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研究生: 徐勝祥
Sheng-Siang Syu
論文名稱: 太陽光電熱能複合系統結合反射板之系統設置參數設計最佳化與實務驗證
Optimization and Practical Verification of System Configuration Parameter Design for a Photovoltaic Thermal System Combined with a Reflector
指導教授: 郭中豐
Chung-Feng Jeffrey Kuo
口試委員: 黃昌群
Chang-Chiun Huang
Te-Li Su
Chia-Der Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 139
中文關鍵詞: 太陽光電熱能複合系統反射板田口法變異數分析主成份分析反應曲面法迴歸分析最陡坡度法TRNSYS
外文關鍵詞: Steepest Descent Method
相關次數: 點閱:602下載:8
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This study optimized the system parameters for a photovoltaic thermal system (PV/T System) combined with reflectors, and discussed the gain of electrical efficiency and thermal efficiency on the system by adding two reflectors on each of the south and north sides, as well as by adjusting the water circulation system. Multiple parameters must be considered for the installation of a reflector, such as its material, size, and angle of installation. For the adjustment of the water circulation system, the water circulation speed and temperature are the main parameters. As the rising angle and position of the sun varies each season, in order to make this study more rigorous, experiments were conducted from November to January, February to April, May to July and August to October. The Taguchi Method was applied for experimental planning to analyze the optimal parameters for electrical efficiency and thermal efficiency. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducted to examine the influential power of the parameters, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to calculate the principal component point of each experiment. The results were analyzed through regression analysis to construct a Response Surface Methodology (RSM) model with which to examine the relation diagram among the factors and the degree of influence on the principal component point. Finally, the Steepest Descent Method was used to obtain the optimal parameters and validate the experimental theories. This study inputted the verified environmental data from the experiment into the corresponding equations to obtain the hourly sunshine amount, and applied the reflector theory to calculate the gain of sunshine amount after installing the reflector. Moreover, the gain was inputted into the simulation software TRNSYS to simulate the electrical power output and the water temperature in the water storage tank, as well as to calculate the electrical efficiency and thermal efficiency. The results were then compared with the experiment. The confirmatory experiments of the three seasons found that the electrical energy after installing the reflector increased by 17%, and the thermal energy increased by 33%. After conversion, the power generation could be increased by 0.144kWh and the water temperature in the water tank could be increased by 2.16℃. The experiment confirmed that the prediction error was less than 5%. The results could serve as a reference for future studies to improve the efficiency of solar power related products.

目錄 摘要 I Abstract III 致謝 V 目錄 VII 圖索引 X 表索引 XVI 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 文獻回顧 3 1.3.1 太陽光電熱能複合系統 3 1.3.2 系統模擬理論 6 1.3.3 參數最佳化理論 7 1.4 研究流程 10 第2章 太陽能光電熱能複合系統設置 11 2.1 太陽能環境評估 11 2.1.1 經緯座標系統與天赤道座標系統 11 2.1.2 逐時太陽方位角、仰角計算 13 2.1.3 逐時日照量[18] 14 2.2 反射板設置原理與反射日照量 16 2.3 太陽光電熱能複合系統介紹 23 2.3.1 太陽光電熱能複合系統介紹 23 2.3.2 太陽光電熱能複合系統性能介紹 26 2.4 TRNSYS軟體介紹 27 第3章 最佳化理論 29 3.1 田口法實驗設計[36] 29 3.1.1 直交表 29 3.1.2 S/N比 32 3.2 變異數分析[27] 33 3.3 主成份分析法[37] 37 3.3.1 主成份原理與步驟 37 3.4 反應曲面法[32] 40 3.4.1 實驗設計法 40 3.4.2 迴歸分析 43 3.4.3 最佳化程序 45 第4章 實驗規劃 46 4.1 太陽光電熱能複合系統 46 4.2 反射板架設 50 4.3 實驗步驟 53 4.3.1 實驗流程圖 56 第5章 實驗結果 57 5.1 太陽光電熱能複合系統參數最佳化 57 5.1.1 11至1月實驗數據分析 58 5.1.2 2至4月實驗數據分析 71 5.1.3 5至7月實驗數據分析 84 5.1.4 8至10月實驗數據分析 97 5.2 太陽光電熱能複合系統最佳化確認實驗 110 5.2.1 11至1月確認實驗 111 5.2.2 2至4月確認實驗 116 5.2.3 5至7月確認實驗 121 5.2.4 8至10月確認實驗 125 第6章 結論 130 6.1 太陽光電熱能複合系統參數最佳化 130 6.2 太陽光電熱能複合系統最佳化確認實驗 132 6.3 環境評估及系統模擬 133 參考文獻 135

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