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研究生: 洪碧玉
Pi-Yu Hung
論文名稱: 電子電機產業綠色供應鏈資訊交換平台之開發與營運
Developing the Business and Operation Model of Green Component Data Exchange Platform in the Electronic and Electrical Industry
指導教授: 許總欣
Tsung-Shin Hsu
口試委員: 紀佳芬
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 有害物質限用指令(RoHS)物質內容宣告 (MCD)綠色供應鏈管理 (GSCM)
外文關鍵詞: Restriction of Hazardous Substance (RoHS), Material Composition Declaration (MCD), Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM)
相關次數: 點閱:222下載:1
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  • 鑑於全球環保意識日益高漲,國際間開始規範產品之綠色環保要求、頒佈相關指令法規,以及推廣非強制性的環保標章。因此,企業無不致力於相關的對應政策,以因應目前各項環保法規。面對這些挑戰,首先要把環保問題融於整個供應鏈,將整個供應鏈逐步導向符合綠色環保要求,達到「綠色供應鏈」;綠色供應鏈主要範疇為針對原有的供應鏈議題加以延伸,從供應鏈中所強調之品質、彈性、速度、價值及服務外加上一環保意識於供應鏈中。

    Following the announcement of European Union (EU) directives on the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) in 2003, leading industrial firms, such as SONY and Dell, have responded by incorporating environmental (green) measures in their product management practices through extending their attention on quality, safety and reliability to include product environmental performance. Enterprises firstly have to integrate the issue of environmental protection into the whole supply chain, gradually leading it to meet requirements of green environmental protection, and eventually achieve “Green Supply Chain” whose main domain is to extend original emphases of quality, flexibility, speed, value and service, further to the consciousness of environmental protection.
    The electrical and electronics industry takes up a very significant portion in the industrial development in Taiwan, which accounted for 48.1% of the total export value of Taiwan in 2006. All products exported to EU should not be against regulations of RoHS and WEEE. In order to deal with requirements from clients of each system manufacturer, the necessary material composition survey form, testing report, recycling figures and self guarantees should be created during the production process. Either operation procedure or information application will increase the production cost and complexity of schedule, and bring direct impacts on the electrical and electronics industry in Taiwan.
    The problems are primarily due to limited resources and a lack of experienced staff within some organizations. On the other hand, failing to meet the increasingly stringent international green requirements may lead to a loss of market share as well as vast compensation claims from customers and legislative bodies worldwide. Based on this, the research is to collate current problems that the whole green industry is facing, including material composition survey forms drafted by each system manufacturer and confirmation of materials and components to meet regulations, and consider every possible solution, as the role of industry association, helping the industry cope with environmental directives of EU. In respect of the solution to establish a database platform, a “Taiwan Green Electronic and Electrical Components Certification Platform” is purposed to be set up. The portal is implemented for green purchasing network and the case demonstrates the applicability to improve the quality, cost and time-to market issues of green supply chain for enterprises. The key contribution of this research are to provides a green data repository to associate item-level material content information with item numbers, revisions (or lot numbers/date codes), suppliers/manufacturer to define a collaboration model.

    摘要i ABSTRACTii 誌謝iv 目錄v 表目錄viii 圖目錄ix 第一章 序論1 1.1 背景及動機1 1.2 研究目的與內容3 1.3 研究流程及方法4 1.4 文獻探討5 1.4.1 歐盟三大指令5 1.4.2 RoHS指令規章6 1.4.3 RoHS衍生之綠色供應鏈管理議題13 1.4.4 資料交換機制19 第二章 指令影響與因應說明22 2.1 指令影響層面/範圍22 2.2 對台灣電機電子產業之衝擊及影響25 2.2.1 國際資訊大廠環保規範25 2.2.2 國內電子產業因應策略27 第三章 綠色零件材料驗證資訊平台營運管理33 3.1流程模式分析33 3.2平台的營運模式41 3.3組織架構、分工42 第四章 綠色零件材料驗證資訊平台實作44 4.1平台之規劃44 4.1.1環境面的規劃44 4.1.2需求面的規劃46 4.2平台之建置49 4.2.1平台管理功能模組51 4.2.2 供應商資訊管理模組54 4.2.3 採購商查詢模組55 4.2.4 檢測單位資料上傳模組57 4.3 平台的使用58 4.3.1採購商58 4.3.2供應商69 4.3.3驗證機構76 4.3.4 B2Bi整合方案78 4.4平台之管理79 4.4.1平台的運作管理79 4.4.2資料庫的內容結構分析81 4.4.3平台的營運重點83 4.5 遭遇問題與因應方案83 4.6 總結88 第五章 結論與建議91 5.1 研究結論91 5.2 研究貢獻92 5.3 未來研究方向93 參考文獻94

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