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研究生: 張瑋晟
論文名稱: 衍生式設計工具在設計初期應用於法規檢測與量體優化
Generative Modeling application inBuilding Massing optimization in the initial stages of the architectural design process
指導教授: 施宣光
Shen-Guan Shih
口試委員: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
Chen-Cheng Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: BIM電腦輔助設計建築法規初期建築設計階段量體設計
外文關鍵詞: Computer aid design, early stages of the architectural design process
相關次數: 點閱:784下載:11
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台灣,台北是居 住密度最高的城市,土地非常昂貴且居住環境擁擠。量體設計
來,建築資訊建模BIM(Building Information Modeling) 變成AEC 技術核心內專

The results of urban planning and building codes on cityscape in a city created a distinctive urban scene of the city. As the most densely populated city in Taiwan, living condition in Taipei is crowded while land price is skyrocketing. The manipulation of building massing is a crucial task during the initial stage of architectural design process. Building massing manipulation have some decisive outcomes on, building orientation, architectural style, building height and floor area on each level in case of multi-levels project, and It is important to have real time data for evaluation on the building orientation and shadow profile during this stage. Interviews have been conducted with some experienced architects, and the results suggest that floor area estimation is comparably necessary as complying with the urban building codes.
A set of well-fitting design aids are going to expedite this task greatly for designers or architects. As BIM(Building Information Modelling) is becoming ever popular among AEC(Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) professionals which includes design and construction in the recent years. At the same time, application of computer in simulation analysis is getting ever mature in terms of building energy simulation, building codes evaluation, structural calculation and construction simulation. So, it is rather complicated to work under such a complex integration of all the related aspects, hence, for designers or architects, it is usually quite improbable to produce sufficient schemes for design decision making. As far as this issue is concerned, this research explored the potential of Generative Modelling Application, by integrating the ideas of Dimensionless Grid and Genetic Algorithm, in order to bring out a simulation system for optimization. The result of the optimization is expected to provide important information in the initial stage of design, while assisting designer to define the best building program and sum up total floor area under the circumstances of building codes’ restrictions.
This research proposed a set of methods and programming code for a software tool base on an actual site for a construction project, regarding the restrictions on high-rise housing block development in terms of building setback and shadow profile delineated by the Self-Government Ordinances of Building Administration in Taipei city. In addition, interviews are conducted with the practising architects to learn about the application of design process and design aids in the industry in order to make comparison with the proposed tool at the end of this research, by considering the pros and cons as well as efficiency. The end product of this research is expected to generate different schemes with highest plot ratio with all of them close to the maximum allowable plot ratio.
This research intends to produce a precise design aids that will provide quantitative analysis to facilitate the production of building massing and orientation in an efficient way. Furthermore, generating sufficient amount of schemes or programs within a designated period of time for optimization purpose, subsequently, the model and information produced can be utilized in the upcoming stages of design.

中文摘要 Abstracts 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章緒論 1.1研究背景及動機 1.2研究目的 1.3研究方法 1.4研究範圍 1.4.1 建築專案流程範圍 1.4.2 法系法規範圍 1.5流程架構 第二章文獻回顧 2.1BIM&電腦輔助設計應用 2.2區域計畫在全球的應用之比較 2.3初期設計階段 2.3.1 綜合的決策資訊 2.3.2 精確的方案評估 2.3.3 量體設計的操作現況與問題 2.3.4 評估指標 2.4優化設計 2.4.1 參數式模型 2.4.2 參數式設計 2.4.3 衍生式設計 2.4.4 基因演算法Genetic Algorithm 第三章影響量體設計之因素與輔助設計方法 3.1基地選擇環境條件描述 3.2建築物量體計畫(以台北市為例) 3.2.1 建築量體計畫與名詞介紹 3.2.2 建築量體高度與樓層數限制 3.2.3 建蔽率(最大樓地板面積) 3.2.4 容積率(建築總樓地板面積) 3.3建築退縮要求與法規限制條件 3.3.1 道路寬度與陰影檢討線 3.3.2 建築物陰影長度計算 3.3.3 建築物陰影面積計算 3.4綜合考量的複雜性 3.5輔助量體設計之方法與参數設定 3.5.1 使用者需求分析 3.5.2 模擬工具與方法 3.5.3 量體類型與Dimensionless Grid 第四章法規檢測與優化系統的設計與操作 4.1實作與環境與軟體使用 4.2模擬系統設計 4.2.1 限制條件之程式編寫 4.2.2 模擬流程建立 4.3五種量體類型模擬操作 4.3.1 型體變數演算分析設計表 4.3.2 系統模擬與檔案格式轉換 4.4檢測與模擬計算結果 4.5傳統V.S優化工具 第五章結論與後續研究 5.1研究貢獻 5.2研究限制 5.3後續研究建議 參考文獻 附錄

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