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研究生: 張云榕
Yun-Jung Chang
論文名稱: VD隔震之結構受近斷層地震的反應研究 (I)
Responses of Structures with Viscously Damped Isolation to Near-Fault Ground Motions (I)
指導教授: 黃震興
Jenn-Shin Hwang
口試委員: 汪向榮
Shiang-Jung Wang
Yin-Nan Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 246
中文關鍵詞: 近斷層地震隔震系統鉛心橡膠支承墊黏性阻尼器
外文關鍵詞: Near-fault ground motions, Seismic isolated system, Lead-rubber bearing, Viscous damper
相關次數: 點閱:544下載:6
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The effectiveness of seismic isolation design has been well recognized. However, the isolation design against near-fault ground motions remain challenging, considering that the near-fault ground motions containing long period velocity pulses may result in a dramatic displacement demand on the isolation system and an unacceptable force transmitted to the superstructure. To control the maximum displacement of the isolation system against near-fault ground motions, viscous damping devices are often introduced to the isolation system. However, by so doing, the isolation effectiveness against far-field earthquakes may be questionable on the other side.
In this study, parametric analysis is conducted on the forces transmitted by the isolation system composed of bilinear hysteretic bearings and viscous dampers with various damping exponents. It is concluded that the incorporation of nonlinear viscous dampers with a damping exponent larger than 1.0 will transmit less seismic force to the superstructure when the maximum displacement of the isolation system remains controllable.
In addition, a sample isolated structure is designed using the response spectra of measured near-fault ground motions, and inelastic dynamic analysis is performed to investigate the effectiveness of isolation design against both near-fault and far-field ground motions. Considering the huge demand by near-fault earthquakes, to design superstructure by its pure elastic behavior is not rational. The concept of force-controlled concept is then employed to reduce the transmitted force to the superstructure by ductility reduction factors specified in various design codes. The isolated structure including the isolation system is modeled as a two degree of freedom system for inelastic dynamic analysis. The results show that the maximum displacement at the isolation system is more controllable with the implementation of viscous dampers when subject to near-fault earthquakes, and the isolated structure still remains effective against far-field ground motions.

誌謝 I 摘要 III Abstract V 目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 圖目錄 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與目的 1 1.2 研究重點與內容 3 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1 前言 5 2.2 近斷層地震特性 5 2.2.1 Forward Directivity 5 2.2.2 Fling Step 6 2.2.3 Maximum Incremental Velocity (MIV) 6 2.3 近斷層地震篩選方法與依據 7 2.3.1 小波分析理論 7 2.3.2 近斷層地震篩選依據 9 2.4 雙自由度模型之理論基礎與應用 12 2.4.1 雙自由度模型之理論基礎 12 2.4.2 隔震結構於近斷層地區之設計對策 16 第三章 隔震結構於近斷層地區之設計對策 19 3.1 前言 19 3.2 隔震系統之傳遞水平剪力 19 3.2.1 隔震系統基本資訊 20 3.2.2 加入黏性阻尼器之隔震系統設計流程 26 3.2.3 最大傳遞水平剪力之推導 28 3.2.4 靜力分析公式適用性驗證 29 3.2.5 傳遞水平剪力參數分析 31 3.3 單自由度隔震系統之動力歷時分析 34 3.3.1 地震資料選取 34 3.3.2 動力歷時分析反應結果 34 3.4 隔震結構設計方式探討 37 第四章 案例分析 39 4.1 前言 39 4.2 非線性動力歷時分析模型之設計與建立 39 4.3 隔震結構以Ra做韌性折減之反應結果 40 4.4 隔震結構以RI做韌性折減之反應結果 41 4.4.1 韌性折減係數使用RI之可行性 41 4.4.2 隔震結構動力分析反應之比較 42 4.4.3 隔震結構在各地震下之動力分析反應 46 第五章 結論與建議 49 參考文獻 52 附表 58 附圖 84

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