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研究生: 陳嘉儀
Jia-YI Chen
論文名稱: 日治時期臺北高等學校建築特色研究
A Study for the Architecture characteristics of the Taihoku Higher School during Japanese Colonial Period
指導教授: 王惠君
Huey-Jiun Wang
口試委員: 王惠君
Huey-Jiun Wang
I-Hsu Chiu
Jia-Ping Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 268
中文關鍵詞: 臺北高等學校七年制高等學校國立臺灣師範大學
外文關鍵詞: Taihoku Higher School, Seven-year Higher School, National Taiwan Normal University
相關次數: 點閱:120下載:0
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The old system Japanese high school had been established and founded in 1894 and was later abolished in 1950. In order to cultivate the future pillars of the country, Taiwan soutokufu established the Taihoku Higher School in 1922 for higher education channels to Taihoku Imperial University and adopted an elite educational system. After World War II, the school was taken over by Nationalist government and re-established as National Taiwan Normal University.
Taihoku Higher School buildings were used by the university. After multiple system reformation, the original buildings had been rebuilt and reconstructed several times. However, the buildings still maintained its original architectural configuration and integral architectural appearance, becoming the main campus of National Taiwan Normal University. At the same time, some of the school buildings were also designated as cultural assets and were turned into a site of historical testimony for Taihoku Higher School during the Japanese Colonial Period.
Taihoku Higher School is the object of this study. Through collection of the related documents that were analyzed the ground and the process of the school’s establishment. Next, the memoirs published by alumnis who graduated from the school after the war, we can understand the students’ course of life. Also, we can understand by comparing the difference of the site plan between Taihoku Higher School and Tokyo Higher School and analyze the architectural characteristics of the school. By comparing the old photos and visiting the site, we gradually clarify architectural changes of the school.
Based on the result of this study, Taihoku Higher School focused on cultivating elites. Various dimensions of this school were determined and set. For instance, the control of the number of elite students, curriculum courses, and space requirements. The location of each building was kept at a suitable distance, and the buildings were connected by corridors. Considering the climatic conditions in Taiwan, the designers had carefully accounted for the relationship between a building’s orientation and its functions in the campus. In terms of the curriculum courses, they have built regular classrooms, science classrooms and stadiums. A “student waiting room” was also provided for students as a space to rest and prepare classes. Because Taihoku Higher School was a school with unique importance during the Japanese Colonial Period, all the buildings showed exquisite appearance. The exterior wall of red brick with stucco washing finish and the interior space appeared delicately which presented a high standard in artistic architectural construction expression.

第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍、對象與時間 2 第三節 相關文獻回顧 2 一、 既往研究回顧 2 二、 相關文獻回顧 3 第四節 研究方法與流程 6 一、 研究方法 6 二、 論述架構 6 第二章 臺北高等學校教育與歷史沿革 7 第一節 日治時期高等教育發展始末 7 一、 初期教育制度 7 二、 臺灣教育令與修正臺灣教育令 15 第二節 臺北高等學校建校沿革 18 一、 初期籌備 18 二、 古亭時期 23 三、 臺北高等學校的生活 33 第三節 戰後臺北高等學校之變遷 42 第三章 臺北高等學校校園配置 46 第一節 臺北高等學校校園配置 46 一、 創立初期 46 二、 選址與建築的興建 50 三、 校園配置與周遭變遷 58 第二節 日治同期學校校園配置比較 68 一、 東京高等學校之創立背景 68 二、 東京高等學校之校園配置與興建功能 78 三、 臺北高等學校與東京高等學校之配置比較 82 第三節 戰後校園配置與變遷 86 第四章 臺北高等學校建築特色 94 第一節 臺北高等學校建築特色 94 一、 普通教室 94 二、 理科教室 104 三、 體育館 121 四、 本館 132 五、 講堂 147 六、 寄宿舍 170 七、 附屬建築設施 189 八、 校長宿舍 203 第二節 戰後建築變遷 212 一、 戰後已拆除之建築 212 二、 現存之臺北高等學校建築 221 第五章 結論與後續研究 242 第一節 結論 242 第二節 校園配置建議 244 第三節 後續研究 244 附錄一、參考文獻 245

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