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研究生: 吳紀維
Ji-wei Wu
論文名稱: 藉由譚艾美《喜福會》探討第二代華裔美人的跨文化溝通與文化認同
A Study on Second-Generation Chinese Americans’ Intercultural Communication and Cultural Identity by Examining Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club
指導教授: 陳聖傑
Sheng-Jie Chen
口試委員: 鄧慧君
Hui-Chun Teng
I-Pin Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 文化認同跨文化溝通高低語境
外文關鍵詞: high context and low context, intercultural communication, cultural identity
相關次數: 點閱:505下載:9
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The researcher is aimed to shed light on the intercultural communication and cultural identity by examining Amy Tan's widely-acclaimed novel The Joy Luck Club. By delving into this novel written by a second generation Chinese American, the researcher is able to reach some conclusions that are of great value in the field of intercultural communication. Therefore, people who are also interested in this field of study can gain useful insight into the issues confronted by second generation Chinese Americans. These issues revolve around the second-generation Chinese Americans' communication with their immigrant parents and also their cultural identity. Due to the fact that China is now an emerging and booming economic powerhouse, more and more people in China flock to the US harboring their American dreams, thus making intercultural communication an important issue that inevitably has a great impact on their daily life.
The researcher investigates the issues related to intercultural communication based on Edward T. Hall’s high-context and low-context orientation and Hofstede's model of cultural dimensions with a view to getting a clear understanding of the fundamental factors that bring about the cultural difference. In addition, several social and cultural issues related to second-generation Chinese Americans have also been dealt with in this thesis paper.
After a thorough comparison and analysis, the researcher has come to the conclusion that Amy Tan seeks to illustrate multiculturalism not as a hindrance, but a bridge through which cultural differences become complementary rather than conflicting with each other. In addition, the researcher is of the opinion that not only the mother-daughter relationships in The Joy Luck Club can fall into the category of intercultural communication but intermarriage where second-generation Chinese American daughters marry white husbands can also be described as intercultural to a certain extent, which is a point that the researcher tries to prove in this thesis paper.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter One Introduction1 1.1 Background of the Study1 1.2 Purpose of the Study4 1.3 Definition of the Key Terms6 1.4 Significance of the Study9 1.5 Research Questions10 Chapter Two Literature Review11 2.1 The History of Chinese-American Literature11 2.2 Edward T. Hall's Theory of High-Context (HC) and Low-Context (LC)14 2.3 Hofstede's Model of Cultural Dimensions18 2.3.1 Power Distance19 2.3.2 Uncertainty Avoidance19 2.3.3 Individualism and Collectivism20 2.3.4 Masculinity and Femininity21 2.3.5 Long-Versus Short-Term Orientation22 2.4 Research on The Joy Luck Club at Home and Abroad................................................23 Chapter Three Background of Amy Tan and The Joy Luck Club32 3.1 Amy Tan as a Chinese-American Writer32 3.2 The Clue of The Joy Luck Club (1988)34 3.2.1Mother Su-yuan Woo and Daughter Jing-mei “June” Woo34 3.2.2Mother Lindo Jong and Daughter Waverly Jong36 3.2.3Mother Ying-ying “Betty” St. Clair and Daughter Lena St, Clair37 3.2.4Mother An-mei Hsu and Daughter Rose Hsu Jordan38 Chapter Four Intercultural Communication and Cultural Identity in The Joy Luck Club from the Perspecitve of Edward T. Hall's Theory of High- and Low-Context39 4.1 Conflict between Chinese Obedience to Parents and American Independence and Democracy.......................................................................................................39 4. 2 Conflict between Chinese Women's Submissiveness and American Women's Independence..........................................................................................................43 4. 3 Conflict between Family's Honor and Individual Achievement................................48 4. 4 Conflict between Superstition and Science ...............................................................51 Chapter Five Causes of Conflicts from Two Perspectives56 5.1 From the Perspective of Edward T. Hall's Theory of High- and Low-Context..........56 5.1.1 Implicit Chinese and Straightforward United States..........................................57 5.2 From the Perspective of Hofstede's Model of Cultural Dimensions.......................... 58 5.2.1 Individualism vs. Collectivism.......................................................................59 5.2.2 Low Power Distance vs. High Power Distance..............................................62 5.2.3 Long-term and Short-term Orientation..............................................................64 Chapter Six Causes of Conflicts and Fusions in The Joy Luck Club66 6.1 Causes of Cultural Conflicts.......................................................................................66 6.1.1 Causes from History...........................................................................................66 6.1.2 Causes from Philosophical Perspective.............................................................70 6.1.3 Causes from Different Cultures.........................................................................72 6.2 Causes of Cultural Fusions.........................................................................................77 6.2.1 Causes from Love between Mother and Daughter77 6.2.2 Causes from Intercultural Communication80 6.2.3 Causes from Science and Technology82 Chapter Seven Strategies of Avoiding Cultural Conflicts86 7.1 Strategies of Chinese and American Cultural Exchanges ............................................86 7.2 Strategies of Chinese and American Economic and Trade Co-operations ...................87 7.3 Strategies of Chinese and American Mutual Developments ........................................89 Chapter Eight Conclusion91 References93

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