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研究生: 蘇雯玲
論文名稱: 未來生機有生機
Future Vitality Life
指導教授: 周子銓
Chou Tzu-Chuan
口試委員: 李國光
Lee Gwo-Guang
Huang Sun-Jen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 未來生機有生機
外文關鍵詞: Future Vitality Life
相關次數: 點閱:141下載:3
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  • 全球環境正在迅速發生變化,氣候變遷已成為首要的政治議題,農業對於氣候變
    營轉往有機農業發展,努力朝向「氣候中和」此對於全體人類極度重要、具急迫性 又
    台灣有機農業發展多年但步伐相較歐美國家仍相當緩慢,民國107 年通過的有機
    近年有機農業面積雖已近兩萬公頃,超過全國耕地 1.37%,但消費市場仍舊未打

    The global environment is changing rapidly. Climate change has become a critical
    political issue, and the impact of agriculture on climate change is becoming more and more
    important. The organic agriculture development sectors of various countries have begun to
    focus on optimizing the traditional agricultural operations and gradually transform them into
    organic agriculture. These countries strive to move towards the goal of climate neutrality,
    which is an extremely important, urgent, and idealized goal for all mankind.
    Organic agriculture of Taiwan has been developing for many years yet is still very slow
    compared with that of European and American countries. Hopefully, the organic regulations
    adopted in 2018 are expected to not only stabilize the counseling and management of organic
    agriculture but also build up the foundation of promoting organic agriculture. In recent years,
    although the area of organic agriculture has reached nearly 20,000 hectares, which is more
    than 1.37% of the national arable land, the organic retail market is still not popular among
    consumers. The consumers’ recognition of organic farming products has not kept up with
    the pace of agricultural transformation. On the other hand, organic production still has
    technical and operational management problems, requiring more R&D investment and
    innovative solutions.
    The protagonist of organic farming, Mr. Wang Mingyong, has devoted himself to the
    organic industry for decades because of the turning point of life. He deeply believes that
    organic food and organic diet can benefit human health a lot and has a positive influence on
    human beings and the environment. Even if it is not easy for him to advocate his ideal under
    various obstacles, he insists on not giving up the career of improving the development of
    Taiwan's organic industry. In order to deliver his organic faith: good for eaters, good for
    producers, better for the environment, teacher Wang Mingyong establishes the Natura Rule
    organic supermarket brand, trying to adhere to the core value of adapting of traditional
    cuisine, improve the ecosystem transformation of organic agriculture, and combine
    innovative thinking with cultural craftsmanship to recreate Taiwan's local organic new blue
    ocean. The case adapts Harvard Case Study research method to discuss the following issues:
    influence marketing, organizational dexterity, service-oriented logic, and business model
    innovation. First, the research will dissect the relevancy of Mr. Wang's influence on the
    development and marketing of organic concepts. Secondly, the research will investigate how
    to make good use of organizational dexterity to adjust the plan that is most suitable for the
    Taiwan market. Third, the research will focus on how service-oriented logic can narrow the
    distance between organic goods and consumers. Finally, the research will discuss how to
    create a new generation of vitality market blue ocean through business model innovation.

    目錄 摘 要 ..................................................................... i ABSTRACT .................................................................. iii 誌 謝 ..................................................................... v 表目錄 ..................................................................... viii 圖目錄...................................................................... ix 壹、 個案本文 ............................................................... 1 一、 序場 ................................................................... 1 二、 有機與生機的定義......................................................... 3 三、 臨危受命轉換身分成為加盟主................................................ 4  創業維艱................................................................... 5  分享帶來契機 ............................................................... 6 四、 向有機先進國家學習 ....................................................... 7 五、 分享真實體驗 ............................................................ 11 六、 危機帶來契機、創立自有品牌 “自然法則” ..................................... 13  自然法則市場定位 ........................................................... 14  見證式行銷 ................................................................. 15 七、 消費者、供應商、自然法則三者關係 .......................................... 17  擴大溝通方式 ............................................................... 17  互信建立長遠關係 ........................................................... 18 八、 主顧客經營策略 .......................................................... 19  頂級會員獨享 ............................................................... 19 八、 下一步、改造東方版的健全超市,完成終極夢想 ................................. 22 九、 附錄 .................................................................... 24 貳、個案討論 ................................................................. 25 vii 一、 個案總覽 ................................................................. 25 二、 教學目標與適用課程 ........................................................ 26 三、 學生課前討論問題........................................................... 30 四、 個案人物背景............................................................... 31 五、 個案分析 ................................................................. 32 課程目標一: 影響力行銷 ......................................................... 34 課程目標二: 組織靈巧性 ......................................................... 39 課程目標三: 服務主導邏輯 ....................................................... 43 課程目標四: 商業模式創新 ....................................................... 47 六、 課程結論 ................................................................. 51 七、 教學建議 ................................................................. 52 八、 影片與板書規劃 ........................................................... 56 叁、參考文獻 .................................................................. 57 一、 中文參考文獻 ............................................................. 57 二、 英文參考文獻 ............................................................. 58 三、 網站參考資料

    1. 王明勇老師個人著作六本 : 遇見生機、這樣排毒讓我不生病、王明勇的健康
    2. 王鐘和國立屏東科技大學農園生產系教授文章: 台灣有機農業的內涵與發展
    3. 2021 歐洲有機大會系列之一:農業在「氣候中和」裡所扮演的角色
    4. 影響力行銷https://ttmarketing.1111.com.tw/knowledge/detail/123/
    5. https://twfirst.com.tw/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-5a-structure/
    6. 雙元性組織理論基礎 :
    7. 服務主導邏輯 : https://wiki.mbalib.com/zhtw/%
    8. 聯合國有續發展目標https://green.nttu.edu.tw/p/412-1048-10039.php?Lang=zhtw
    9. 商業模式創新 https://wiki.mbalib.com/zhtw/%