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研究生: 余瑞美
論文名稱: 銀行評選之關鍵因素探討-以中小企業觀點為例
Key factors of bank evaluation: A case study of small and medium enterprises
指導教授: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Chao Ou-Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 中小企業修正式德菲法分析層級程序法
外文關鍵詞: Small and medium enterprises, Modified Delphi method, Analytic hierarchy process
相關次數: 點閱:614下載:0
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  • 中小企業乃國家經濟發展之基石,而資金是使其扮演好這個關鍵角色的必備要件。資金需求是中小企業客戶的重要議題,但針對經營良好或有成長潛力的中小企業客戶而言,銀行能否配合客戶的持續成長茁壯而提供對應的產品服務,才是客戶選擇銀行的重點。
    本研究係藉由相關文獻及訪談企業高階財務相關主管,彙整出初步評選銀行關鍵因素的評估構面與準則,進而採用修正式德菲法 (Modified Delphi Method)搜集專家意見,以決定評選的關鍵準則,然後再經由分析層級程序法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process; AHP)決定評選準則之權重並建立評選模式,以供企業在選擇融資銀行決策時之參考。

    Small and medium enterprises are the keystone of national economic development. Capital is the prerequisite for these enterprises to competently play this crucial role. Capital demand has always been an important issue for small and medium enterprise customers. However, for those which manage to achieve sound management or demonstrate potential for growth, the primary criterion for bank selection lies in a bank’s capacity to offer corresponding products and services to complement their customers’ continual growth.
    Through reviews of relevant literatures and interviews with senior financial supervisors from different enterprises, this study compiles the dimensions and principles of bank selection appraisal. This includes key factors, followed by the use of the modified Delphi method to collect expert opinions to determine the key factors for appraisal, before using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to determine the weighting of appraisal principles. This in turn is used to establish the model of selection, which could serve as a useful reference for enterprises in their selection of financing banks.
    According to the findings of this research, the order of dimensions that the experts identified for their appraisal of bank selection is: credit, reliability, service and reputation, with direct financing of bank loans as the primary source of external funding for small and medium enterprises at present. The results of the study reveal that the experts’ perceptions match the existing needs of small and medium enterprises. The top five factors of appraisal are: line of credit, price condition, deposit security, demand-based revolving appropriation, and service commitment. The results of this study should serve as a useful reference for bank operators in better understanding the credit demands of small and medium enterprises, and thereby assisting them in identifying banks that best suit their needs through the given appraisal model.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第一章、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究範圍與限制 2 1.4 論文架構. 3 第二章、 文獻探討 5 2.1 中小企業資金的來源 6 2.1.1 直接金融與間接金融 6 2.1.2 融資順位理論 (Pecking Order Theroy) 7 2.2 銀行體系與業務 8 2.2.1 銀行體系 8 2.2.2 銀行經營之業務 10 2.2.3 金融主管機關 12 2.3 銀行授信決策13 2.3.1 授信遵循原則 14 2.3.2 授信流程與授信原則 15 2.4 銀行評選準則 17 2.4.1 企業與銀行往來 18 2.4.2 銀行評選準則 21 2.5 分析層級程序法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process; AHP) 22 第三章、 研究方法 24 3.1 修正式德菲法 (Modified Delphi Method) 24 3.1.1 德菲法基本假設 24 3.1.2 德菲法實施步驟 26 3.1.3 德菲法的優點與限制 27 3.1.4 修正式德菲法 27 3.2 分析層級程序法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process; AHP) 27 3.2.1 分析層級程序法的適用範圍 29 3.2.2 分析層級程序法之基本假設 29 3.2.3 分析層級程序法之歩驟 30 3.3 研究模式之步驟34 第四章、 研究設計與實證結果分析35 4.1 問卷設計與結果說明35 4.1.1 專家背景說明 36 4.1.2 第一階段-構面評選統計結果36 4.1.3 第二階段-準則評選統計結果 37 4.1.4 Expert Choice 軟體介紹 39 4.2 實證分析 40 4.2.1 評選構面分析 . 41 4.2.2評選準則分析 42 4.2.3銀行評選關鍵因素結果 46 第五章、 結論與建議 48 5.1 研究結論 48 5.2 未來研究方向 49 5.3 管理意涵. 49 參考文獻. 51 附錄一 55 附錄二 57

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