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論文名稱: 改變消費者行為以盡量減少時尚浪費
Changing User Behavior to Minimize Fashion Waste
指導教授: 郭財吉
Tsai-Chi Kuo
口試委員: 楊朝龍
Chao-Lung Yang
Yu-Ling Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 使用者行為快時尚浪費綜合行動確定模型Scheffe 測試ANOVA 測試
外文關鍵詞: User Behavior, Fast Fashion Waste, Comprehensive Action Determination Model, Scheffe Test, ANOVA Test
相關次數: 點閱:184下載:0
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該研究旨在利用綜合行動確定模型,改變用戶在時尚產品消費方面的行為,使其轉向節儉,以促進環境友善並減少時尚浪費。應用的統計方法包括單向變異數分析、Scheffe 檢定和 Pearson 相關性。結果顯示,介入 1 的平均分數為 4.54,與介入 3 的平均分數 4.48 沒有顯著差異,但皆與介入 2 的平均分數 2.38 顯著不同。基於單向變異數分析,所得的 p 值為 0.000,表示接受假設 1 (H1) 或得出三種介入措施之間存在顯著差異的結論。從 Scheffe 檢定來看,介入 1 與介入 3 沒有顯著差異 (p = 0.908),但皆與介入 2 有顯著差異 (p = 0.000)。 Pearson 相關性檢定顯示行為和意圖之間有顯著相關性 (p = 0.197),支持 H1。總之,介入2對於改變時尚產品消費行為最有效。此外,由於行為和意圖之間的強相關性,這種幹預可以直接同時改變意圖和行為。

The study aims to change user behavior in fashion product consumtion towards thrifting to promote environmental friendliness and reduce fashion waste using the Comprehensive Action Determine Model. Statistical methods applied include one-way ANOVA, Scheffe test, and Pearson correlation. Findings reveal that the mean score for intervention 1 is 4.54, not significantly different from intervention 3 with a mean score of 4.48, but both significantly differ from intervention 2 with a mean score of 2.38. Based on one-way ANOVA, the obtained p-value is 0.000, indicating acceptance of hypothesis 1 (H1) or concluding significant differences among the three interventions. From Scheffe test, intervention 1 is not significantly different from intervention 3 (p = 0.908), but both significantly differ from intervention 2 (p = 0.000). The Pearson correlation test shows a significant correlation (p = 0.197) between behavior and intention, supporting H1. In conclusion, intervention 2 is the most effective in changing consumer behavior in fashion product consumption. Furthermore, due to the strong correlation between behavior and intention, this intervention can directly change both intention and behavior simultaneously.

ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v TABLE OF CONTENT vi LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES ix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Problem Description 1 1.2 Research Objectives 3 1.3 Research Limitation 4 1.4 Structure of Thesis 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Theory of Planed Behavior 5 2.1 Fast Fashion 5 2.2 Comprehensive Action Determine Model (CADM) 6 2.3 Statistic 7 2.3.1 Pearson correlation 7 2.3.2 ANOVA 8 2.3.3 SCHEFFE Test 9 2.4 Design For Sustainable Behavior 10 2.5 Consumer Behavior 11 2.6 Novelty 11 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 13 3.1 Problem Identification 15 3.2 Comprehensive Action Determine Model 16 3.3 Experiment and Data Collection 19 3.3.1 Intervention 1 19 3.3.2 Intervention 2 21 3.3.3 Intervention 3 23 3.4 Final Interview 26 3.5 Data Interpretation 26 3.6 ANOVA Test 27 3.7 Scheffe Test 27 3.8 Correlation Test 27 CHAPTER 4 28 DATA PROCESSING 28 4.1 Respondent’s Profile 28 4.2 Data Collection 30 4.2.1 Intervention 1 30 4.2.2 Intervention 2 31 4.2.3 Intervention 3 33 4.3 ANOVA Test 35 4.4 Scheffe Test 36 4.5 Pearson Correlation Test 38 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 40 5.1 Research Contribution 40 5.2 Research Limitation and Future Suggestion 42 REFERENCE 43

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