簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李雅雯
Ya-Wen Lee
論文名稱: 具二苯乙烯基醚結構之醇類光不穩定保護基研究
Study of Novel Stilbenyl-Ether-Type Photolabile Protecting Group for a Hydroxyl Group
指導教授: 何郡軒
Jinn-Hsuan Ho
口試委員: 張家耀
Jia-Yaw Chang
Chih-Wei Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 醇類光不穩定保護基二苯乙烯
外文關鍵詞: Photolabile Protecting Group for Hydroxyl Group, Stilbene
相關次數: 點閱:247下載:9
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In this study, we develop a novel stilbenyl-ether-type photolabile protecting group for hydroxyl group in accordance with a acid-catalyzed photochemical rearrangement of 4-methoxystilbene reported by Prof. T.-I. Ho.

In the presence of sodium hydride, the alcohol and 1-fluoro-4-styryl-benzene can undergo a one-step protective reaction. We test the stability of these stilbenyl-ether-type compounds in strong reagents. Because of the need of acid-catalysts in this photorelease reaction, we study them in a neutral condition and prove these compounds possess a safe-catch function. We also study the photorelease ability of these compounds under different wavelength irradiations.

In addition, we use normal p-methoxystilbenes, styrylarenes, and o-methoxystilbene to study the orthogonal photorelease conditions, including different reaction time and different catalytic conditions. So that a control-release of two alcohols can be achieved. In summary, we successfully developed a novel stilbenyl-ether-type photolabile protecting group.

第一章 緒論.......................................1 一、保護基之探討..................................1 1.保護基的介紹....................................1 2.光不穩定保護基之探討............................2 3.常見的醇類保護基................................2 二、研究動機.....................................10 1.苯乙烯雜環的醚類結構在不同溶劑中的照光反應.....11 2.具二苯乙烯基醚結構在稀酸中的照光反應...........12 3.鄰-甲氧基二苯乙烯在稀酸催化的照光反應..........14 三、研究目的與流程...............................16 第二章 結果與討論................................19 一、起始物之合成.................................19 1.一般合成步驟...................................19 2.直接保護步驟...................................22 二、反應機制之探討...............................23 三、照光波長選擇.................................24 四、波長300 nm的去保護測試與結果.................26 1.起始物在不同條件下的照光情形...................26 2.產率無法提升之探討.............................31 3.反應結果討論...................................35 4.去保護反應之酚類釋放...........................36 五、穩定度測試...................................37 六、波長365 nm的去保護測試與結果.................39 1.反應濃度下的UV圖...............................39 2.化合物2a在365 nm照光結果與討論.................40 3.化合物2b在365 nm照光結果與討論.................41 4.化合物2c在365 nm照光結果與討論.................42 七、 控制釋放測試................................43 1.二段控制實驗...................................44 2.鄰位反應的應用.................................45 3.化合物4a-4d在不同條件下的照光反應情形..........46 4.三段控制實驗...................................49 5.三段控制實驗之結果探討.........................50 八、總結.........................................52 第三章 實驗部分..................................54 一、儀器部分.....................................54 二、藥品及溶劑...................................56 三、實驗流程.....................................58 1.起始物之合成步驟...............................58 2.去保護反應.....................................69 3.穩定度測試實驗.................................71 4.化合物2h的合成步驟.............................71 5.二段控制實驗...................................72 6.三段控制實驗...................................73 第四章 參考文獻..................................74 附錄一、反式2a-2d吸收光譜圖......................78 附錄二、化合物一覽表.............................79

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