擬 ............................................................................66 6.2 新服務評估之問卷調查...................................................................70 6.2.1 受測者基本資料..........................................................................72 6.2.2 受測者旅遊特性..........................................................................73 6.2.3 觀光目的地意象、知覺價值及旅客滿意度之敘述統計........................74 6.3 受測者特性之差異檢定分析 .............................................................76 6.3.1「年齡」對觀光目的地意象、知覺價值及旅客滿意度的影響 .............. 76 6.3.2 「教育程度」對觀光目的地意象、知覺價值及滿意度的影響...............76 6.3.3 「造訪次數」對觀光目的地意象、知覺價值及滿意度的影響...............77 6.4 觀光目的意象、知覺價值及滿意度之迴歸分析.....................................78 6.4.1 觀光目的地意象對知覺價值之影響..................................................78 6.4.2 觀光目的地意象與知覺價值對旅客滿意度之影響...............................79 6.5 受測者對新服務設計之建議整理........................................................80 6.6 新舊服務差異比較...........................................................................82 6.7 服務設計評估階段小結.....................................................................85 第七章 研究結論與建議..........................................................................86 7.1 研究結論 .......................................................................................86 7.2 研究建議........................................................................................88 7.2.1 服務設計發展之建議 ....................................................................88 7.2.2 後續研究之建議...........................................................................89 參考文獻............................................................................................ 91 英文文獻 .............................................................................................91 中文文獻 .............................................................................................96 網路文獻 ............................................................................................97 附錄一 前期研究─街區觀光現況調查問卷................................................99 附錄二 新服務設計方針 ─ 現況分析與解決辦法.......................................102 附錄三 啟發式評估 ─ 專家評估評分表....................................................105 附錄四 新街區觀光導覽服務評估問卷......................................................106

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