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研究生: 吳志穎
論文名稱: 具輸入並聯/輸出串並聯隔離型直流/直流轉換器之風力發電系統
An Input-Parallel and Output-Series-Parallel Isolated DC/DC Converter With Maximum Power Point Tracking for Wind Turbine System
指導教授: 楊宗銘
Chung-Ming Young
口試委員: 劉益華
Yi-Hua Liu
Ching-Shan Leu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 隔離型直流/直流轉換器串並聯輸出並聯輸入最大功率追蹤風力發電機
外文關鍵詞: wind turbine, maximum power point tracking, parallel input, series-parallel output, isolated DC/DC converter
相關次數: 點閱:457下載:29
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The subject of this thesis is to design and implement a wind turbine power generation system. The proposed structure consists of three phase-shift H-bridge converters and series parallel switching circuit. The three input sides of the H-bridge converters are paralleled directly, while the output sides can be connected in parallel and/or series through a series parallel switching circuit, which makes the three H-bridge converters output nine different connection configurations determined by the value of the input voltage and power which are generated and rectified from a wind turbine generator. The series status makes the converters to obtain high voltage gain with lower cut-in voltage. When rated power of the wind turbine is reached, the parallel status enables the H-bridge converters to share the load current. Also by cooperating with the well-known load-disturbance method for maximum power point tracking strategy. The proposed converter can obtain higher efficiency of the converter system over the whole operation range. Finally, this thesis established a 5kW prototype with using the digital signal processor (DSP TMS320F28069) as the digital controller. Both simulation and experimental results demonstrate the validity of the proposed converter.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 1 表目錄 5 第一章 緒論 7 1.1 研究背景與動機 7 1.2系統描述與研究方法 8 1.3內容大綱 9 第二章 風力發電機特性 11 2.1風力發電機工作原理 11 2.2風力發電機種類 15 2.3最大功率追蹤法則介紹 18 第三章 系統架構與原理 23 3.1 隔離型直流/直流轉換器 23 3.1.1 相移式全橋轉換器主架構介紹 24 3.1.2 相移式全橋轉換器主電路控制信號介紹 25 3.1.3 主電路轉換狀態區間操作原理分析 26 3.1.4 零電壓切換條件分析 37 3.2 轉換器規格分配介紹 39 第四章 串並聯模式切換控制策略與模擬 44 4.1 轉換器輸入輸出串並聯連接介紹 44 4.2 串並聯切換電路 47 4.2.1串並聯切換電路主架構介紹 47 4.2.2串並聯切換電路主電路控制訊號介紹 48 4.2.3 串並聯切換電路轉換狀態區間操作原理 49 4.3模式切換介紹 54 4.3.1模式切換控制策略 54 4.4模式切換之模擬 56 4.4.1模式上升切換策略與模擬 57 4.4.2模式下降切換策略與模擬 65 第五章 硬體架構與軟體規劃 73 5.1硬體架構 73 5.1.1相移式全橋轉換器硬體設計實例 74 5.1.2相移式全橋轉換器軟體控制策略 88 5.2串並聯切換電路設計考量 95 5.2.1串並聯切換電路硬體設計實例 96 5.2.2串並聯切換電路軟體控制策略 97 第六章 實作與量測 99 6.1並聯輸入串並聯輸出隔離型直流/直流轉換器 100 第七章 結論與未來研究方向 119 7.1結論 119 7.2未來研究方向 119 參考文獻 121

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