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研究生: 徐慧娟
Hui-Chuan Hsu
論文名稱: 網頁暗黑模式對消費者情緒與購買意圖之影響
The effects of website Dark Patterns on consumer’s emotion and purchace intention
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員: 廖秀莉
Hsiu-Li Liao
Yu-Qian Zhu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 暗黑模式S-O-R模型PAD情緒量表購買意圖
外文關鍵詞: Dark Patterns, S-O-R model, PAD scale, purchace intentions
相關次數: 點閱:468下載:0
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隨著科技技術的興起,使用網站和行動應用程式的人數已是相當普遍,而為了要讓使用者能更輕鬆地操作介面以及瀏覽資訊已成為重要的目標。使用者介面設計師為了提高使用者的體驗,會以使用者的需求以及目的來有效地影響行為。但隨著時間的發展,開始有不當手法在產品介面設計上加上一些手段和技巧去操縱使用者,稱之為暗黑模式(Dark Patterns)。

With the advance of science and technology, there are a lot of people using websites and mobile applications, and this situations are be common in global. In order to make it easier for users to use the user interface and browse website’s informations has become an important target. So as to improve the user experience, the UI designer will design the demand of the user and effectively influence behavior. However, as time goes by, there are tricks used in websites and apps that make you do things that you didn't mean to, which is called Dark Patterns (Deceptive design patterns).
However, most of the studies related to the user’s felt and awareness about the Dark Patterns. There are few studies related to the effect of online website on consumer’s emotion and purchace intention. Therefore, this study uses the S-O-R model and PAD emotional scale as the basis of the conceptual framework, and through the virtual shopping website “Bread-ade麵包小憩” build to explores the Dark Patterns, consumer’s emotions, purchace intentions, and the moderating effects of education and ege.
This study is conducted in the laboratory with questionnaries. And in terms of academic contribution, the result on this study break the limitation of existing literature stating that only Sneaking, Misdirection, Obstruction and Forced continuity are lowered the overall emotional state of consumers, and when consumers had negative emotions, they all made the consumers unwilling to buy and had the avoidance behavior. About the moderating effects of eduction and ege, the result shows that the higher education had lower emotions influence of Obstruction. And the moderating effects of ege had not any affect the emotions. Finally, conclusions and suggestions were derived based on the laboratory with questionnaries. This result of this study can be useful to the company or research scholar desiring to explore Dark Patterns in the future.

第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2研究動機與目的 2 1.3研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 2.1暗黑模式(Dark Patterns) 4 2.2 S-O-R(Stimulus-Organism-Response)模型 19 2.3 P-A-D情緒量表 21 2.4購買意圖 23 第三章 研究模型與假說 24 3.1 研究模型 24 3.2 暗黑模式與情緒之間的關聯性 25 3.3 情緒與購買意圖之關係 30 3.4 年齡與教育程度的調節效果 31 3.5 變數操作型定義 33 3.6 問卷設計 34 3.7 實驗設計 37 3.8 資料分析方法 47 第四章 研究結果分析 49 4.1 研究樣本描述性統計 49 4.2信度與效度 51 4.3暗黑模式與情緒的關係 54 4.4情緒與購買意圖的關係 59 4.5暗黑模式與購買意圖關係之中介與調節效果驗證 65 4.6研究結果討論 95 第五章 討論與建議 98 5.1 結論 98 5.2 研究貢獻 98 5.3 研究限制 99 5.4未來建議 100 參考文獻 101 附錄、正式問卷 106

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