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研究生: 張丹
論文名稱: 住宅遺產再利用與觀光研究 ——以日式住宅與文人故居為例
Case Studies of Residential Heritage Reuse and Tourism: Japanese Styles House and Famous Writer’s House
指導教授: 王惠君
Huey-Jiun Wang
口試委員: 李乾朗
I-Hsu Chiu
Julie Chia-Ping Chen
Huey-Jiun Wang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 211
中文關鍵詞: 日式住宅故居歷史建築再利用文學旅遊遺產旅遊
外文關鍵詞: Japanese style house, Famous writer’s house, Historic building reuse, Literary tourism, Heritage tourism
相關次數: 點閱:241下載:0
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With the promotion of national cultural heritage preservation, residential heritage buildings have designated, registered, and preserved for their architectural, historical, and cultural value. Meanwhile, the heritage buildings have been reused and opened to the public. It gradually has the potential of being the resource for more tourism after the conservation and restoration in growing the heritage tourism industry. To preserve and enhance the cultural heritage, the government enacted the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act and specified the principle of the heritage buildings for renovation and reused. Even so, the impacts of reused heritage tourist sites effected on the quality of service under the different design and management; it has reflected on the satisfaction of visitors. However, the relationship between the service quality of heritage building reused with tourist satisfaction is less concerned in previous studies.

This study takes popular residential heritage tourist sites as the research objects, which are six Japanese style house tourist sites in Taipei and two famous writer's houses located in Shaoxing and Taipei. The survey with literature review and field research, including interviews, participation observation, and face-to-face questionnaires (901 valid samples), were conducted to investigate the situation of residential heritage tourism and visitors' satisfaction. It found that the tangible feature of architecture plays a vital role in motivating visiting Japanese style house tourist sites in Taipei. Similarly, the authentic building is an essential attribute in the famous writer's houses for visitors. Overall, the residential heritage of preserving the value of heritage architecture and promoting adaptive reuse have satisfied visitors, becoming attractive tourist destinations. However, future designers and managers may pay more attention to preserve the architectural value of heritage buildings while transforming the house to live for a small number into a tourist site to provide more visitors for activities.

目 錄 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 謝 誌 III 目 錄 V 圖 目 錄 IX 表 目 錄 XV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究緣起與目的 3 1.3 研究範圍與對象 5 第二章 文獻回顧 19 2.1 臺灣住宅建築遺產保存歷程 19 2.2 日式住宅相關研究 25 2.2.1 中文文獻 25 2.2.2 外文文獻 31 2.3 文人故居相關研究 37 2.3.1 中文文獻 37 2.3.2 外文文獻 41 第三章 研究方法 45 3.1 質化研究 45 3.1.1 文獻分析法 45 3.1.2 田野調查法 45 3.1.3 比較研究法 47 3.2 量化研究 48 3.2.1 動機調查問卷 48 3.2.2 觀光品質評估問卷 49 第四章 臺北日式住宅景點 57 4.1 案例背景 57 4.2 個案研究 61 4.2.1 餐廳 61 4.2.2 公共空間 87 4.3 問卷結果 99 4.3.1 訪客背景 99 4.3.2 動機與態度 100 4.3.3 SERVQUAL服務品質評估結果 103 4.4 觀察與訪談 109 4.5 分析與小結 113 第五章 文人故居景點 117 5.1 案例背景 117 5.2 個案研究 119 5.2.1 紹興魯迅故里 119 5.2.2 臺北林語堂故居 139 5.3 問卷結果 155 5.3.1 訪客背景 155 5.3.2 動機與收穫 157 5.3.3 IPA滿意度評估結果 160 5.4 觀察與訪談 165 5.5 分析與小結 167 第六章 結論與建議 171 第七章 後續研究 177 參考文獻 183 中文部分 183 外文部分 186 附 錄 193

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