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研究生: 劉俊佑
論文名稱: 數位控制同步整流式LLC諧振轉換器之設計與研製
Research and Implementation of a Digitally-controlled Synchronous-Rectified LLC Resonant Converter
指導教授: 劉益華
Yi-Hua Liu
口試委員: 羅有綱
Yu-Kang Lo
Jen-Hao Teng
Shun-Chung Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 功率因數修正串聯諧振轉換器零電壓切換同步整流
外文關鍵詞: zero voltage switching, digital control, power factor corrector, LLC resonant converter, synchronous rectification
相關次數: 點閱:212下載:8
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High efficiency and high power density have become a necessity in modern-day power-supply designs and their applications. To achieve such goals, soft switching techniques (including zero voltage switching and zero current switching) which allow the power converters to achieve both higher switching frequencies and lower switching losses should be adopted. Among soft switching power converters, the popularity of the LLC resonant converter is increasing because their several desired features such as high efficiency, low switching noise, wide input voltage range and ability to achieve high power density. By replacing the traditional full-wave rectifier with a synchronous rectifier circuit, the efficiency can further be improved.
The main purpose of this thesis is to research and implement a 350W power supply. The whole system configuration can be divided into two major parts. An average current mode controlled power factor corrector (PFC) in front stage is used as a regulator for improving the input power factor and reducing the total harmonic distortion. dsPIC33FJ16GS502 from Microchip corp. is used as the digital variable frequency controller of the LLC resonant converter. A digital implementation of synchronous rectification driving scheme for LLC resonant converter is also presented in this thesis. According to the experimental results, the PFC circuits can achieve efficiency higher than 92% and a power factor higher than 96%. The digitally-controlled LLC resonant converter with synchronous rectifier can achieve efficiency higher than 90%.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 第一章緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 數位電源之特色 1 1.3 論文大綱 2 第二章 主動式功率因數修正器之原理 4 2.1 功率因數與諧波失真之定義 4 2.2 升壓型功率因數修正器 7 2.3 主動式功率因數修正器之操作模式介紹 9 2.4 功率因數修正器之控制模式介紹 11 2.4.1電壓隨耦控制法(Voltage-Follower Control) 11 2.4.2 峰值電流控制法(Peak Current Control) 12 2.4.3 磁滯電流控制法(Hysteresis Current Control) 14 2.4.4 平均電流控制法(Average Current Control) 16 第三章 LLC諧振轉換器硬體架構 20 3.1 理想RLC串聯諧振電路分析 21 3.2 半橋式串聯諧振轉換器簡介 23 3.3 LLC諧振轉換器頻率響應分析 24 3.4 LLC諧振轉換器操作模式分析 32 3.4.1 SRC電路操作模式分析 32 3.4.2 LLC-SRC 之電路操作模式分析 46 3.4.3 SRC及 LLC-SRC 之比較 55 3.5 LLC諧振轉換器同步整流技術 56 3.5.1 同步整流控制訊號考量 57 第四章 硬體電路規格制定與設計 60 4.1升壓式功率因數修正器電路設計 60 4.1.1 UCC28019 IC簡介 60 4.1.2 電路規格制定 61 4.1.3 電路元件之設計與選用 62 4.2 LLC諧振轉換器電路設計 64 4.2.1電路規格制定 65 4.2.2電路元件參數之設計與選用 65 第五章 數位控制器設計 73 5.1 前言 73 5.2 dsPIC33FJ16GS502簡介 74 5.3 數位LLC諧振轉換器韌體設計流程 75 5.3.1數位LLC諧振轉換器韌體設計流程 75 5.4 數位濾波器設計 78 5.4.1濾波器簡介 78 5.4.2有限脈衝響應濾波器設計 80 5.4.3 FIR濾波器設計 81 5.4.4 FIR數位濾波器驗證 85 5.5 數位PID 86 5.5.1 PID控制器原理 86 5.5.2數位PID控制器 88 第六章實驗結果與討論 92 6.1 升壓式功率因數修正器實測結果: 92 實驗測試儀器及設備 92 實驗波形量測 92 6.2數位控制型LLC串聯諧振轉換器實測結果: 100 實驗測試儀器及設備 100 實驗波形量測 100 同步整流LLC諧振轉換器實體電路圖 : 108 第七章 結論與未來展望 109 7.1 結論 109 7.2未來展望 110 參考文獻 111

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