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研究生: 盧偉峻
Wei-Jun Lu
論文名稱: 不同強度鹼激發膠結材混凝土工程性質之探討
Study on Engineering Properties of Alkali Activated Binder Concrete with Different Strengths
指導教授: 張大鵬
Ta-Peng Chang
口試委員: 黃兆龍
Chao-Lung Hwang
Chun-tao Chen
Yi-Ching Lin
Jeng-Ywan Shih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 201
中文關鍵詞: 鹼激發混凝土工程性質應力應變曲線裂縫衍生行為。
外文關鍵詞: alkali activated binder concrete (AAC), engineering properties, stress-strain relationship, crack propagation
相關次數: 點閱:382下載:0
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本研究為探討三種低中高不同抗壓強度(30、45及60 MPa)鹼激發膠結材混凝土(alkali activated binder concrete, AAC)及卜特蘭水泥(OPC)混凝土作為對照組之新拌性質(坍度、坍流度、單位重、凝結時間)、硬固性質(抗壓強度、超音波波速、熱傳導係數)、工程性質(彈性模數、卜松比)及完整應力應變曲線。
研究結果顯示:(1) 新拌性質之漿體係數與水固(灰)比下降時,坍度與坍流度亦會下降,坍度值為90至245 mm,坍流度值為205至615 mm;而單位重由2347.80提高至2435.46 kg/m3,凝結時間皆會變快,初凝時間為28至178 min,終凝時間為45至418 min。(2) 硬固性質在低強度組來說,抗壓強度、超音波速與熱傳導係數會隨著漿體係數與水固(灰)比降低而升高。在中強度與高強度組時,抗壓強度、超音波速與熱傳導係數會隨著漿體係數降低而下降,但隨水固(灰)比降低而升高。齡期28天時抗壓強度範圍為26.77至66.18 MPa。齡期28天時超音波速範圍為4316至4812 m/s。齡期28天時熱傳導係數範圍為1.49至1.96 W/m.K。(3) 在相似抗壓強度下,OPC混凝土之彈性模數會高於AAC混凝土,在低強度組提高14.4 %,中強度組提高16.6 %,高強度組提高38.2 %。(4) AAC混凝土之尖峰強度與水固比成反比,水固比0.3與0.4之尖峰強度與0.5相較之下,其增減率為95.9與56.5 %。(5) AAC混凝土之尖峰應變與抗壓強度成正比,範圍介於0.00219 ~ 0.00290,與OPC混凝土相比之下,於低強度組低13.7 %,中強度組低1.1 %,高強度組低3.1 %。(6) AAC混凝土與OPC混凝土在相似之抗壓強度之應力應變圖,可觀察出無論在低、中或高強度組,OPC混凝土之峰後行為皆為較韌性呈現,而AAC混凝土在過尖峰強度發展皆較陡,屬於脆性行為表現。(7) 於相似抗壓強度下,AAC混凝土之第一道裂縫所產生之時間會晚於OPC混凝土,於低強度組慢15分鐘,中強度組慢30分鐘,高強度組慢30分鐘。(8) 於相似抗壓強度下,AAC混凝土與OPC混凝土當強度提高時,應變回彈之時間點也會更早,於低強度組為195分鐘發生,中強度組為165分鐘發生,高強度組為120分鐘發生。

This study aims to investigate the fresh properties of Alkali Activated Binder Concrete (AAC) (slump, slump flow, unit weight and setting time), the properties of hardened concrete (compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity and thermal conductivity), engineering properties (Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio) and stress-strain relationship with different strengths; moreover, the Ordinary Portland Cement Concrete (OPC) is a comparable group.
Experimental results showed that: (1) Slump and slump flow were decreased by decreasing water-to-solid ratio and binder coefficient, where the range of slump was from 90 to 245 mm and slump flow was from 205 to 615 mm. In addition, the unit weight was increased, where the range was from 2347.80 to 2435.46 kg/m3. Moreover, the setting time was decreased in the mean time, where the range of initial setting time was from 28 to 178 minutes and final setting time was from 45 to 418 minutes. (2) The compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity and thermal conductivity were increased by decreasing water-to-solid (water-to-cement) ratio and binder coefficient in the low-strength group. Meanwhile, the compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity and thermal conductivity were decreased by decreasing binder coefficient; however, they were increased by decreasing water-to-solid (water-to-cement) ratio in the mid-strength and high-strength group. (3) The Young’s modulus of OPC concrete was higher than AAC concrete at the similar compressive strength by 14.4, 16.6 and 38.2 %, for the low-strength group, mid-strength group and high-strength group, respectively. (4) The peak strength of AAC concrete with water-to-solid ratio (W/S) of 0.3 and 0.4 were increased by 95.9 and 56.5 % as comparing with that of 0.5. (5) The peak strains of AAC concrete were in the range of 0.00219 to 0.00290, where peak strains were lower by 13.7% for low-strength group, lower by 1.1 % for mid-strength group and lower by 3.1 % for high-strength group as comparing with OPC concrete. (6) The post peak behavior of stress-strain relationship of AAC concrete showed more brittle behavior than that of OPC concrete with similar compressive strength. (7) The time of first crack of AAC concrete was later than OPC concrete at the similar compressive strength by 15, 30 and 30 minutes, for the low-strength group, mid-strength group and high-strength group, respectively. (8) The time of snap-back was earlier by increasing compressive strength; moreover, it occurred at 195, 165 and 120 minutes, for the low-strength group, mid-strength group and high-strength group, respectively.

摘要 i Abstract iii 致謝 v 目錄 vii 表目錄 xi 圖目錄 xiii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1 前言 5 2.2 鹼激發材料發展 5 2.3 工業副產品(鹼激發材料) 6 2.3.1 高爐石粉簡介 6 2.3.2 水淬爐石粉之物理性質 7 2.3.3 水淬爐石粉之化學性質 7 2.4 鹼激發反應機制 8 2.4.1 聚合反應機制 8 2.4.2 無機聚合物之水化產物 10 2.4.3 鈣元素角色 11 2.4.4 鋁元素角色 12 2.5 鹼激發材料因子 12 2.5.1 鹼性激發劑 12 2.5.2 拌合、養護溫度之影響 13 2.6 單軸抗壓之完整應力應變行為 14 2.6.1 完整單軸抗壓試驗 15 2.6.2 完整單軸抗壓之峰後行為探討 17 2.6.3 應變回彈現象 18 2.6.4 混凝土抗壓破壞機理 18 2.6.5 單軸抗壓試驗之影響因子 19 第三章 試驗計畫 35 3.1試驗內容與流程 35 3.2 試驗材料 36 3.2.1 水泥 36 3.2.2 水淬爐石粉 36 3.2.3 F級飛灰 36 3.2.4 粗粒料(六分石) 36 3.2.5 粗粒料(三分石) 37 3.2.6 細粒料(砂) 37 3.2.7 氫氧化鈉溶液(10M) 37 3.2.8 鹼金屬矽酸鹽溶液(水玻璃) 37 3.3 試驗儀器設備 37 3.4 最緊密之粗細粒料堆疊率 40 3.5 配比設計 42 3.6 試驗變數與項目 43 3.6.1 試驗變數 43 3.6.2 試驗項目 44 3.7 拌合流程 45 3.8 試驗方法 47 3.8.1 材料基本性質試驗 47 3.8.2 混凝土新拌性質試驗 51 3.8.3 混凝土硬固性質試驗 52 3.8.4 完整單軸抗壓試驗 54 3.9 MTS伺服液壓加載系統 58 第四章 結果與討論 85 4.1 混凝土新拌性質 85 4.1.1 坍度 85 4.1.2 坍流度 86 4.1.3 單位重 88 4.1.4 凝結時間 89 4.2 混凝土硬固性質 92 4.2.1 抗壓強度 92 4.2.2 超音波波速 95 4.2.3 熱傳導係數 99 4.3 混凝土完整單軸抗壓強度 102 4.3.1 彈性模數 102 4.3.2 卜松比 103 4.3.3 尖峰應變 103 4.3.4 尖峰強度 104 4.3.5 應力應變曲線 104 4.3.6 峰後行為探討 106 第五章 結論與建議 169 5.1結論 169 5.2 建議 172 參考文獻 173

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