簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 洪宜承
論文名稱: 鎂合金自行車零件組之鍛造
Study on the formability of magnesium alloy for Bicycle parts under hot forging
指導教授: 向四海
Su-Hai Hsiang
口試委員: 黃佑民
You-Min Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 139
中文關鍵詞: 卡鉗活塞自行車零件熱鍛
外文關鍵詞: Bicycle parts
相關次數: 點閱:286下載:5
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This study investigates the formability of AZ31 and AZ61 magnesium alloy for bicycle parts under hot forging. Firstly, finite element software DEFORM is applied to simulate the deformation behaviors of magnesium alloys bicycle parts under different process parameters. The process parameters considered in the simulation are materials heating temperatures, lubricants and punch speeds. The optimal forging condition can be obtained from evaluation of the completeness of filling of material in die cavity, forming load and stress and strain distribution.
The experimental conditions are set according to the optimal simulation results. Hot forging experiments are carried out with heating range from 220℃ to 350℃, different lubricants, punch speeds 0.9mm/s to study the formability of magnesium alloy for bicycle parts. The experimental results are compare with the DEFORM simulation results. The obtained forging loads and completeness of filling are in good agreement with the simulation results. The validity of the simulation model established in this study can be confirmed.
Finally, from the measured result of hardness and metallographic observation of forged part, the influence of forming temperatures on the strength and microstructures of magnesium alloy for bicycle parts under forging process can be evaluated.

摘要I ABSTRACTII 致謝III 目錄IV 符號索引VIII 圖目錄IX 第一章 緒論1 1.1 前言1 1.2 研究動機與目的2 1.3 文獻回顧3 1.4 論文構成5 第二章 鎂合金簡介與鍛造相關之實驗6 2.1 鎂合金的介紹6 2.1.1 鎂合金的特性7 2.1.2 添加不同元素之鎂合金特性9 2.1.3 鎂合金的符號及其意義11 2.1.4 鍛造用鎂及鎂合金13 2.2 鍛造成形加工介紹14 2.2.1 鍛造種類14 2.2.2 可鍛性18 2.2.3鍛造的過程20 2.2.4金屬之溫度與延展性的關係22 2.2.5 鍛造用潤滑劑23 2.2.6 鍛造系統25 2.3 圓柱壓縮實驗27 第三章 鎂合金自行車零件組之模擬分析30 3.1 金屬成形有限元素法分析軟體DEFORM簡介30 3.1.1 有限元素法分析之步驟32 3.2 不同胚料尺寸之模擬分析36 3.3 不同加熱溫度之成形負荷之差異39 3.4沖頭速度對成形負荷之影響41 3.5 不同定剪摩擦因子對成形負荷之影響43 3.6 自行車零件組成形之應力與應變分析46 3.6.1 不同溫度下之應力分佈圖46 3.6.2 不同溫度下之應變分佈圖48 3.7 材料流動觀察50 3.8 自由端面觀察58 第四章 鍛造實驗與驗證62 4.1 熱間鍛造實驗流程62 4.2 實驗設備介紹63 4.3 熱間鍛造模具設計73 4.4 實驗材料83 4.5 自行車零件組之實驗84 4.5.1 鎂合金自行車零件組鍛造之實驗步驟86 4.5.2 實驗成品外型之驗證87 4.5.3 不良成品之探討95 4.5.4 成形負荷之驗證97 4.5.5 自由端面形狀之比較100 4.6 自行車零件組之硬度試驗104 4.6.1 硬度試驗步驟104 4.6.2 硬度試驗結果分析106 4.7 自行車零件組之金相觀察108 4.7.1 金相觀察步驟108 4.7.2 金相觀察110 5.1 結論114 5.2 未來研究方向之建議115 參考文獻116 作者簡介119

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