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研究生: 謝源生
Ian - Sofian Yunus
論文名稱: 利用高選擇性的纖維素生物分子複合物修復鈀汙染水並應用於三氯乙烯的降解
Highly Selective Biomolecule-Cellulose Complexes for Palladium-Polluted Water Remediation and Its Potential Application for Degradation of Trichloroethylene
指導教授: 蔡伸隆
Shen-long Tsai
口試委員: 劉志成
Jhy-chern Liu
Ling Chao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 三氯乙烯纖維素吸收
外文關鍵詞: trichloroethylene, cellulose, palladium, adsorpt
相關次數: 點閱:339下載:0
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本文探討纖維素生物分子複合物(PdBP-CBD-cellulose)對於鈀(II)金屬離子與其他競爭離子在水中的吸附狀況以及之後做為三氯乙烯(TCE)的除氯反應之生物觸媒轉化率。由鈀結合肽(Pd binding peptide)與纖維素結合區域(cellulose binding domain)所組成的融合蛋白質將表達在大腸桿菌中(Escherichia coli),將可以使其結合上纖維素並運用於鈀汙染之水修復上。本研究發現PdBp-CBD-cellulose複合物在寬廣的酸鹼範圍仍具有良好的效用且在pH 3.08下對於鈀的吸附為最佳條件,另外我們也發現了溫度的效應對於鈀的吸附並無太大影響。基於用來描述單層吸附的Langmuir adsorption isotherm,我們得知PdBP-CBD-cellulose對於鈀具有很高的吸附率,最大的吸附值為169.49 mg.g-1。從鈀的移除之動力學發現了其遵守擬二階(pseudo-second order)速率式。PdBP-CBD-cellulose複合物對於鈀的吸附在實驗結果中顯示了良好的重複使用率(reusability)。另外對於選擇率的實驗,我們使用了鉑(Pt)來做吸附的競爭離子,PdBP-CBD-cellulose複合物展現了對於鈀有很高地吸附選擇率。這些實驗結果對於含有不同金屬離子的溶液中的選擇性移除之發展與最佳化是非常重要的。此外,我們將生物法回收的鈀進一步用來當作三氯乙烯之除氯反應的觸媒。利用此生物觸媒0.14 mg 對於146 mg.L-1的三氯乙烯進行脫鹵反應到達完全反應約花費了20分鐘。本研究展示了環保的鈀觸媒之可行性以及其在於三氯乙烯的除氯之應用。

This work examines the adsorption of Pd(II) and other interfering ions in natural waters on PdBP-CBD-cellulose complexes and its conversion to a bioinorganic catalyst for dechlorination of trichloroethylene (TCE). In-frame fusion protein, which is composed of palladium binding peptides (PdBP) and cellulose binding domains (CBD), was expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli) and allowed to bind cellulose for remediation of palladium-polluted water. The adsorption of Pd(II) was best at pH 3.08. The results indicated the wide working pH condition of PdBP-CBD-cellulose complexes and the insignificant effect of temperature on palladium adsorption. Based on the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, it was found that the maximum adsorption capacity of the PdBP-CBD-cellulose was 169.49 mg.g-1 displaying a high adsorption capacity toward Pd(II). The Langmuir adsorption isotherm was applicable to describe the monolayer coverage adsorption processes. Kinetics of the Pd(II) removal was found to follow pseudo-second order rate equation. The results also showed that PdBP-CBD-cellulose omplexes exhibited a good reusability for Pd(II) adsorption. Furthermore, in the presence of Pt(IV), the PdBP-CBD-cellulose complexes still showed highly selective adsorption of palladium ions allowing efficient recovery of Pd(II). These results are important for developing and optimizing the selective removal of different metal ions in mixed solutions by biomolecules-cellulose complexes. In addition, the biorecovered Pd(II) was further used as catalyst for dechlorination of trichloroethylene (TCE). Complete dehalogenation of 146 mg.L-1 TCE was achieved within 20 min using approximately 0.14 mg nanopalladium catalyst. This study demonstrated the possibility of environmentally-friendly production of palladium catalyst and its application for TCE degradation.

摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS iii CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF TABLES xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 Palladium Sources and Markets 4 2.2 Palladium Usage in Automotive Catalytic Converters 6 2.3 Release of Palladium from Autocatalysts into the Environement 7 2.4 Effects of Palladium in Living Organisms 7 2.5 Biosorption Methods for Palladium Recovery 8 2.6 Palladium Adsorption Mechanisms 10 2.7 DNA Recombinant as a Tool for Adsorbent Development 13 2.7.1 Cellulose Binding Domains (CBD) 13 2.7.2 Palladium Binding Peptides (PdBP) 13 2.8 Trichloroethylene (TCE): Sources, Uses, and Environmental Exposure 14 2.9 Methods for TCE Dechlorination 14 2.10 Development of Green Palladium Nanoparticle Biosupported Catalyst from Wastewater 15 CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 16 3.1 Plasmid Constructions 16 3.2 Protein Expression. 17 3.3 Batch Adsorption of Palladium 17 3.4 Recovery and Reuse 19 3.5 Continuous Adsorption of Palladium. 19 3.6 Lemna minor Growth Inhibition Test. 20 3.7 Preparation of Pd Catalyst 21 3.8 Hydrodechlorination of TCE 21 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 23 4.1 Plasmid Construction and Protein Expression 23 4.2 Effect of pH 23 4.3 Effect of temperature 25 4.4 Adsorption Selectivity 25 4.5 Adsorption Kinetics 26 4.6 Adsorption Isotherms 30 4.7 Regeneration/Reuse 32 4.8 Column Adsorption 33 4.9 Lemna Minor Growth Inhibition Test 34 4.10 TCE Dechlorination by Palladium Nanoparticles 36 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS 38 REFERENCES 39

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