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研究生: 黃建豪
論文名稱: 基於MQTT之智慧居家安全預警系統研製
Implementation of MQTT Based Early Warning System For Smart Home Security
指導教授: 蔡明忠
Ming-Jong Tsai
口試委員: 徐勝均
Sendren Sheng-Dong Xu
Chin-Sheng Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 物聯網無線傳輸MQTT通訊協定智慧居家安全預警系統
外文關鍵詞: IOT, Wi-Fi, MQTT, Smart home security warning system
相關次數: 點閱:318下載:0
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  • 居家型災害為新聞上常見議題,例如:一氧化碳中毒、瓦斯氣爆、電線走火等災害,皆屬於人類無法自主察覺的危害。若能及時找出危害根源,在危害形成之前將根源排除,即可達到災害預防目的,進而減少居家型災害發生件數。本研究提出一套智慧居家安全預警系統,這是一個居家型災害預防解決方案。透過統計居家型災害案例,並找出常發生災害類型,尋找對應的檢測感測器、選用合適MCU作為底層核心。系統自動蒐集週邊感測端的量測資料,將資料透過Wi-Fi上傳到開放式的雲端Web Sever平台。再經過分析、判斷、決策等資料處理流程,以及記錄相關感測端量測數據。當感測器量測值超標(危害發生)時,啟動警報機制,一方面向需求成員以Line、簡訊、E-mail主動進行警示通知,另一方面在家Local系統啟動語音警報廣播,以及啟動家電或元件排除危害環境。智慧居家安全預警系統已完成整合與測試,硬體使用自行設計的「系統控制主板、LED 矩陣 Driver Board、Relay Board」組成。系統整合氣體感測模組(CO、可燃氣體、空氣品質等)、溫溼度量測模組、RTC模組。核心MCU使用Raspberry Pi Pico開發板(Master)、Arduino Nano開發板(Slave)。系統自動量測居家的氣體濃度如:一氧化碳(CO)、天然氣(甲烷,CH4)、液化石油氣(LPG)、二氧化碳(CO2)、TVOC揮發性氣體、溫溼度等。使用者介面則是建置Web Sever平台,可透過MQTT傳輸「發佈/訂閱」服務一對多將警示通知發佈給訂閱需求者。Local系統可同步進行語音警報通知在家成員與啟動家電排除有危害的居家環境。使用者可透過可連網3C產品查詢系統資訊與進行控制,亦可以遠端使用MQTT Client App進行監控與查閱系統資訊,未來期許以本研究為藍圖,納入更多感測元件,以減少居家型災害發生。

    Home-based disasters are common topics in the news, such as carbon monoxide poisoning, gas explosion, power line fire and other disasters, which are hazards that human beings can not aware of. If we can find out the root cause of hazards in time and eliminate it before the formation of hazards, it can achieve not only the purpose of disaster prevention, but also reduce the number of household disasters. This study proposes a smart home security early warning system, which is a home-based disaster prevention solution. Through the statistics of home disaster cases, we can find out the types of disasters that often occur, find the corresponding detection sensors, and select the appropriate MCU as the underlying core. The system automatically collects the measurement data from the peripheral sensors and uploads the data to the open cloud Web Sever platform through Wi-Fi. After that data processing flow of analysis, judgment, decision, etc., the measurement data of the relevant sensing is recorded. When the measurement value of the sensor exceeds the standard (hazard occurs), the alarm mechanism is activated. On the one hand, the Line, SMS and E-mail are used to actively alert the demand members, but on the other hand, the voice alarm broadcast is activated by the Local system at home, and the household appliances or components are activated to eliminate the hazardous environment. The verification of the smart home security warning system has been completed, and the hardware is base on the self-designed PCB, “System control motherboard, LED Matrix Driver Board and Relay Board”. The system integrates a gas sensing module (CO, Combustible gas, air quality, etc.), temperature and humidity measurement module, and RTC module. Core MCU is composed of Raspberry Pi Pico board (Master), Arduino Nano board (Slave). The system automatically measures home Gas concentration-Carbon monoxide (CO), natural gas (methane, CH4), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), dioxygen Carbon dioxide (CO2), TVOC volatile gas-temperature and humidity, etc. The user interface is based on Web Sever interface. An MQTT transport publish/subscribe service can be used to deliver one-to-many alert notifications to any subscribers. Local system can synchronously carry out voice alarm to notify members at home and turn on household to eliminate hazardous household Environment. Users can visit system information, control through 3C products that can be connected to the Internet, and can also be used remotely. MQTT Client App can be used remotedlyfo monitor and access system information. In the future, more sensing elements can be integiated to the recent model so that it can reduce home-based disasters.

    目錄 致謝 I 摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 4 1.3 文獻探討 5 1.3.1智慧居家安全研究概況 5 1.3.2 MQTT相關應用 8 1.3.3無線傳輸技術應用 10 1.3.4 IFTTT網路服務平台應用 11 1.4 研究方法 13 1.5 本文架構 14 第二章 系統規劃及架構 15 2.1 系統規劃 15 2.2 系統架構 17 2.3 系統硬體設計 19 2.3.1選用模組介紹 21 Raspberry Pi Pico模組 22 Arduino Nano模組 25 Wi-Fi模組 28 系統實時時鐘模組 30 語音警報播放模組 31 溫溼度與空氣品質感測模組 33 MQ-7氣體感測模組 35 MQ-9氣體感測模組 38 2.3.2系統主板介紹 40系統主板方塊圖 40系統主板成品 43 2.3.3 LED矩陣驅動板介紹 46 LED矩陣驅動板方塊圖 46 LED矩陣驅動板成品 47 2.3.4 四組繼電器開關控制板介紹 48四組繼電器開關控制板方塊圖 48四組繼電器開關控制板成品 49 2.4 系統程式設計 51 2.4.1 Raspberry Pi Pico MCU韌體撰寫 52 2.4.2 Arduino Nano 模組 MCU韌體撰寫 54 2.4.3 Local Sever MCU韌體撰寫 55 2.4.4 MQTT Monitor MCU韌體撰寫 58 2.4.5網路服務平台應用 60 IFTTT網路服務平台 60 ThingSpeak網路服務平台 66 第三章 實驗結果與討論 71 3.1實驗方法 71 3.2 系統主板功能測試 72 3.2.1系統主板電壓量測 72 3.2.2 LED矩陣顯示功能測試 73 3.3 Web Sever功能測試 74 3.3.1 Web Sever登入 74 3.3.2 Web Sever網頁 76 3.3.3系統量測資料儲存 78 3.4 警報功能測試 80 3.4.1 Line警示通知 81 3.4.2簡訊與E-mail警示通知 82 3.5遠端監控功能測試 84 3.5.1 MQTT Monitor遠端監控 84 3.5.2 MQTT Terminal App遠端監控 88 第四章 結論與未來發展方向 91 4.1 結論 91 4.2 未來發展方向 92 參考文獻 94

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