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研究生: 陳佳欣
Chia-Hsin Chen
論文名稱: 大規模崩塌穩定性分析與影響範圍評估-以蘭台地區為例
Large-Scale Landslide Stability Analysis and Affected Area Assessment – Using Lantai Area as an Example
指導教授: 謝佑明
Yo-Ming Hsieh
口試委員: 王國隆
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 156
中文關鍵詞: 蘭台地區大規模崩塌穩定性分析影響範圍Slide 3LS-RAPID
外文關鍵詞: Lantai area, Large-scale landslide, Stability analysis, Affected area, Slide 3, LS-RAPID
相關次數: 點閱:259下載:2
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Slope land in Taiwan account for more than 70% of the entire region. In addition to earthquakes, typhoons and heavy rains have caused frequent occurrences of landslides. The large-scale landslide of Xiaolin Village during Typhoon Morakot in 2009 caused severe damage and attracted the attention to many people. Therefore, the potential of large-scale landslide and its affected area have become an important research topic.
The main purpose of this research is to establish an analysis process for the stability analysis and the affected area of large-scale landslides. The procedure is then verified by inspecting whether the affected area calculated by this analysis process is reasonable through the Lantai case study. In-situ conditions are gathered through aerial photos, satellite images, and core sampling. They are then used to interpret the possible locations of landslides and the positions and orientations of strata and faults. A numerical model, combined with the results of previous material tests and groundwater monitoring, is then established. The model yields possible sliding surfaces in the landslide area. The sliding surface that meets the characteristics of the observed landslide and has the lowest safety factor is then selected to further analyze its sliding length and affected area.
This research uses QGIS, a geographic information system, to sort out the numerical terrain. Slide3 is then used to analyze the stability of the slope with limit equilibrium concept. LS-RAPID then takes the output from Slide3 with additional inputs to evaluate the sliding length and affected area. This study uses Lantai area a case study.
The results suggested in the studied case the safety factor at high water level is very close to 1 and fails to meet the slope engineering design standards. During sliding, most of the masses will stay on the sliding surface, and only a small part of them will flow into the valley.
In the case studied, groundwater level, material strength anisotropy, support strength, and slice size in Slide3 has negligible influence on the shape, maximum depth, area, and volume of the sliding surface. If one is interested in a specific sliding surface, its safety factor varies linearly with the groundwater level and strength anisotropy parameters. Finally, inner retaining facilities and slice size do not affect the safety factor.
The sliding distance predicted using LS-RAPID is compared with an empirical relationship to verify its performance. First, the landslide area predicted by Slide3 is converted into sliding volume using empirical equation developed by the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau for gravity accumulation type debris flow. The volume is then used in Scheidegger’s empirical equation to obtain the sliding length. This length is very similar to the sliding distance predicted using LS-RAPID. Therefore, LS-RAPID can be used as a tool for evaluating the affected area of gravity accumulation type debris flow.

論文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XIV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1. 研究背景 1 1.2. 研究動機與目的 1 1.3. 研究方法與內容 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1. 穩定性分析 3 2.1.1. 有限差分法 3 2.1.2. 有限元素法 3 2.1.3. 極限平衡法 4 2.2. 滑動影響範圍評估 7 2.3. 蘭台區域資料蒐集與建立 11 2.3.1. 基本資料 11 2.3.2. 地質背景 12 2.3.3. 災害歷史及崩塌演化時序 13 2.4. 蘭台區域鑽孔資料判釋及地層分布 20 2.4.1. 研究區地層判釋 21 2.4.2. 平行路面之地層剖面 23 2.4.3. 潛在滑動方向之地層剖面 24 2.5. 蘭台研究區材料參數 25 第三章 三維邊坡分析 27 3.1. 地形資料整理 27 3.1.1. Quantum GIS 27 3.1.2. 地形資料切割與內插 28 3.1.3. 匯出地形資料 31 3.2. 邊坡穩定分析 32 3.2.1. 分析軟體介紹(Slide3 2019) 32 3.2.2. 地形匯入 32 3.2.3. 模型建立及地質剖面切割 33 3.2.4. 材料參數 40 3.2.5. 擋土設施建立 41 3.2.6. 滑動面類型與搜尋方式 45 3.2.7. 地下水面設定 47 3.2.8. 其餘設定 49 3.3. 滑動面數據匯出與整理 52 3.4. 滑動影響範圍分析 57 3.4.1. 分析軟體介紹(LS-RAPID) 57 3.4.2. 資料匯入與模型建立 58 3.4.3. 模擬設定 63 第四章 參數分析 71 4.1. 1980情境描述 71 4.2. 弱面位態 71 4.3. 地下水位 73 4.3.1. 累積雨量與地下水位變化之關係 74 4.3.2. 地下水位判定(10年降雨頻率之地下水位) 79 4.4. 強度參數 84 4.4.1. 沿弱面方向之強度參數 84 4.4.2. 垂直弱面方向之異向性參數 84 4.5. 切片大小 91 4.6. 現況情境描述 92 4.7. 擋土設施 93 4.8. LS-RAPID土壤參數 96 4.8.1. 側向土壓比k 97 4.8.2. 滑動土體之摩擦係數tanϕi 100 4.8.3. 滑動體與穩定土壤介面之尖峰強度 101 4.8.4. 滑動體與穩定土壤介面之殘餘強度 104 4.8.5. 超額孔隙水壓產生率Bss 107 4.9. 土體分類 109 4.10. 分析結果 110 4.10.1. slide 參數分析結果 110 4.10.2. LS-RAPID參數分析結果 112 第五章 蘭台地區邊坡滑動影響範圍分析 113 5.1. 情境一 1980年之邊坡滑動(地下水位-13米) 113 5.1.1. 未橫跨路面之滑動 114 5.1.2. 橫跨路面之滑動 115 5.1.3. 現有抗滑樁位置之滑動面 116 5.2. 情境二 現況-未橫跨路面之滑動(地下水位-13米) 119 5.2.1. 穩定性分析 120 5.2.2. 影響範圍分析 121 5.3. 情境三 現況-橫跨路面之滑動(地下水位-13米) 125 5.3.1. 穩定性分析 125 5.3.2. 影響範圍分析 127 5.4. 小結 132 第六章 結論與建議 133 6.1. 結論 133 6.2. 建議 134 參考文獻 136

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