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研究生: 李燦元
Tean_Yuan - Lee
論文名稱: 定期貨櫃航運服務品質與顧客滿意度及忠誠度關聯性之實證研究─以某外商在台分公司為對象
An Empirical study of the association among Service Quality Customer Satisfaction, and Loyalty on Container Shipping— Based on Examples of the Branch of a Foreign Carrier in Taiwan
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
口試委員: 莊文議
Wen-I Chuang
wei-Ning Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 定期貨櫃服務品質顧客滿意度顧客忠誠度
外文關鍵詞: Container Shipping, Customer
相關次數: 點閱:525下載:4
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近十幾年臺灣的廠商也在這個趨勢及大陸改革開放的政策下,為維持競爭勢,不斷將產業外移。又在加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後,隨著市場的開放,進出口貨源逐漸減少,艙位供過於求,國內的定期貨櫃航運業競爭更加劇烈,部份業者以價格作為市場競爭的唯一手段,以提高市場佔有率。隨著營運成本(油價、美國鐵路公司大幅調高運價等)逐年增加,以價格作為競爭優勢的行銷方法越來越不可行,如何經由非價格的競爭優勢,亦即差異化、創新等持續的競爭優勢(Sustainable Advantage)穩定並拓展業務來源,才是企業掌握優勢的最佳策略




Under the severe comopetition in the shipping market, most carriers, in order to increase their market share, have taken the policies of ordering bigger ships, merger and acquisition, or alliance as growth strategy. And in light of the trend of economical globalization together with global businsess logistics, global companies have continuously outsourced their producst in the lower labour cost countries for the sake of cost-cutting.

Taiwan businessmen, under this kind of trend and reform policy of PRC, have continued to move their manufactories out of Taiwan for maintaining competitive advantages in the past years. More worst, accompanied by the opening market after joining WTO, Taiwan export volume has gradually decreased. Under the most severe competion and overcapacity markt, most carriers have taken “ rate-cutting “ as the only competitive measure for increasing market share. However, as the operational costs ( such as, bunker and railway costs ) increased sharply yearly, “ pricing “ advantage can not work well any more. Thus, how to provide the differential and innovative service for maintaining sustainable advantage instead of “ pricing “ policy to explore business is the best strategy for carriers to grow under the severe competition.

This study takes the branch for a foreign container shipping company as an empirical study, and classfies the service quality into 4 determinants and 21 attributes to explore the association of service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty through in-depth interview. The result shows:
1.Container shipping company’s service quality has a significant influence on customer satisfaction.
2.Container shipping company’s service quality has a significant influence on customer loyalty.
3.Container shipping company’s customer satisfaction has a significant influence on customer loyalty.

Based on the outcomes of the study, suggestions were provided for shipping company management to maintain cross-trade service, effect customer satisfaction survery and increase employee satisfaction for strengthening customer loyalty.

目錄 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機1 第二節 研究目的2 第三節 研究範圍與對象3 第四節 研究限制3 第五節 研究流程4 第二章 文獻探討5 第一節 定期貨櫃航運之特性5 第二節 服務品質8 第三節 顧客滿意23 第四節 顧客忠誠度30 第五節 定期貨櫃航運之服務屬性33 第三章 定期貨櫃市場分析35 第一節 定期貨櫃市場發展趨勢35 第二節 定期貨櫃市場佔有率分析41 第三節 主要航線分析44 第四章 研究方法50 第一節 研究架構50 第二節 研究預期52 第三節 研究訪談52 第五章 資料分析與結果54 第一節 樣本資料分析54 第二節 顧客對服務品質重視度分析55 第三節 顧客對服務品質滿意度之分析57 第四節 顧客忠誠度之分析60 第五節 服務品質與顧客忠誠度關聯性分析62 第六章 結論與管理建議63 第一節 研究結論63 第二節 管理建議66 第三節 後續研究建議69 參考文獻70 中文部分70 英文部份72 附錄76 訪談問卷表76 表目錄 表2- 1 遠東地區至歐美澳暨中東主要運費同盟及成員。7 表2- 2 SERVQUAL服務品質構面與衡量變項17 表2- 3 顧客忠誠度的衡量31 表3- 1 2003 ~2006年供需情況35 表3- 2 全球貨櫃運量地區分怖35 表3- 3 貨櫃市場集中分析表36 表3- 4 全球二十大貨櫃航商37 表3- 5 1997~2007年貨櫃航運主要倂購案38 表3- 6 策略聯盟規模39 表3- 7 全球貨櫃船訂單分怖40 表3- 8 定期貨櫃航運運能市佔率分析43 表3- 9 泛太平洋東向區域市佔率45 表3- 10 臺灣至美國航商市佔率46 表3- 11 亞洲至歐洲市場佔有率48 表3- 12 臺灣至歐洲市場佔有率49

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